The strongest earthquake in the world today was an M 5.7 in the Central Mid-Atlantic area. It may have been felt in the epicentral area on board ships. An earthquake of M 5.0 near Kimbe, New Guinea followed 38 minutes later. This New Guinea epicenter is near the antipode of the epicenter in the mid-Atlantic. It occurred as the PPS seismic phase was passing through New Guinea and may have been promoted by antipodal focused energy from the Mid-Atlantic.
Forecast 169359 had expected the Atlantic event was likely in mid-January 2025.
O: 14JAN2025 19:02:05 7.3N 35.4W MW=5.6 EMSC CENTRAL MID-ATLANTIC RIDGE
An aftershock of M 5.3 today followed the M 6.8 of January 13, 2025 in Kyushu, Japan. NEIC reported it was felt with intensity up to III in Miyakonojo, Miyazaki, Japan.
O: 14JAN2025 17:12:39 31.8N 131.7E MW=5.3 EMSC KYUSHU, JAPAN
P: 7FEB2025 169456 31.0N 132.0E 3.5-4.9 CAAAA Kyushu, Japan area
A moderate earthquake occurred off northern Iceland today with M 5.2. It was not reported in this area near Lauger, Iceland. This is a strongly volcanic region and earthquakes of M>=5 occasionally occur with volcanism in this region. The mainshock was followed by at least 300 recorded aftershocks. This is the strongest earthquake within about 200 km of this epicenter in Iceland since an M 5.2 on December 8, 2024 and M 5.3 on April 21, 2024. At the time this summary noted:
"The earthquake of M 5.3 in northeastern Iceland is the largest in that area within about 150 km since a series of moderately large events occurred near this epicenter in August and September, 2014 - a volcanic series which included events of M 5.6 and 5.7 on August 26 and 27, 2014. At the time this summary noted:
"The earthquake of M 5.7 in Iceland is the strongest recorded in that area since an M 5.8 on September 16, 2002, the only other event of this size in Iceland in the past 25 years. It is part of the sub-glacial Bardarbunga volcanic eruption in the central portion of that island. ..." (April 21, 2024)
Note that this event, like today's occurred in close temporal proximity to the full moon. The current full moon occurred about 10 hours after the full moon of January 13 which had been expected to enhance seismicity in Iceland as noted in this and previous issues of this summary as:
"The full moon will arrive on January 13, 2025 at 22:27 UT. Longitudes which are at local solar midnight at this time are located at about 20 East while those at local solar noon are near 160 West. In the east these include most of western Europe and Iceland while in the west areas of the western Aleutians, Alaska, Hawaii, Tonga/Fiji/Kermadec Islands, New Zealand to the Balleny Islands and portions of the Pacific-Antarctic Ridge are included. These are the most likely areas to see significant tidal triggering with this full moon. Other areas may also see tidal promotion in the next week especially at times of large solar flares and near local solar midnight and solar noon. The likelihood of a strong associated earthquake with this full moon are moderate to high." (January 12-14, 2025)
This epicenter is at the fifth node (72 degrees) from the M 7.1 in Tibet of January 7, 2025 and was probably FFA from that source as noted in this summary at the time:
"Node 5 (72 degrees)
Nepal to Iceland, Andreanof, Rat Islands, Northern Australia, New Guinea, New Britain, Portugal" (January 7, 2025)
Forecast 169565 had expected today's activity in Iceland within about 50 km
of this epicenter was likely in early to mid-January, 2025.
O: 14JAN2025 07:47:26 64.4N 17.9W ML=4.0 EMSC ICELAND
O: 14JAN2025 08:05:23 64.7N 17.5W MW=5.2 EMSC ICELAND
P: 7FEB2025 169565 65.0N 17.0W 3.0-4.8 CAAAA Iceland area
Another eruption of Mount Ibu occurred today in Halmahera, Indonesia. This eruption sent ash and smoke as high as four km into the air. Officials said more evacuations are likely. On January 12, this summary remarked on the current eruptions of Ibu as:
"Mount Ibu in Halmahera, eastern Indonesia erupted today with hot lava and ash reaching four kilometers into the sky. The eruption occurred at 11:45 UT on January 11, 2025. No new evacuation orders were in effect, but residents have been warned of continuing eruptions. Ibu is located at 1.5N 127.6E. This epicenter is at 103 degrees from the M 7.1 earthquake off northern California of December 5, 2024 a distance which seismic energy is returned to the earth's surface after reflections and refractions off the core-mantle boundary. Seismicity at this distance from major earthquakes often increase in magnitude following mainshocks near distance of 103 degrees.
An earthquake of M 2.7 occurred today in Virginia. This is the second quake to strike Virginia in as many days. Today's event was felt with intensity up to IV throughout much of the eastern seaboard of the U.S. including in Connecticut, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia, North Carolina, New York, Indiana, Michigan, Missouri, Rhode Island, Alabama, with maximum shaking IV in Glen Allen and Richmond, Virginia, Northfork, West Virginia and Mocksville, North Carolina.
Forecast 169455 had expected this event in Virginia within about 100 km of this epicenter in early January, 2025.
O: 14JAN2025 22:28:52 37.7N 77.6W ML=2.8 EMSC VIRGINIA
P: 6FEB2025 169455 37.0N 77.0W 2.0-3.9 CAAAA Kentucky/Tennessee/NC
Today's earthquake and forecast map follows. Stippled White areas are nodal distances (360/n, n an integer) from the earthquake of M 6.8 in the area of Kyushu, Japan January 13, 2025 where promoted seismicity is considered likely.
Today's projected seismicity map follows for the coming week.
For most events there are two listings. The first line is the observed event starting with "O:" for Observed. There follows the date, month and year, the time in UT hours:minutes:seconds, the latitude and longitude, the given magnitude and the reporting agency followed by the geographic location. The second line starts with "P:" This is the forecast event as forecast in our summaries normally more than a month in advance. Magnitudes may vary in response to updated seismic watches and daily variations due to tidal and other influences. This line has the forecast date, month and year, the forecast number, latitude, longitude and forecast magnitude range. This is followed by a comparison between the forecast and the event. The comparison includes letters A-D. The first is number of days difference from predicted (A:up to 2, B3-5; C:6-10; D:more than 10), Difference in latitude (A:up to 1 degree; B:1-2 degrees; C:2-4 degrees; D:more than 4 degrees); longitude (same comparison as with latitude); magnitude (A: within forecast range; B: higher than forecast range; C: lower than forecast range; D: no comparison possible). The last letter is a stand in for a future comparison which needs to be done statistically after a large number of forecasts have been made. In previous data, an excellent match is generally AAAAA; a good match as one or two B's; a fair match has several B's and C's and a poor match is one which contains a number of C's or D's.
O: 14JAN2025 17:32:55 27.5N 105.4E MB=4.3 EMSC SICHUAN-YUNNAN-GUIZHOU RG, CHI
P: 24JAN2025 169164 27.0N 104.0E 4.0-5.4 CAAAA Myanmar
O: 15JAN2025 02:35:36 70.7N 128.9E MB=4.1 EMSC NORTHWESTERN SAKHA, RUSSIA
O: 15JAN2025 01:31:48 36.7N 70.7E MB=4.3 EMSC HINDU KUSH REGION, AFGHANISTAN
P: 23JAN2025 169191 36.0N 72.0E 3.8-5.2 CAAAA Hindu Kush/Pakistan
O: 14JAN2025 08:44:24 2.3N 94.3E ML=4.2 EMSC OFF W COAST OF NORTHERN SUMATR
P: 5FEB2025 169368 3.0N 94.0E 4.0-5.4 CAAAA Nicobar Islands
O: 15JAN2025 02:08:40 2.8S 141.5E MB=5.0 EMSC NEAR N COAST OF NEW GUINEA, PN
P: 19JAN2025 168852 3.0S 142.0E 4.0-5.6 BAAAA Papua New Guinea
O: 15JAN2025 05:31:38 4.4S 102.9E ML=4.0 EMSC SOUTHERN SUMATRA, INDONESIA
P: 21JAN2025 169116 5.0S 103.0E 4.0-5.4 CAAAA So. of Sumatera
O: 14JAN2025 19:40:24 5.0S 149.7E MB=5.1 EMSC NEW BRITAIN REGION, P.N.G.
P: 6FEB2025 169385 6.0S 149.0E 4.0-5.5 CAAAA New Ireland
O: 14JAN2025 14:37:40 7.4S 129.2E MB=4.4 EMSC KEPULAUAN BABAR, INDONESIA
P: 19JAN2025 168838 6.0S 128.0E 4.0-5.5 BBAAA Banda Sea
O: 14JAN2025 16:16:57 8.9S 118.6E MB=4.9 EMSC SUMBAWA REGION, INDONESIA
P: 5FEB2025 169395 8.0S 118.0E 4.0-5.4 CAAAA Sumbawa Island area
O: 14JAN2025 15:52:34 1.7S 78.0W MB=4.2 EMSC ECUADOR
P: 6FEB2025 169379 2.0S 78.0W 4.0-5.4 CAAAA Ecuador
O: 14JAN2025 19:54:14 13.1N 89.1W ML=4.1 EMSC OFFSHORE EL SALVADOR
P: 21JAN2025 169129 13.0N 89.0W 3.5-5.2 CAAAA Coast of Central America
O: 14JAN2025 11:04:01 14.4N 93.0W ML=4.0 EMSC OFFSHORE CHIAPAS, MEXICO
P: 18JAN2025 168862 14.0N 94.0W 3.5-5.3 BAAAA Chiapas, Mexico
O: 15JAN2025 04:46:50 16.0N 98.9W ML=4.1 EMSC OFFSHORE GUERRERO, MEXICO
P: 8FEB2025 169419 17.0N 99.0W 3.5-5.8 CAAAA Oaxaca, Mexico
O: 14JAN2025 16:40:11 15.4N 94.9W ML=4.1 EMSC OFFSHORE OAXACA, MEXICO
O: 15JAN2025 01:45:17 17.0N 94.9W ML=4.0 EMSC OAXACA, MEXICO
P: 5FEB2025 169401 16.0N 94.0W 3.5-5.3 ACAAA Chiapas, Mexico
O: 14JAN2025 22:42:40 17.6N 61.7W ML=3.5 EMSC BARBUDA, LEEWARD ISLANDS
P: 9FEB2025 169407 16.0N 62.0W 3.0-5.0 BBAAA Leeward Islands
O: 14JAN2025 15:32:02 19.1N 64.5W MD=3.8 EMSC VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
O: 15JAN2025 05:56:56 19.5N 65.7W MD=3.9 EMSC PUERTO RICO REGION
P: 18JAN2025 168870 18.0N 64.0W 3.0-5.3 BBBAA Leeward Islands
O: 14JAN2025 20:40:39 20.8S 65.4W ML=4.3 EMSC CHUQUISACA, BOLIVIA
P: 6FEB2025 169586 24.0S 64.0W 4.0-5.6 CCBAA Argentina
O: 14JAN2025 10:45:10 8.9N 40.1E mb=4.5 EMSC ETHIOPIA
O: 14JAN2025 14:55:57 8.9N 40.0E mb=4.9 EMSC ETHIOPIA
O: 14JAN2025 23:32:40 9.0N 39.8E MB=4.3 EMSC ETHIOPIA
P: 9FEB2025 169404 10.0N 41.0E 3.5-4.9 BAAAA Ethiopia
O: 14JAN2025 14:39:38 73.6N 7.7E MB=3.2 EMSC GREENLAND SEA
P: 2FEB2025 169570 74.0N 14.0E 3.0-4.6 DAAAA Norway
O: 14JAN2025 07:47:26 64.4N 17.9W ML=4.0 EMSC ICELAND
O: 14JAN2025 08:05:23 64.7N 17.5W MW=5.2 EMSC ICELAND
P: 7FEB2025 169565 65.0N 17.0W 3.0-4.8 CAAAA Iceland area
No significant (M>=5) or unusual earthquakes were reported in the Southwest Pacific region today.
O: 14JAN2025 14:09:23 4.5S 105.0W MW=5.2 EMSC CENTRAL EAST PACIFIC RISE
P: 23JAN2025 169110 4.0S 104.0W 4.0-5.6 CAAAA No. East Pacific Rise
O: 14JAN2025 19:02:05 7.3N 35.4W MW=5.6 EMSC CENTRAL MID-ATLANTIC RIDGE
P: 10FEB2025 169359 8.0N 38.0W 4.0-5.6 BACAA Central Mid-Atlantic Ridg
NEIC reported an earthquake of M 2.7 in New South Wales, Australia was felt with intensity up to III in the area(s) of New South Wales, Australia at Muswellbrook.
O: 15JAN2025 04:20:47 30.6S 178.0W MB=5.2 EMSC KERMADEC ISLANDS, NEW ZEALAND
P: 18JAN2025 169071 30.0S 177.0W 4.0-5.5 BAAAA No. Kermadec Islands
O: 14JAN2025 17:12:39 31.8N 131.7E MW=5.3 EMSC KYUSHU, JAPAN
P: 7FEB2025 169456 31.0N 132.0E 3.5-4.9 CAAAA Kyushu, Japan area
O: 14JAN2025 12:44:29 39.4N 142.2E MB=4.3 EMSC NEAR EAST COAST OF HONSHU,
P: 20JAN2025 168931 39.0N 142.0E 4.0-5.4 CAAAA Off East Coast Honshu
O: 15JAN2025 04:56:06 43.4N 147.7E MB=4.4 EMSC KURIL ISLANDS
P: 7FEB2025 169533 45.0N 147.0E 3.5-5.6 CBAAA So. Kurils
O: 15JAN2025 03:04:20 46.3N 152.5E mb=4.6 EMSC KURIL ISLANDS
O: 14JAN2025 07:38:35 45.3N 151.1E MB=4.5 EMSC KURIL ISLANDS
P: 7FEB2025 169533 45.0N 147.0E 3.5-5.6 CACAA So. Kurils
O: 14JAN2025 09:58:34 31.3N 115.3W ML=3.1 EMSC BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO
O: 14JAN2025 09:35:09 31.3N 115.3W ML=3.0 EMSC BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO
P: 20JAN2025 168935 32.1N 116.4W 2.5-4.7 CAAAA So. California
O: 14JAN2025 15:42:56 33.0N 115.7W ML=2.3 EMSC SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA
O: 14JAN2025 13:10:17 33.2N 116.3W ML=2.7 EMSC SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA
P: 18JAN2025 168935 32.8N 116.0W 2.5-4.5 AAAAA So. California
NEIC reported an earthquake of M 2.8 in Southern California was felt with intensity up to II in the area(s) of Southern California at Oceanside, San Diego and Imperial.
O: 15JAN2025 05:09:51 34.4N 116.9W ML=2.6 EMSC SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA
P: 19JAN2025 168942 34.6N 116.7W 2.5-4.8 BAAAA So. California
NEIC reported an earthquake of M 2.6 in Southern California was felt with intensity up to II-III in the area(s) of Southern California at Lucerne Valley, Fontana, and Big Bear City.
O: 14JAN2025 18:29:45 36.7N 121.4W MD=2.1 EMSC CENTRAL CALIFORNIA
P: 18JAN2025 168909 36.7N 121.4W 2.5-4.9 BAAAA Central California
P: 7FEB2025 169447 37.3N 121.6W 2.5-4.7 CAAAA Central California
O: 14JAN2025 19:05:31 38.3N 122.2W MD=2.2 EMSC NORTHERN CALIFORNIA
P: 10FEB2025 169448 38.7N 122.7W 2.5-4.6 BAAAA Central California
O: 14JAN2025 12:24:51 38.5N 118.5W ML=2.6 EMSC NEVADA
P: 20JAN2025 168905 38.3N 119.3W 2.5-4.6 CAAAA California/Nevada area
O: 14JAN2025 18:44:55 38.8N 122.8W MD=2.1 EMSC NORTHERN CALIFORNIA
P: 18JAN2025 168911 38.7N 122.7W 2.5-4.6 BAAAA Central California
O: 15JAN2025 00:19:41 39.5N 119.5W ML=2.0 EMSC NEVADA
P: 18JAN2025 168965 40.2N 119.6W 2.5-4.8 BAAAA California/Nevada area
O: 14JAN2025 17:03:01 41.4N 123.9W MD=2.8 EMSC NORTHERN CALIFORNIA
P: 25JAN2025 169255 40.2N 124.2W 2.5-4.4 CAAAA Off Coast of No. Calif
O: 14JAN2025 14:38:44 53.1N 166.8W ML=3.9 EMSC FOX ISLANDS, ALEUTIAN ISLANDS
P: 19JAN2025 169010 53.5N 165.8W 3.5-5.3 BAAAA Fox Islands, Aleutians
O: 15JAN2025 01:58:33 55.4N 134.9W ML=4.2 EMSC SOUTHEASTERN ALASKA
O: 15JAN2025 01:58:33 55.4N 134.6W MB=4.3 ECAN OF KETCHIKAN, AK
P: 18JAN2025 169006 58.3N 133.5W 3.0-5.0 BCAAA British Colombia
NEIC reported an earthquake of M 4.0 in Southeastern Alaska was felt with intensity up to III in the area(s) of Southeastern Alaska at Craig, II in Petersburg, Sitka, Klawock and Ketchikan.
No events of M>=2 were located in the northwestern U.S. or western Canada today.
O: 15JAN2025 03:59:50 31.7N 104.4W ML=2.0 EMSC WESTERN TEXAS
O: 14JAN2025 07:43:34 31.7N 104.1W ML=2.1 EMSC WESTERN TEXAS
O: 14JAN2025 12:48:52 32.0N 103.8W ML=2.8 EMSC NEW MEXICO
P: 20JAN2025 168934 32.5N 104.6W 2.0-4.4 CAAAA SW U.S.A
O: 15JAN2025 04:18:00 34.5N 97.3W ML=2.3 EMSC OKLAHOMA
P: 18JAN2025 168950 34.0N 96.0W 2.0-4.2 BAAAA Southern Plains
O: 14JAN2025 22:28:52 37.7N 77.6W ML=2.8 EMSC VIRGINIA
P: 6FEB2025 169455 37.0N 77.0W 2.0-3.9 CAAAA Kentucky/Tennessee/NC
No earthquakes of M>=1 were located in the Eastern U.S. or Canada today.
O: 15JAN2025 06:07:56 20.6N 154.9W ML=3.0 EMSC HAWAII REGION, HAWAII
P: 2FEB2025 169427 20.1N 156.1W 4.0-5.6 DAAAA Hawaii area
NEIC reported an earthquake of M 3.0 in Hawaii was felt with intensity up to II in the area(s) of Mountain View.
The strongest earthquake in the world today was an M 5.7 in the Santa Cruz Islands north of Vanuatu. There were no felt reports from this earthquake. The last earthquake in the Santa Cruz Islands within about 200 km of this epicenter with M>=5.7 was an M 5.7 on March 12, 2023. The last of significantly larger magnitude was an M 6.0 on November 25, 2021. At the time this summary noted:
"An M 6.0 was also widely felt in the Solomon and Santa Cruz Islands today. NEIC reported maximum intensity VI was felt in the Solomon Islands at Lala, Temptu and III in Guadalcanal and II in Sola and Luganville, Vanuatu. The mainshock occurred near local solar midnight and may have been promoted by strong tidal stresses. It was followed by a series of moderate aftershocks including those of M 4.9, 4.7 and 4.4 among others. The mainshock of M 6.0 is the strongest earthquake within about 200 km in the Santa Cruz Islands since an M 6.0 on August 20, 2019. The last in the Santa Cruz Islands of larger magnitude was an M 7.0 on July 18, 2015. Last year an M 6.6 hit south of this in northern Vanuatu on May 12, 2020." (November 25, 2021)
Forecast 169311 had expected this earthquake in the Santa Cruz Islands within about 100 km was likely in mid-January, 2025.
O: 15JAN2025 21:37:02 10.8S 165.9E MW=5.7 EMSC SANTA CRUZ ISLANDS
P: 23JAN2025 169311 10.0S 165.0E 4.0-5.4 CAAAA No. of Santa Cruz Islands
BMG reported an earthquake of M 5.1 in Southern Sumatra was felt with intensity up to IV in the area(s) of Southern Sumatra in Kab. Musi Rawas at Tugumulyo, Purwodadi, Sumber Harta; in Kota Lubuk Linggau; Kap Purworejo Groboganand Pasuruan at Purwodadi. Also felt with intensity III in Kab Sarolangun, Lahat, Musi Rawas, Lubuk, Rejand, Lebong, Kapahiand and Tasikmalaya with intensity II throughout much of Sumatra.
This follows an antipodal earthquake of M 5.7 in Colombia of January 11, 2025
Antipodal triggering in Sumatra from that source was described in this summary at the time as:
"This epicenter (in Colombia) is at the exact antipode of an M 5.3 which hit south of Sumatra two days ago and may have been promoted or triggered by that event. Frequent readers of this summary know that two epicenters are antipodal if their latitudes are the same and in opposite hemispheres (6N and 6S in the current pair) and their longitudes add to 180 and are in opposite hemispheres (78W and 102E in the current pair). Further activity in Sumatra near this epicenter is likely in the next several days." (January 11, 2025)
Forecast 168855 had expected this earthquake in southern Sumatra was likely within about 100 km around January 13, 2025.
O: 16JAN2025 01:07:27 3.1S 102.7E MB=4.8 EMSC SOUTHERN SUMATRA, INDONESIA
O: 16JAN2025 01:07:27 3.1S 102.7E MB=5.1 BKG SOUTHERN SUMATRA, INDONESIA
P: 13JAN2025 168855 4.0S 102.0E 4.0-5.4 BAAAA So. of Sumatera
Today's earthquake and forecast map follows. Stippled White areas are nodal distances (360/n, n an integer) from the earthquake of M 6.8 in the area of Kyushu, Japan January 13, 2025 where promoted seismicity is considered likely.
Today's projected seismicity map follows for the coming week.
For most events there are two listings. The first line is the observed event starting with "O:" for Observed. There follows the date, month and year, the time in UT hours:minutes:seconds, the latitude and longitude, the given magnitude and the reporting agency followed by the geographic location. The second line starts with "P:" This is the forecast event as forecast in our summaries normally more than a month in advance. Magnitudes may vary in response to updated seismic watches and daily variations due to tidal and other influences. This line has the forecast date, month and year, the forecast number, latitude, longitude and forecast magnitude range. This is followed by a comparison between the forecast and the event. The comparison includes letters A-D. The first is number of days difference from predicted (A:up to 2, B3-5; C:6-10; D:more than 10), Difference in latitude (A:up to 1 degree; B:1-2 degrees; C:2-4 degrees; D:more than 4 degrees); longitude (same comparison as with latitude); magnitude (A: within forecast range; B: higher than forecast range; C: lower than forecast range; D: no comparison possible). The last letter is a stand in for a future comparison which needs to be done statistically after a large number of forecasts have been made. In previous data, an excellent match is generally AAAAA; a good match as one or two B's; a fair match has several B's and C's and a poor match is one which contains a number of C's or D's.
O: 15JAN2025 19:02:10 22.8N 121.4E ML=4.2 EMSC TAIWAN REGION
P: 14JAN2025 168900 24.0N 121.0E 4.0-5.4 ABAAA Taiwan
O: 16JAN2025 03:20:01 28.6N 87.5E MB=4.9 EMSC WESTERN XIZANG
O: 15JAN2025 20:50:52 29.0N 87.4E mb=4.4 EMSC WESTERN XIZANG
O: 16JAN2025 02:57:22 29.0N 87.5E mb=4.0 EMSC WESTERN XIZANG
O: 16JAN2025 05:18:46 29.0N 87.6E mb=4.1 EMSC WESTERN XIZANG
P: 14JAN2025 168895 28.0N 87.0E 4.0-5.4 AAAAA Myanmar
O: 15JAN2025 14:58:38 29.8N 92.1E MB=4.6 EMSC EASTERN XIZANG
P: 19JAN2025 168960 30.0N 90.0E 3.8-5.2 BABAA Xizang
O: 15JAN2025 18:32:50 36.6N 71.1E MB=4.2 EMSC HINDU KUSH REGION, AFGHANISTAN
P: 12JAN2025 168917 36.0N 71.0E 3.8-5.3 BAAAA Hindu Kush/Pakistan
O: 15JAN2025 23:07:10 38.3N 75.5E MB=4.2 EMSC SOUTHERN XINJIANG, CHINA
P: 16JAN2025 168928 39.0N 78.0E 3.8-5.2 AABAA Northern India
O: 16JAN2025 01:07:27 3.1S 102.7E MB=4.8 EMSC SOUTHERN SUMATRA, INDONESIA
P: 13JAN2025 168855 4.0S 102.0E 4.0-5.4 BAAAA So. of Sumatera
O: 15JAN2025 14:10:22 3.4N 96.7E ML=4.0 EMSC NORTHERN SUMATRA, INDONESIA
P: 17JAN2025 168834 2.0N 95.0E 4.0-5.4 ABBAA Nicobar Islands
O: 15JAN2025 10:05:32 4.9N 127.3E ML=4.0 EMSC KEPULAUAN TALAUD, INDONESIA
P: 18JAN2025 168830 5.0N 128.0E 4.0-5.4 BAAAA Halmahera
O: 16JAN2025 06:14:17 10.1N 126.3E ML=4.2 EMSC PHILIPPINE ISLANDS REGION
P: 19JAN2025 168871 11.0N 126.0E 3.5-4.9 BAAAA Luzon, Philippines
O: 15JAN2025 22:51:32 10.1S 119.4E ML=4.2 EMSC SUMBA REGION, INDONESIA
P: 14JAN2025 169048 11.0S 118.0E 4.0-5.5 AABAA So. of Indonesia
O: 15JAN2025 19:16:46 13.1N 124.2E ML=4.1 EMSC CATANDUANES, PHILIPPINES
P: 15JAN2025 168871 13.0N 126.0E 3.5-4.9 AABAA Luzon, Philippines
O: 16JAN2025 03:09:31 10.4N 125.1E ML=4.1 EMSC LEYTE, PHILIPPINES
O: 15JAN2025 18:03:22 11.6N 124.5E MB=5.0 EMSC LEYTE, PHILIPPINES
P: 19JAN2025 168871 11.0N 126.0E 3.5-4.9 BABAA Luzon, Philippines
NEIC reported an earthquake of M 5.0 in Leyte, Philippines was felt with intensity up to V in the area(s) of Leyte, Philippines at San Isidro and IV in Palarao, Eastern Visayas with II in the Visayas at Logan, Tangke, Naga, Cebu and Tugbong.
O: 15JAN2025 15:48:33 16.2N 97.6W ML=4.1 EMSC OAXACA, MEXICO
P: 16JAN2025 168879 16.0N 96.0W 3.5-5.4 AABAA Oaxaca, Mexico
O: 15JAN2025 18:47:08 18.3N 73.9W ML=3.2 EMSC HAITI REGION
P: 11JAN2025 168886 20.0N 72.0W 3.0-4.5 BBBAA Bahamas/No. Caribbean
O: 15JAN2025 18:24:14 18.5N 103.3W ML=4.0 EMSC MICHOACAN, MEXICO
O: 15JAN2025 08:46:42 18.5N 103.4W ML=4.2 EMSC MICHOACAN, MEXICO
P: 15JAN2025 168875 19.0N 104.0W 3.5-5.3 AAAAA Michoacan, Mexico
O: 15JAN2025 08:16:53 19.5N 68.8W MD=3.9 EMSC DOMINICAN REPUBLIC REGION
P: 16JAN2025 168881 18.0N 68.0W 3.4-5.3 ABAAA Puerto Rico
O: 15JAN2025 15:06:31 24.7S 69.3W ML=4.1 EMSC ANTOFAGASTA, CHILE
O: 15JAN2025 10:49:33 22.9S 70.0W ML=4.3 EMSC ANTOFAGASTA, CHILE
P: 13JAN2025 169057 21.0S 69.0W 4.0-5.6 ABAAA Coast No. Chile
P: 15JAN2025 168828 9.0N 83.0W 3.5-5.1 AAAAA Costa Rica
O: 16JAN2025 02:17:43 9.1N 40.0E mb=4.4 EMSC ETHIOPIA
O: 16JAN2025 02:36:52 8.6N 40.1E MB=4.5 EMSC ETHIOPIA
P: 16JAN2025 168865 9.0N 40.0E 3.5-5.2 AAAAA Ethiopia
O: 15JAN2025 11:15:54 36.4N 29.0E ML=2.9 EMSC DODECANESE IS.-TURKEY BORDER R
P: 16JAN2025 168952 36.0N 28.0E 3.5-5.5 AAAAA Turkey
O: 15JAN2025 21:37:02 10.8S 165.9E MW=5.7 EMSC SANTA CRUZ ISLANDS
P: 23JAN2025 169311 10.0S 165.0E 4.0-5.4 CAAAA No. of Santa Cruz Islands
O: 15JAN2025 20:04:35 23.0S 178.9W MB=4.7 EMSC SOUTH OF FIJI ISLANDS
P: 15JAN2025 169065 24.0S 178.0W 4.0-5.4 AAAAA Tonga Islands
O: 15JAN2025 07:32:22 17.4S 168.1E MW=5.0 EMSC VANUATU
P: 14JAN2025 169053 17.0S 168.0E 4.0-5.6 AAAAA Vanuatu Islands
NEIC reported an earthquake of M 5.0 in Vanuatu was felt with intensity up to III in the area(s) of Vanuatu at Vila Shefa.
O: 16JAN2025 05:49:59 5.8S 70.3E MB=4.8 EMSC CHAGOS ARCHIPELAGO REGION
P: 16JAN2025 168844 3.0S 68.0E 4.0-5.8 ACBAA Indian Ocean
P: 14JAN2025 169084 56.0S 26.0W 4.0-6.0 AABAA So. Sandwich Islands
No earthquakes of M>=4 were recorded in the regions of Zealandia or Australia
O: 15JAN2025 19:22:02 28.7N 130.1E MB=4.9 EMSC RYUKYU ISLANDS, JAPAN
P: 15JAN2025 168892 29.0N 130.0E 4.0-5.4 AAAAA Kyushu Japan
O: 16JAN2025 00:07:27 34.6N 140.0E MB=4.5 EMSC NEAR S. COAST OF HONSHU,
P: 15JAN2025 168929 34.0N 142.0E 4.0-5.7 AABAA Off East Coast Honshu
O: 15JAN2025 22:38:22 41.6N 142.1E MW=4.8 EMSC HOKKAIDO, JAPAN REGION
P: 14JAN2025 168970 41.0N 144.0E 3.5-5.8 AABAA Hokkaido, Japan
O: 15JAN2025 09:24:42 43.2N 143.8E ML=4.0 EMSC HOKKAIDO, JAPAN REGION
P: 16JAN2025 168970 43.0N 144.0E 3.5-5.6 AAAAA Hokkaido, Japan
O: 15JAN2025 14:12:37 45.3N 151.3E MB=4.9 EMSC KURIL ISLANDS
P: 16JAN2025 168993 46.0N 153.0E 3.5-5.6 AABAA So. Kurils
O: 16JAN2025 01:01:27 48.8N 153.5E MB=4.3 EMSC KURIL ISLANDS
O: 15JAN2025 12:06:46 49.0N 150.4E MB=4.3 EMSC NORTHWEST OF KURIL ISLANDS
P: 12JAN2025 168994 48.0N 147.0E 3.5-5.4 BABAA So. Kurils
O: 15JAN2025 14:16:19 31.2N 116.4W ML=3.0 EMSC OFFSHORE BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXI
P: 20JAN2025 168935 32.1N 116.4W 2.5-4.7 BAAAA So. California
O: 15JAN2025 09:50:37 31.6N 114.4W ML=3.5 EMSC GULF OF CALIFORNIA
P: 23JAN2025 169208 31.2N 114.8W 2.0-4.3 CAAAA SW U.S.A
O: 15JAN2025 15:44:41 31.9N 115.7W ML=2.2 EMSC BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO
O: 15JAN2025 18:18:11 32.5N 115.2W ML=2.0 EMSC BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO
P: 18JAN2025 168935 32.8N 116.0W 2.5-4.5 BAAAA So. California
O: 15JAN2025 20:05:10 33.2N 116.0W ML=2.4 EMSC SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA
O: 16JAN2025 05:12:17 33.8N 116.1W ML=2.3 EMSC SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA
O: 15JAN2025 14:03:58 33.2N 116.0W ML=3.0 EMSC SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA
P: 14JAN2025 168937 33.7N 116.1W 2.5-4.8 AAAAA So. California
NEIC reported an earthquake of M 3.0 in Southern California was felt with intensity up to III in the area(s) of Southern California at Borrego Springs, Redlands and II in Imperial Beach, Ramona, La Quinta, Rancho Mirage and Thermal.
O: 15JAN2025 13:53:24 35.1N 119.2W ML=2.5 EMSC CENTRAL CALIFORNIA
P: 15JAN2025 168943 35.0N 119.2W 2.5-4.8 AAAAA So. California
O: 15JAN2025 14:50:18 35.5N 118.4W ML=2.7 EMSC CENTRAL CALIFORNIA
P: 14JAN2025 168945 35.6N 118.4W 2.5-4.7 AAAAA So. California
NEIC reported an earthquake of M 2.7 in Central California was felt with intensity up to II in the area(s) of Central California at Caliente.
O: 15JAN2025 23:07:47 38.0N 122.0W MD=2.0 EMSC SAN FRANCISCO BAY AREA, CALIF.
O: 15JAN2025 18:49:22 38.1N 122.2W MD=2.0 EMSC SAN FRANCISCO BAY AREA, CALIF.
P: 14JAN2025 168911 38.5N 122.7W 2.5-4.6 AAAAA Central California
O: 15JAN2025 15:23:51 38.4N 115.8W ML=2.3 EMSC NEVADA
P: 12JAN2025 168906 38.7N 115.4W 2.5-4.6 BAAAA California/Nevada area
O: 15JAN2025 20:41:27 41.4N 123.9W MD=2.6 EMSC NORTHERN CALIFORNIA
P: 14JAN2025 168983 40.7N 124.6W 2.5-4.4 AAAAA Off Coast of No. Calif
O: 15JAN2025 07:22:53 41.9N 119.6W ML=2.2 EMSC NEVADA
P: 14JAN2025 168965 41.3N 118.7W 2.5-5.0 AAAAA California/Nevada area
O: 16JAN2025 00:27:24 51.2N 179.7E ML=3.7 EMSC RAT ISLANDS, ALEUTIAN ISLANDS
P: 17JAN2025 169018 51.0N 177.0E 4.0-5.7 AABAA Rat Islands
O: 15JAN2025 20:20:23 61.3N 150.4W ML=3.0 EMSC SOUTHERN ALASKA
P: 16JAN2025 169028 61.0N 151.4W 3.2-4.9 AAAAA Central Alaska
NEIC reported an earthquake of M 3.0 in Southern Alaska was felt with intensity up to II-III in the area(s) of Southern Alaska at Anchorage and Tyonek.
O: 16JAN2025 04:42:28 69.6N 144.2W ML=4.0 EMSC NORTHERN ALASKA
No events of M>=2 were located in the northwestern U.S. or western Canada today.
O: 15JAN2025 18:49:53 31.6N 104.5W ML=2.0 EMSC WESTERN TEXAS
O: 15JAN2025 21:08:57 31.6N 104.5W ML=2.3 EMSC WESTERN TEXAS
O: 15JAN2025 21:17:02 31.6N 104.5W ML=2.3 EMSC WESTERN TEXAS
O: 16JAN2025 02:39:06 31.6N 104.5W ML=2.3 EMSC WESTERN TEXAS
O: 15JAN2025 19:27:48 31.7N 104.4W ML=2.2 EMSC WESTERN TEXAS
O: 15JAN2025 08:40:28 31.6N 104.0W ML=2.0 EMSC WESTERN TEXAS
P: 15JAN2025 168934 31.5N 103.6W 2.0-4.4 AAAAA SW U.S.A
O: 15JAN2025 17:01:00 32.4N 101.4W ML=2.1 EMSC WESTERN TEXAS
O: 15JAN2025 08:11:14 32.4N 102.1W ML=2.0 EMSC WESTERN TEXAS
P: 15JAN2025 168934 31.5N 103.6W 2.0-4.4 AABAA SW U.S.A
O: 15JAN2025 08:58:36 43.4N 110.9W ML=2.0 EMSC WYOMING
P: 14JAN2025 168998 43.2N 111.0W 2.0-4.1 AAAAA Yellowstone/Wyoming
O: 15JAN2025 07:50:28 37.7N 77.6W MD=2.2 EMSC VIRGINIA
P: 14JAN2025 168919 37.0N 77.0W 2.0-4.1 AAAAA Kentucky/Tennessee/NC
EMSC reported an earthquake of M 2.2 in Virginia was felt with moderate intensity up to II-III in the area(s) of Virginia at Glen Allen, Henrico, Short Pump.
O: 15JAN2025 08:49:12 45.9N 74.8W MB=1.7 ECAN OF NAMUR, QC
P: 16JAN2025 168979 44.0N 74.0W 2.0-4.1 ABAAA New York State
O: 15JAN2025 05:13:59 49.2N 76.2W MB=2.2 ECAN OF LANGLOIS MINE, QC
P: 27JAN2025 169251 47.0N 76.0W 2.0-3.9 CCAAA New York State
No earthquakes of M>=3 were located in Hawaii.