Some seismicity may be affected by weather due to wind, tidal surge and air pressure systems effects of  the continental mass compared with adjoining plate masses. During the tropical storm season in the Northern Hemisphere we keep an eye on tropical storms which may affect seismicity according to our models.  Currently the following tropical storms appear to have potential to affect seismicity in the coming week:




No Tropical cyclones are currently active






April 15, 2024  is the sixth day after the beginning of the lunar month.  Regions most likely to experience tidal triggering on this day (With associated magnitude ranges; the percent change in seismicity rate over background seismicity rate on this day of the lunar month;  statistical z-value and significance level) are:


Region          Magnitude range %change  z-value Significance level



Indian Ocean              MB>=4.0    17  2.1  0.05

Kamchatka                 MB>=4.0    35  2.6  0.03



Regions expected to experience reverse triggering (i.e. they are unlikely to experience a significant event at this period of the lunar cycle) are:



Region          Magnitude range %change  z-value Significance level


Global                    MB>=6.0   -17 -2.8  0.02

West Pacific              MB>=4.0   -20 -1.9  0.05

Yellowstone               MB>=0.0   -19 -2.0  0.05

Puerto Rico               MB>=4.0   -17 -1.9  0.05