The strongest earthquake in the world today was an M 6.2 in Papua New Guinea. NEIC reported it was felt with damage with intensity VII in Angoram, East Sepik, PNG. This earthquake occurred near local solar noon with the new moon and was likely promoted by tidal stresses with that alignment. This summary had expected maximum tidal stress with this new moon in previous issues as:


"The New Moon  arrived at 01:55 UT on September 3, 2024. Longitudes which will be at local solar midnight at this time are near 30 West while those at local solar noon are near 150 East. These zones include the central Atlantic and Iceland and western Europe in the west and the Kuril Islands, Japan and portions of eastern Indonesia and the Vanuatu Islands in the east. These areas are the most likely to see tidal triggering in the next week. Such events often occur near local solar midnight and noon. A major earthquake is considered likely with this new moon in the 10 days." (September 1-4, 2024)


This is the strongest regional aftershock of an M 6.9 on March 23, 2024 about 150 km southwest of today's epicenter. An M 6.5 hit close to today's epicenter on November 27, 2023. At the time this summary noted:



"The strongest earthquake in the world today was an M 6.5 in Papua New Guinea. NEIC reported it was felt with intensity up to VII in Wewak, P.N.G. It was probably felt in the epicentral area. This is the strongest earthquake in Papua New Guinea since an M 7.0 about 200 km northwest of today's event on April 2, 2023. Earthquakes of M6.5 and larger have occurred in the past 20 years with M 6.5 on April 22, 2004, July 31, 2011, April 16, 2013 and November 7, 2017.

At the time of the event of M 7.0 on April 2, 2023 this summary noted:



"The last earthquake of M>=6 in this area of Papua was an M 6.0 on January 18, 2020. but no earthquake larger size than this have been recorded in this area since an M 6.7 on January 10, 2002. ...  This epicenter is at 103 degrees from the mainshocks in Turkey and was probably promoted by energy from those sources." (February 9, 2023)




The last earthquake of M>=7.0 within about 200 km of today's epicenter occurred as an M 7.2 on September 8, 2002 and an M 7.0 on July 17, 1998, the only such regional events in the past 35 years." (April 3, 2023, November 27, 2023)


Forecast 165858 had expected a strong earthquake at this time was likely in New Guinea around September 5. This epicenter is at 103 degrees from the M 6.7 earthquake south of Africa of July 10, 2024 and was probably promoted by energy from  this source.


O:  5SEP2024 01:03:17   3.5S  144.2E MW=6.2  EMSC   NEAR N COAST OF NEW GUINEA, PN

P:  5SEP2024 165858     3.0S  141.0E 4.0-5.4 AACAA  Papua New Guinea            

P:  7SEP2024 165858     7.0S  144.0E 4.0-5.4 ACAAA  Papua New Guinea           


The strongest earthquake in the U.S. or Canada today was an M 4.0 in the Andreanof Islands, Aleutians, Alaska. It was not reported felt in the epicentral area. The last earthquake of larger magnitude in the western Andreanof Islands within about 200 km of this epicenter occurred as an M 5.0 on February 29, 2024. At the time this summary noted:



"The strongest earthquake in the U.S. or Canada today was an M 5.0 in the western Andreanof Islands, Aleutians, Alaska. It was not reported felt in this remote area. It occurred near local solar midnight and may have been promoted by tidal stresses which maximize near this hour. The last earthquake in the Andreanof Islands with M>-5 was an M 6.1 on December 21, 2023. At the time this summary noted:



"The last earthquake in the Andreanof Islands of M>=6.7 was an M 7.0 on August 30, 2013. An earthquake of M 6.4 last occurred in the area on August 15, 2018 and September 4, 2013. At the time of the M 6.4 on August 15, 2018 this summary noted:


"The M 6.6 in the Andreanof Islands is the strongest in the U.S. since the M 6.9 in Hawaii of May 4, 2018 and the strongest in Alaska since the M 7.9 in the Gulf of Alaska of January 23, 2018. Earthquakes of M>=6.6 have hit the region of the western Andreanof Islands on three occasions since 1990 - an M 6.6 on May 2, 2008; an M 6.9 on March 20, 1999 and events of M 7.9 and 7.3 on June 10, 1996." (August 15, 2018, October 16, 2023, December 21, 2023, February 29, 2024)


Forecast 165752 and 166024 had expected today's event within about 100 km was likely in late August or early September, 2024.


O:  4SEP2024 21:41:46  51.4N  179.6W ML=4.0  EMSC   ANDREANOF ISLANDS, ALEUTIAN IS

P:  9SEP2024 166024    52.1N  180.0W 3.5-4.9 BAAAA  Andreanoff Isls, Aleutians 

P: 30AUG2024 165752    50.5N  179.8W 3.5-4.9 BAAAA  Andreanoff Isls, Aleutians 



For most events there are two listings. The first line is the observed event starting with "O:" for Observed. There follows the date, month and year, the time in UT hours:minutes:seconds, the latitude and longitude, the given magnitude and the reporting agency followed by the geographic location. The second line starts with "P:" This is the forecast event as forecast in our summaries normally more than a month in advance. Magnitudes may vary in response to updated seismic watches and daily variations due to tidal and other influences. This line has the forecast date, month and year, the forecast number, latitude, longitude and forecast magnitude range.  This is followed by a comparison between the forecast and the event. The comparison includes letters A-D. The first is number of days difference from predicted (A:up to 2, B3-5; C:6-10; D:more than 10), Difference in latitude (A:up to 1 degree; B:1-2 degrees; C:2-4 degrees; D:more than 4 degrees); longitude (same comparison as with latitude); magnitude (A: within forecast range; B: higher than forecast range; C: lower than forecast range; D: no comparison possible). The last letter is a stand in for a future comparison which needs to be done statistically after a large number of forecasts have been made. In previous data, an excellent match is generally AAAAA; a good match as one or two B's; a fair match has several B's and C's and a poor match is one which contains a number of C's or D's. 




O:  4SEP2024 10:43:19  39.7N   72.8E MB=4.2  EMSC   KYRGYZSTAN                   

P:  8SEP2024 165934    39.0N   71.0E 3.8-5.4 BABAA  Hindu Kush/Pakistan        


O:  4SEP2024 07:53:57  53.1N  159.8E MB=4.4  EMSC   NEAR EAST COAST OF KAMCHATKA 

P:  3SEP2024 166029    52.0N  160.0E 4.0-5.4 ABAAA  E. of Kamchatka            




O:  5SEP2024 01:03:17   3.5S  144.2E MW=6.2  EMSC   NEAR N COAST OF NEW GUINEA, PN

P:  5SEP2024 165858     3.0S  141.0E 4.0-5.4 AACAA  Papua New Guinea           

P:  7SEP2024 165858     7.0S  144.0E 4.0-5.4 ACAAA  Papua New Guinea           


O:  5SEP2024 05:28:07   4.4N   96.6E ML=4.0  EMSC   NORTHERN SUMATRA, INDONESIA  

P:  2SEP2024 165845     5.0N   96.0E 4.0-5.8 BAAAA  Nicobar Islands            


O:  4SEP2024 14:32:35   6.9S  155.8E MB=4.7  EMSC   BOUGAINVILLE REGION, P.N.G.  

P:  7SEP2024 165863     6.0S  155.0E 4.0-5.5 BAAAA  Solomon Islands            


O:  4SEP2024 09:40:46   7.6S  126.5E MB=5.0  EMSC   KEPULAUAN BARAT DAYA, INDONESI

P:  5SEP2024 165849     7.0S  127.0E 4.0-5.4 AAAAA  Banda Sea                  


O:  4SEP2024 22:28:54   8.7S  122.3E ML=4.4  EMSC   FLORES REGION, INDONESIA     

P:  4SEP2024 166065    10.0S  124.0E 4.0-5.5 ABBAA  Flores Island area         


O: 05SEP2024 06:28:33   0.4S  123.3E ML=4.4  EMSC   SULAWESI, INDONESIA

O:  5SEP2024 04:31:32   0.2S  124.6E MB=5.1  EMSC   MOLUCCA SEA                  

P:  2SEP2024 165842     0.0N  124.0E 4.0-5.6 BAAAA  Mindanao, Philippines      




O: 04SEP2024 16:39:25   5.2N   82.6W mb=4.8  EMSC   SOUTH OF PANAMA

O: 04SEP2024 17:30:46   5.3N   82.6W Mw=4.8  EMSC   SOUTH OF PANAMA

O:  5SEP2024 05:27:00   4.7N   82.7W MW=4.9  EMSC   SOUTH OF PANAMA              

P:  3SEP2024 165837     4.0N   83.0W 4.0-5.5 AAAAA  Ecuador                    


O:  4SEP2024 14:47:31   1.6S   80.3W ML=4.2  EMSC   NEAR COAST OF ECUADOR         

P:  5SEP2024 165852     2.0S   78.0W 4.0-5.8 AABAA  Ecuador                    


O:  5SEP2024 02:11:00  13.4N   89.8W ML=4.2  EMSC   OFFSHORE EL SALVADOR         

P:  3SEP2024 165872    13.0N   89.0W 3.5-5.5 AAAAA  Coast of Central America   


EMSC reported this earthquake of M 4.2 in El Salvador was felt with intensity up to IV in the area(s) of El Salvador at San Salvador.


O:  4SEP2024 14:44:20  16.6S   72.8W MB=4.0  EMSC   NEAR COAST OF SOUTHERN PERU  

P:  4SEP2024 166070    16.0S   73.0W 4.0-5.6 AAAAA  So. Peru/Bolivia           


NEIC reported this earthquake of M 4.0 in southern Peru was felt with intensity up to II in the area(s) of southern Peru at Arequipa.


O: 05SEP2024 05:43:29  16.8N  100.1W ML=4.1  EMSC   OFFSHORE GUERRERO, MEXICO

O:  5SEP2024 01:38:42  17.4N  101.5W ML=4.3  EMSC   OFFSHORE GUERRERO, MEXICO    

P:  4SEP2024 165886    18.0N  102.0W 3.5-5.1 AAAAA  Michoacan, Mexico          

P:  6SEP2024 165886    18.0N  101.0W 3.5-5.4 AAAAA  Michoacan, Mexico          


O:  5SEP2024 03:36:31  17.7N   67.5W MD=3.3  EMSC   PUERTO RICO REGION           

P:  1SEP2024 165895    18.0N   67.0W 3.4-5.3 BAAAA  Puerto Rico                


O:  4SEP2024 17:28:05  18.7N  101.4W ML=4.0  EMSC   MICHOACAN, MEXICO            

P:  3SEP2024 165886    19.0N  101.0W 3.5-5.3 AAAAA  Michoacan, Mexico          


O:  5SEP2024 06:11:53  18.9N   67.3W MD=3.4  EMSC   PUERTO RICO REGION           

P:  1SEP2024 165895    18.0N   67.0W 3.4-5.3 BAAAA  Puerto Rico                


O:  5SEP2024 05:45:26  19.1N   64.1W MD=3.6  EMSC   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION        

P:  5SEP2024 165900    20.0N   64.0W 3.0-4.6 AAAAA  Bahamas/No. Caribbean      


O:  4SEP2024 14:57:44  19.5N   70.3W ML=3.0  EMSC   DOMINICAN REPUBLIC           

P:  5SEP2024 165902    20.0N   71.0W 3.0-4.9 AAAAA  Bahamas/No. Caribbean      


O:  4SEP2024 18:11:24  21.1S   69.0W MB=4.1  EMSC   TARAPACA, CHILE              

P:  3SEP2024 166082    21.0S   69.0W 4.0-5.7 AAAAA  Coast No. Chile            




O:  5SEP2024 06:45:36  39.6N   48.4E MB=4.3  EMSC   AZERBAIJAN                   

P:  1SEP2024 165986    40.0N   50.0E 4.0-5.4 BAAAA  Kazakhstan                 


O:  4SEP2024 07:09:46  43.1N   45.9E MB=3.9  EMSC   CAUCASUS REGION, RUSSIA      

P: 10SEP2024 165980    43.0N   44.0E 3.5-4.9 CABAA  Caucasus/Caspian Sea       


No significant (M>=5) or unusual earthquakes were reported in Europe today.




O:  4SEP2024 19:09:18  10.8S  165.9E MW=5.3  EMSC   SANTA CRUZ ISLANDS           

P:  7SEP2024 166075    11.0S  163.0E 4.0-5.5 BACAA  Vanuatu Islands            




No significant (M>=5) or unusual earthquakes were reported on Ocean Ridges today.





O:  5SEP2024 06:52:18  39.7S  173.6E ML=4.1  EMSC   OFF W. COAST OF N. ISLAND, N.Z

P:  4SEP2024 166105    40.0S  176.0E 3.0-4.6 AABAA  North Island, N.Z.         




O:  4SEP2024 09:49:30  37.8N  141.8E ML=4.0  EMSC   NEAR EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAP

P:  4SEP2024 165949    38.0N  142.0E 4.0-5.4 AAAAA  Off East Coast Honshu      


O:  5SEP2024 02:57:03  48.4N  154.5E MB=4.5  EMSC   KURIL ISLANDS                

P:  5SEP2024 166015    48.0N  153.0E 3.5-5.6 AAAAA  So. Kurils                 








O:  4SEP2024 21:38:25  31.4N  115.3W ML=3.3  EMSC   BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO      

P:  5SEP2024 165954    31.8N  116.3W 2.5-4.6 AAAAA  So. California             


O:  4SEP2024 11:13:25  38.3N  119.5W MD=2.0  EMSC   CENTRAL CALIFORNIA           

P:  7SEP2024 165921    38.8N  119.6W 2.5-4.9 BAAAA  California/Nevada area     

P: 28AUG2024 165653    38.3N  119.3W 2.5-4.9 CAAAA  California/Nevada area     


O:  4SEP2024 07:00:54  38.7N  122.8W MD=2.2  EMSC   NORTHERN CALIFORNIA          

P:  7SEP2024 165926    38.9N  122.8W 2.5-4.6 BAAAA  Central California         


O: 05SEP2024 04:48:14  36.7N  121.3W MD=2.8  EMSC   CENTRAL CALIFORNIA

O: 04SEP2024 15:54:51  36.8N  121.3W MD=2.4  EMSC   CENTRAL CALIFORNIA

O:  4SEP2024 18:56:22  36.7N  121.3W MD=2.6  EMSC   CENTRAL CALIFORNIA           

P:  6SEP2024 165923    36.7N  121.4W 2.5-4.8 AAAAA  Central California         


NEIC reported this earthquake of M 2.8 in Central California was felt with intensity up to IV in the area(s) of Central California in Hollister, Salinas, Paicines and Yosemite.


O: 04SEP2024 11:19:06  37.7N  117.1W ML=2.0  EMSC   NEVADA

O: 04SEP2024 17:35:42  37.7N  117.1W ML=2.1  EMSC   NEVADA

O: 04SEP2024 20:24:12  37.7N  117.1W ML=2.6  EMSC   NEVADA

O: 04SEP2024 21:31:11  37.7N  117.1W ML=3.1  EMSC   NEVADA

O: 04SEP2024 21:47:33  37.7N  117.1W ML=2.2  EMSC   NEVADA

O: 05SEP2024 04:49:33  37.7N  117.1W ML=2.6  EMSC   NEVADA

O: 04SEP2024 21:30:36  37.8N  117.1W ML=3.0  EMSC   NEVADA

O: 05SEP2024 02:55:33  37.8N  117.1W ML=2.1  EMSC   NEVADA

O:  4SEP2024 10:04:53  37.7N  117.1W ML=2.0  EMSC   NEVADA                       

P:  6SEP2024 165919    37.1N  117.8W 2.5-4.8 AAAAA  California/Nevada area     




O:  4SEP2024 21:41:46  51.4N  179.6W ML=4.0  EMSC   ANDREANOF ISLANDS, ALEUTIAN IS

P:  9SEP2024 166024    52.1N  180.0W 3.5-4.9 BAAAA  Andreanoff Isls, Aleutians 

P: 30AUG2024 165752    50.5N  179.8W 3.5-4.9 BAAAA  Andreanoff Isls, Aleutians 


O:  5SEP2024 01:46:36  61.5N  149.9W ML=3.1  EMSC   SOUTHERN ALASKA              

P:  3SEP2024 166047    60.5N  151.5W 3.2-5.3 AAAAA  Central Alaska             


NEIC reported this earthquake of M 3.1 in Southern Alaska was felt with intensity up to II-III in the area(s) of Southern Alaska at Anchorage, Elmendorf AFB, Chugiak, Eagle River and Wasilla.




O:  4SEP2024 15:32:26  48.6N  128.9W MB=3.6  ECAN OF PORT HARDY, BC              

P:  3SEP2024 166017    47.9N  129.1W 2.8-5.2 AAAAA  Vancouver Island area      




O: 04SEP2024 20:55:34  31.9N  103.5W ML=2.1  EMSC   WESTERN TEXAS

O: 04SEP2024 22:47:13  31.9N  103.5W ML=2.2  EMSC   WESTERN TEXAS

O: 05SEP2024 07:02:25  31.9N  103.5W ML=2.0  EMSC   WESTERN TEXAS

O: 05SEP2024 04:29:10  32.0N  103.8W ML=2.2  EMSC   WESTERN TEXAS

O:  4SEP2024 21:18:55  31.6N  104.0W ML=2.8  EMSC   WESTERN TEXAS                

P:  5SEP2024 165952    32.6N  104.6W 2.0-3.9 AAAAA  SW U.S.A                   


O:  4SEP2024 09:35:14  46.8N  111.6W ML=2.3  EMSC   WESTERN MONTANA              

P:  1SEP2024 166022    46.4N  111.4W 2.0-4.1 BAAAA  Yellowstone/Wyoming        


O:  4SEP2024 14:15:43  37.6N  113.1W ML=2.1  EMSC   UTAH                         

P:  2SEP2024 165940    37.3N  114.9W 2.5-4.8 AABAA  Nevada area                




O:  4SEP2024 11:50:32  49.6N   66.4W MB=1.7  ECAN OF PORT-CARTIER, QC            

P: 26AUG2024 165720    49.0N   66.0W 2.0-4.2 CAAAA  E. of Maine                


O:  4SEP2024 07:02:01  28.5N   98.5W ML=2.0  EMSC   SOUTHERN TEXAS               

P:  7SEP2024 165911    28.0N   98.0W 3.0-4.7 BAAAA  Northern Mexico            




O:  4SEP2024 16:53:44  19.4N  155.2W ML=3.5  EMSC   ISLAND OF HAWAII, HAWAII     

P:  3SEP2024 165879    19.3N  155.1W 3.0-4.4 AAAAA  Hawaii                     


NEIC reported this earthquake of M 3.5 in Hawaii was felt with intensity up to III in the area(s) of Hawaii at Volcano, Hawaii National Park and Pahoa.








The strongest earthquake felt in the world today occurred with M 5.4 in Central Luzon, Philippines. NEIC reported this earthquake of M 5.3 in Luzon, Philippines was felt with intensity up to IV in the area(s) of Luzon, Philippines in Bicol at Daet and Basud and in Tagalog at Lucena, Palestina, Cainta, Taytay, Malanday, and in Manila and Mariveles, Luzon. EMSC reported strong shaking in the central Philippines in Hondagua Lopez, Cainta, Quezon City, Taguig City, Antipolo, Bacoor and Paranaque City among others. PHIVOLCS reported intensity V in Quezon at Jomalig and Polillo, IV in Quezon at Burdeos, Panukulan and Patnanungan and Camarines Norte at Parascale, Santa Elena and Vinzons and III in other areas of Quezon, Camarines Norte; City of Taguig and Pateros Quezon City. Lesser shaking was reported in Camarines Sur, City of Angels and the City of Caloocan and Pasig. An aftershock of M 5.0 was reported by NEIC to have been felt with intensity II-III in the Philippines at Manila and in Taytay, Rizal, Tagalog. It is likely that this activity was promoted by landfall in the region today of Tropical Storm Yagi as proposed in previous issues of this summary:


"TC YAGI (12W) formed today east of Leyte and Samar, Philippines with winds up to 55 kts. This system is currently located at 16N 122E with winds up to 55 kts and heading to the west. Landfall in the central Philippines could bring enhanced seismicity to that area of the Philippines.




TS YAGI (12W) continued today east of northern Luzon Philippines with winds up to 70 kts. This system is currently located at 19N 120E with winds up to 70 kts and heading to the west. Landfall in the central and northern Philippines could bring enhanced seismicity to that area of the Philippines. It is then likely to reach typhoon levels as it moves into eastern China." (September 2-3, 2024)


The last earthquake in Luzon within about 200 km of today's epicenter with M>=5.3

 was an M 5.2 on January 16, 2023 south of today's epicenter but the last event of larger magnitude was an M 5.5 on December 25, 2020. At that time this summary noted:



"The strongest earthquake in the world today was an M 5.4-5.5 in Luzon, Philippines. It appears to be a regional aftershock of the M 6.3 which hit Mindoro, Philippines yesterday. Today's event was reported felt with intensity V in Aurora, San Francisco, Quezon, Southern Tagalog and III in Boac and Baguio, Cordillera. The last earthquake of M>=5.5 within about 150 km of this epicenter was an M 5.7 on November 5, 2010 more than 10 years ago. An M 5.6 hit about 150 km southeast of this on March 5, 2012." (December 25, 2020)


Forecast 165883 had expected a moderate earthquake in this area was likely around September 4, 2024.


O: 03SEP2024 23:55:49  14.9N  122.6E mb=5.0  EMSC   LUZON, PHILIPPINES

O:  3SEP2024 23:16:47  14.9N  122.6E MW=5.3  EMSC   LUZON, PHILIPPINES           

P:  4SEP2024 165883    13.0N  124.0E 3.5-4.9 ABBAA  Luzon, Philippines         


An earthquake of M 4.9 was also widely felt in Cyprus today. NEIC reported maximum intensity V in Cyprus at Kissonerga with IV in Chlorakas, Lempa, Koloni, Konia, Kouklia and II-III in Malia, Lemesos, Kato Deftera among others.

EMSC reported strong shaking in Cyprus in Chlorakas, Kato Pafos, Paphos, among many other communities on Cyprus. This is the strongest earthquake in Cyprus since an M 5.3 on February 2, 2022 – an aftershock of an M 6.5 on January 11, 2022. At that time this summary noted:



"The strongest earthquake in the world today was an M 6.6 in the region of Cyprus south of Turkey. NEIC reported it was felt with intensity VI in Cyprus at Polis, Skouli, Argarka; V in Kossonerga; IV in Regeia, Giolou, Tala, Chiorakas, Lempa, Cyprus. Minor damage accompanied major concern with shaking that lasted for a long period according to press accounts. This is the strongest earthquake near Cyprus within about 250 km since an M 6.8 on October 9, 1996, the only other such event in the area in at least 30 years." (January 11, 2022)


Forecast 165969 had expected today's event was likely within about 50 km around September 4, 2024.


O:  3SEP2024 21:29:51  34.7N   32.2E MB=4.9  EMSC   CYPRUS REGION                

P:  4SEP2024 165969    35.0N   32.0E 3.5-5.2 AAAAA  Turkey                     


A moderate earthquake of M 5.0 occurred in northeastern Iceland today. It was not reported felt in this remote area and is not part of the current volcanic eruptions in Southern Iceland. A volcanic eruption and moderately strong earthquakes hit this region in late August, 2014 and was followed by moderate earthquakes through April 21, 2024. At that time this summary noted in  this regard:



"The earthquake of M 5.3 in northeastern Iceland is the largest in that area within about 150 km since a series of moderately large events occurred near this epicenter in August and September, 2014 - a volcanic series which included events of M 5.6 and 5.7 on August 26 and 27, 2014. At the time this summary noted:



"The earthquake of M 5.7 in Iceland is the strongest recorded in that area  since an M 5.8 on September 16, 2002, the only other event of this size in  Iceland in the past 25 years. It is part of the sub-glacial Bardarbunga volcanic eruption in the central portion of that island. ..." (April 21, 2024)


Forecast 166053 had expected today's event in Iceland was likely within about 50 km of this epicenter in early September, 2024.


O:  3SEP2024 16:31:15  64.6N   17.3W MW=5.0  EMSC   ICELAND                      

P:  6SEP2024 166053    65.0N   17.0W 3.0-4.7 BAAAA  Iceland area               


The strongest earthquake in the U.S. or Canada today was an M 4.2 in the Queen Charlotte Islands near Port Clements, British Columbia, Canada. It was not reported felt in this area. This is the strongest earthquake in the Queen Charlotte Islands since an M 4.4 a year ago on September 2, 2023. It was reported in this summary at the time as:


"The strongest earthquake in the U.S. or Canada today was an M 3.8 in the Queen Charlotte Islands region of Canada. It was not reported felt in this remote area. This may be a regional aftershock of the M 4.4 of August 15 in the Queen Charlotte Islands about 100 km southeast of today's epicenter. At the time this summary noted in this regard:



"An earthquake of M 4.4-4.7 also occurred today in the Queen Charlotte Islands region, Canada. It was reported to have been lightly felt in the epicentral area. The last earthquakes of equal or greater magnitude in the Queen Charlotte Islands Region were of M 5.1 on June 4, 2022 and July 26, 2022. Today's epicenters which began with an M 3.4 near local solar midnight are near the expected longitude of maximum tidal stress with the new moon of August 16 and were probably promoted by stresses associated with that tidal alignment" (August 15, 2023, September 2, 2023)


Forecast 166027 had expected today's event within about 150 km was likely around September 3, 2024.


O: 04SEP2024 03:17:16  53.5N  133.1W MB=4.2  ECAN WSW OF PORT CLEMENTS, BC 

O:  4SEP2024 03:17:16  53.5N  133.1W ML=4.2  EMSC   QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS REGION

P:  3SEP2024 166027    53.0N  131.0W 3.0-5.1 AABAA  British Colombia           



For most events there are two listings. The first line is the observed event starting with "O:" for Observed. There follows the date, month and year, the time in UT hours:minutes:seconds, the latitude and longitude, the given magnitude and the reporting agency followed by the geographic location. The second line starts with "P:" This is the forecast event as forecast in our summaries normally more than a month in advance. Magnitudes may vary in response to updated seismic watches and daily variations due to tidal and other influences. This line has the forecast date, month and year, the forecast number, latitude, longitude and forecast magnitude range.  This is followed by a comparison between the forecast and the event. The comparison includes letters A-D. The first is number of days difference from predicted (A:up to 2, B3-5; C:6-10; D:more than 10), Difference in latitude (A:up to 1 degree; B:1-2 degrees; C:2-4 degrees; D:more than 4 degrees); longitude (same comparison as with latitude); magnitude (A: within forecast range; B: higher than forecast range; C: lower than forecast range; D: no comparison possible). The last letter is a stand in for a future comparison which needs to be done statistically after a large number of forecasts have been made. In previous data, an excellent match is generally AAAAA; a good match as one or two B's; a fair match has several B's and C's and a poor match is one which contains a number of C's or D's. 




O:  4SEP2024 01:49:11  23.3N   94.6E ML=4.3  EMSC   MYANMAR                      

P:  4SEP2024 165909    23.0N   95.0E 4.0-5.4 AAAAA  Myanmar                    


O:  3SEP2024 11:59:36  27.9N   87.6E ML=3.9  EMSC   NEPAL                        

P: 29AUG2024 165642    27.0N   88.0E 3.5-5.5 BAAAA  Nepal                      


O:  3SEP2024 20:34:45  34.6N   83.7E MB=4.6  EMSC   WESTERN XIZANG               

P:  5SEP2024 165976    30.0N   81.0E 3.8-5.4 ACCAA  Xizang                     


O:  3SEP2024 15:47:01  41.1N   78.3E MB=4.3  EMSC   SOUTHERN XINJIANG, CHINA     

P:  4SEP2024 165987    40.0N   77.0E 4.0-5.5 ABAAA  Kirgizstan/Xinjiang        

P:  7SEP2024 165988    40.0N   78.0E 4.0-5.4 BBAAA  Kirgizstan/Xinjiang        


O:  3SEP2024 09:18:24  52.9N  160.2E MB=4.7  EMSC   OFF EAST COAST OF KAMCHATKA  

P:  3SEP2024 166029    52.0N  160.0E 4.0-5.4 AAAAA  E. of Kamchatka            


EMSC reported this earthquake of M 4.7 in Kamchatka was felt with intensity up to IV in the area(s) of Kamchatka in Petropavlovsk, Vilyuchinsk, Yelizovo.


No significant (M>=5) or unusual earthquakes were reported in Asia today.




O:  3SEP2024 13:13:08   0.4S  123.1E MB=4.3  EMSC   SULAWESI, INDONESIA          

P:  2SEP2024 165842     0.0N  124.0E 4.0-5.6 AAAAA  Mindanao, Philippines      


O:  3SEP2024 12:43:40   2.0S  125.6E ML=4.4  EMSC   KEPULAUAN SULA, INDONESIA    

P: 29AUG2024 165586     3.0S  127.0E 4.0-5.5 BABAA  Ceram area                 


O:  4SEP2024 01:27:24   2.1N  124.4E ML=4.3  EMSC   CELEBES SEA                  

P:  1SEP2024 165842     3.0N  126.0E 4.0-5.4 BABAA  Mindanao, Philippines      


O: 03SEP2024 08:46:19   5.5N  126.7E mb=4.6  EMSC   MINDANAO, PHILIPPINES

O:  3SEP2024 13:36:41   5.4N  126.4E MB=4.8  EMSC   MINDANAO, PHILIPPINES        

P:  1SEP2024 165839     4.0N  127.0E 4.0-5.5 ABAAA  Halmahera                  


O:  3SEP2024 09:01:16   7.1S  129.1E MB=4.6  EMSC   KEPULAUAN BABAR, INDONESIA   

P:  1SEP2024 165867     7.0S  130.0E 4.0-5.4 AAAAA  West Irian, PNG            

P:  4SEP2024 165849     8.0S  129.0E 4.0-5.5 AAAAA  Banda Sea                  


O:  3SEP2024 19:54:33  12.6N  125.6E ML=4.2  EMSC   SAMAR, PHILIPPINES           

P:  2SEP2024 165882    13.0N  126.0E 3.5-4.9 AAAAA  Luzon, Philippines         


O: 03SEP2024 23:55:49  14.9N  122.6E mb=5.0  EMSC   LUZON, PHILIPPINES

O:  3SEP2024 23:16:47  14.9N  122.6E MW=5.3  EMSC   LUZON, PHILIPPINES           

P:  4SEP2024 165883    13.0N  124.0E 3.5-4.9 ABBAA  Luzon, Philippines         




O:  4SEP2024 02:10:10   1.6S   81.3W ML=4.0  EMSC   OFF COAST OF ECUADOR         

P:  5SEP2024 165852     2.0S   78.0W 4.0-5.8 AACAA  Ecuador                    


O:  3SEP2024 20:24:30  12.7N   87.4W ML=4.5  EMSC   NEAR COAST OF NICARAGUA      

P:  3SEP2024 165890    13.0N   87.0W 3.5-5.4 AAAAA  Nicaragua                  



O:  3SEP2024 17:21:43  15.4N   94.7W ML=4.0  EMSC   OFFSHORE OAXACA, MEXICO      

P:  8SEP2024 165871    16.0N   95.0W 3.5-5.1 BAAAA  Chiapas, Mexico            


O:  3SEP2024 21:45:56  18.1N   65.8W MD=3.3  EMSC   PUERTO RICO REGION           

P:  9SEP2024 165895    18.0N   66.0W 3.4-5.3 CAAAA  Puerto Rico                


O:  4SEP2024 01:37:16  18.8S   70.9W MW=4.0  EMSC   OFFSHORE TARAPACA, CHILE     

P:  5SEP2024 166071    18.0S   71.0W 4.0-5.5 AAAAA  So. Peru/Bolivia           


GUC reported this earthquake of M 4.2 was felt with intensity  IV in  Arica and Parinacota at San Miguel de Azapa; III in Arica, Cuya and II in Codpa, Chile.


O:  3SEP2024 11:58:46  22.9N  109.7W MB=4.4  EMSC   OFFSHORE BAJA CALIF. SUR, MEXI

P:  2SEP2024 165905    24.0N  109.0W 3.5-5.3 AAAAA  Gulf of California         


NEIC reported this earthquake of M 4.4 in Southern Baja California was felt with intensity up to IV in the area(s) of Southern Baja California in Cabo San Lucas, Los Cabos (IV) and II-III in Todos Santos, Progreso, Mexico.




O:  3SEP2024 21:29:51  34.7N   32.2E MB=4.9  EMSC   CYPRUS REGION                

P:  4SEP2024 165969    35.0N   32.0E 3.5-5.2 AAAAA  Turkey                     


O:  3SEP2024 16:31:15  64.6N   17.3W MW=5.0  EMSC   ICELAND                      

P:  6SEP2024 166053    65.0N   17.0W 3.0-4.7 BAAAA  Iceland area               


No significant (M>=5) or unusual earthquakes were reported in Europe today.




O:  4SEP2024 02:36:10  17.1S  174.8W MB=4.5  EMSC   TONGA                        

P:  3SEP2024 166074    18.0S  174.0W 4.0-5.7 AAAAA  Tonga Islands              


O:  3SEP2024 07:01:12  20.7S  173.9W MB=4.8  EMSC   TONGA                        

P:  5SEP2024 166090    21.0S  175.0W 4.0-5.6 AAAAA  Tonga Islands              


O:  4SEP2024 01:19:05  21.3S  170.1E MW=5.0  EMSC   SOUTHEAST OF LOYALTY ISLANDS 

P:  3SEP2024 166083    23.0S  170.0E 4.0-5.4 ABAAA  Loyalty Islands            


O:  3SEP2024 11:17:46  21.8S  178.9W MB=4.4  EMSC   FIJI REGION                  

P:  4SEP2024 166091    23.0S  180.0W 4.0-5.4 ABAAA  Tonga Islands              




No significant (M>=5) or unusual earthquakes were reported on Ocean Ridges today.





No earthquakes of M>=4 were recorded in the regions of Zealandia or Australia





O:  3SEP2024 14:30:36  29.3N  142.5E MB=4.6  EMSC   IZU ISLANDS, JAPAN REGION    

P:  1SEP2024 165904    29.0N  142.0E 4.0-5.4 AAAAA  Bonin Islands              


O:  4SEP2024 00:02:30  30.0N  130.6E ML=4.1  EMSC   KYUSHU, JAPAN                

P:  2SEP2024 165937    31.0N  131.0E 3.5-4.9 AAAAA  Kyushu, Japan area         


O:  3SEP2024 15:11:16  30.2N  138.1E MB=4.1  EMSC   IZU ISLANDS, JAPAN REGION    

P:  1SEP2024 165947    31.0N  141.0E 4.0-5.6 AABAA  Off East Coast Honshu      


O:  4SEP2024 03:17:32  48.4N  154.8E MB=4.8  EMSC   KURIL ISLANDS                

P:  5SEP2024 166015    48.0N  153.0E 3.5-5.6 AABAA  So. Kurils                 









O:  3SEP2024 10:11:10  31.2N  115.4W ML=3.0  EMSC   BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO      

P:  5SEP2024 165954    31.8N  116.3W 2.5-4.6 AAAAA  So. California             


O:  4SEP2024 02:44:44  34.5N  119.0W ML=2.2  EMSC   SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA          

P:  2SEP2024 165958    34.4N  118.6W 2.5-4.6 AAAAA  So. California             


O: 03SEP2024 21:39:23  35.1N  119.1W ML=2.1  EMSC   CENTRAL CALIFORNIA

O:  3SEP2024 20:04:45  35.1N  119.1W ML=2.8  EMSC   CENTRAL CALIFORNIA           

P:  2SEP2024 165960    35.3N  119.0W 2.5-4.6 AAAAA  So. California             


O:  3SEP2024 13:04:11  36.0N  117.4W ML=2.7  EMSC   CENTRAL CALIFORNIA           

P:  4SEP2024 165919    36.2N  117.9W 2.5-4.6 AAAAA  California/Nevada area     


O:  3SEP2024 22:04:15  36.9N  121.0W MD=2.1  EMSC   CENTRAL CALIFORNIA           

P:  6SEP2024 165923    36.7N  121.4W 2.5-4.8 BAAAA  Central California         


O:  3SEP2024 12:11:58  37.4N  118.8W ML=3.5  EMSC   CENTRAL CALIFORNIA           

O: 03SEP2024 12:35:42  37.4N  118.7W MD=2.2  EMSC   CENTRAL CALIFORNIA

P: 31AUG2024 165652    37.4N  118.6W 2.5-4.7 BAAAA  California/Nevada area     


NEIC reported this earthquake of M 3.5 in Mammoth Lakes, California was felt with intensity up to IV in the area(s) of Mammoth Lakes, California in Mammoth Lakes, Bishop, June Lake, Kings Canyon NP, Auberry and Mariposa, California.


O:  3SEP2024 18:56:44  37.7N  117.1W ML=2.9  EMSC   NEVADA                       

P:  6SEP2024 165919    37.1N  117.8W 2.5-4.8 BAAAA  California/Nevada area     





O:  3SEP2024 09:35:15  55.4N  158.7W ML=3.5  EMSC   ALASKA PENINSULA             

P:  7SEP2024 166041    54.3N  162.7W 3.5-4.9 BBBAA  Unimak Islands, Aleutians  




O:  3SEP2024 20:20:32  42.1N  119.0W ML=2.0  EMSC   OREGON                       

P: 31AUG2024 165741    42.1N  120.3W 2.0-4.3 BAAAA  Oregon state, U.S.         


O: 04SEP2024 03:17:16  53.5N  133.1W MB=4.2  ECAN WSW OF PORT CLEMENTS, BC 

O:  4SEP2024 03:17:16  53.5N  133.1W ML=4.2  EMSC   QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS REGION

P:  3SEP2024 166027    53.0N  131.0W 3.0-5.1 AABAA  British Colombia           


No events of M>=2 were located in the northwestern U.S. or western Canada today.




O: 03SEP2024 11:01:56  31.7N  104.1W ML=2.0  EMSC   WESTERN TEXAS

O: 03SEP2024 17:08:22  31.7N  104.1W ML=2.1  EMSC   WESTERN TEXAS

O:  3SEP2024 10:18:51  31.7N  104.1W ML=2.7  EMSC   WESTERN TEXAS                

P:  5SEP2024 165952    32.6N  104.6W 2.0-3.9 AAAAA  SW U.S.A                   


O: 03SEP2024 19:42:52  32.0N  102.1W ML=2.1  EMSC   WESTERN TEXAS

O:  3SEP2024 17:43:34  31.6N  102.1W ML=2.0  EMSC   WESTERN TEXAS                

P:  2SEP2024 165952    31.4N  101.8W 2.0-4.3 AAAAA  SW U.S.A                   





O: 03SEP2024 10:30:49  36.7N   97.7W ML=2.2  EMSC   OKLAHOMA

O: 04SEP2024 02:02:42  36.8N   98.1W ML=2.5  EMSC   OKLAHOMA

O:  3SEP2024 08:59:15  36.7N   97.7W ML=2.1  EMSC   OKLAHOMA                     

P:  5SEP2024 165968    37.0N   98.0W 2.0-4.2 AAAAA  Southern Plains            


O:  3SEP2024 21:22:33  28.5N   98.4W ML=2.2  EMSC   SOUTHERN TEXAS               

P:  7SEP2024 165911    28.0N   98.0W 3.0-4.7 BAAAA  Northern Mexico            




No earthquakes of M>=3 were located in Hawaii.







The most widely felt earthquake in the world today occurred as an aftershock

in Taiwan.  NEIC reported this earthquake of M 5.0-5.1 in near Taiwan was felt with intensity up to IV in the area(s) of near Taiwan in Taipei, Taoyuan and in Xiamen, China. It is the strongest aftershock in Taiwan of the April 2, 2024 (M 7.4) since an M 5.2 on May 31, 2024. It appears to be an aftershock of the M 7.4 that hit Taiwan on April 2, 2024. At the time this summary noted:



"A major M 7.4 earthquake damaged much of the Island of Taiwan today. International Press reports indicated that this event and several strong aftershocks killed at least 7 while injuring more than 700. The quake occurred about 20 km south of Hualien and damaged and toppled buildings while causing many damaging landslides. It is the strongest earthquake to hit Taiwan in at least 25 years - since September 20, 1999 (M 7.7) - the strongest event in Taiwan in the past 35 years. Major earthquakes have most recently hit with M>=7.5 in Taiwan on November 14, 1986 (M 7.8); July 24, 1978 (M 8.0); April 24, 1972 (M 7.7) and January 25, 1972 (M 7.7). JMA gave today's event M 7.7 and reported several minor tsunami waves. A tsunami warning was also made for Taiwan but the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center (PTWC) reported that no damaging tsunami waves had been reported nor were any now expected. NEIC reported it was felt with intensity up to IX (major damage) in the area southwest of Hualien City, Taiwan, EMSC reported it was also felt in mainland China as a double quake in Nanjing City nearly 1000 km from the epicenter, in Wuxi City with mild shaking; Shanghai City, Hong Kong, Hangzhou, Shaoxing, Zhonggeng, Xiamen, and Quanzhou.

PHIVOLCS reported it at M 7.5 was felt in the Philippines with intensity II in Itbayat, Batanes, and I in Basco, Mahatao, Ivana, Uyugan,  and Sabtang, Batanes.

This event may be related to the upcoming solar eclipse of April 8, 2024. It is interesting to note that the total eclipse path through North America is near 103 degrees from Taiwan throughout. The most likely area affected by strong energy from Taiwan in the U.S. is southern and Baja California which is near 103 degrees from today's epicenter and subject to far-field seismic triggering at this time. This distance also passes through areas of Utah and portions of Ontario, Nunuvat and Quebec, Canada. It is likely that the recent geomagnetic storm helped promote this earthquake in Taiwan. The storm occurred at the end of March, 2024 and was one of the largest in recent years as reported in this summary. It had been expected to affect most strongly areas near the geomagnetic equator and at high latitudes. Taiwan is located about 10 degrees north of the local geomagnetic equator. The timing is also suspicious as maximum ionospheric ring current intensities occur about 4-9 days after such storms near 10 degrees either side of the geomagnetic equator." (April 2, 2024)



Forecast 165915 had expected this event in early September within about 100 km  of today's epicenter.


O:  2SEP2024 08:26:25  23.9N  121.7E MW=5.1  EMSC   TAIWAN                       

P:  4SEP2024 165915    22.0N  122.0E 4.0-5.4 ABAAA  Taiwan                     

P:  6SEP2024 165915    24.0N  121.0E 4.0-5.5 BAAAA  Taiwan                     


The strongest earthquake in the U.S. or Canada today was an M 4.2 off the coast of Oregon. NEIC reported this earthquake of M 4.2 off the coast of Oregon was felt with intensity up to II in the area(s) of Oregon in Portland.  This area has been relatively quiet in recent months. The last earthquake of M>=4.2 occurred on May 4, 2024 with M 4.3. The last of significantly larger magnitude was an M 5.7 on March 27, 2024. At the time this summary noted:



"The strongest earthquake in the U.S. or Canada today was an M 5.7 off the coast of Oregon. NEIC reported it was felt with intensity up to III along the coast of Oregon, especially in the Port Orford area. EMSC reported light shaking in Springfield, Oregon. A foreshock of M 3.0 hit the area within minutes of local solar noon about 12 hours earlier and was felt in the Port Orford, Oregon area.  These earthquake occurred near local solar noon and  midnight and may have been promoted by tidal stresses with the full moon" (March 27, 2024) of


Forecast 166005 had expected today's event within about 50 km was likely  around September 2.


O:  2SEP2024 18:01:07  43.4N  127.1W MW=4.2  EMSC   OFF COAST OF OREGON          

P:  2SEP2024 166005    43.1N  126.5W 3.0-4.6 AAAAA  Off Coast of Oregon        


A series of light earthquakes - including two of M 3.0 occurred south of Los Angeles in the Channel Islands today. NEIC reported these earthquakes of M 3.1 and M 2.9 South of Los Angeles, California  were felt with intensity up to IV in the area(s) of Los Angeles, California in Palos Verdes, Long Beach, Cypress, Costa Mesa and Oxnard.  The area at this time appears to be somewhat unstable and stronger earthquakes in the area and in the Los Angeles area are expected in the next week.


Forecast 165958 had expected today's events were likely around September 2. These earthquakes are located at 103-105 degrees from recent strong quakes in Mindanao, Philippines and from Tajikistan and Taiwan and may have been promoted

by energy from those sources.


O: 02SEP2024 12:03:27  33.7N  118.6W ML=2.2  EMSC   CHANNEL ISLANDS REG., CALIFORNIA

O: 02SEP2024 14:38:51  33.7N  118.6W ML=3.0  EMSC   CHANNEL ISLANDS REG., CALIFORNIA

O:  2SEP2024 11:34:26  33.7N  118.6W ML=3.0  EMSC   CHANNEL ISLANDS REG., CALIFORN

P:  2SEP2024 165958    34.4N  118.6W 2.5-4.6 AAAAA  So. California             




For most events there are two listings. The first line is the observed event starting with "O:" for Observed. There follows the date, month and year, the time in UT hours:minutes:seconds, the latitude and longitude, the given magnitude and the reporting agency followed by the geographic location. The second line starts with "P:" This is the forecast event as forecast in our summaries normally more than a month in advance. Magnitudes may vary in response to updated seismic watches and daily variations due to tidal and other influences. This line has the forecast date, month and year, the forecast number, latitude, longitude and forecast magnitude range.  This is followed by a comparison between the forecast and the event. The comparison includes letters A-D. The first is number of days difference from predicted (A:up to 2, B3-5; C:6-10; D:more than 10), Difference in latitude (A:up to 1 degree; B:1-2 degrees; C:2-4 degrees; D:more than 4 degrees); longitude (same comparison as with latitude); magnitude (A: within forecast range; B: higher than forecast range; C: lower than forecast range; D: no comparison possible). The last letter is a stand in for a future comparison which needs to be done statistically after a large number of forecasts have been made. In previous data, an excellent match is generally AAAAA; a good match as one or two B's; a fair match has several B's and C's and a poor match is one which contains a number of C's or D's. 




O:  2SEP2024 08:26:25  23.9N  121.7E MW=5.1  EMSC   TAIWAN                       

P:  4SEP2024 165915    22.0N  122.0E 4.0-5.4 ABAAA  Taiwan                      

P:  6SEP2024 165915    24.0N  121.0E 4.0-5.5 BAAAA  Taiwan                     


O:  3SEP2024 06:09:59  39.5N   69.8E MB=4.0  EMSC   TAJIKISTAN                   

P:  8SEP2024 165934    39.0N   71.0E 3.8-5.4 BAAAA  Hindu Kush/Pakistan        


O:  2SEP2024 09:37:16  52.9N  159.9E MB=4.4  EMSC   OFF EAST COAST OF KAMCHATKA  

P:  3SEP2024 166029    52.0N  160.0E 4.0-5.4 AAAAA  E. of Kamchatka            




O:  2SEP2024 23:26:13   2.6S  121.2E ML=4.1  EMSC   SULAWESI, INDONESIA          

P:  5SEP2024 165864     1.0S  122.0E 4.0-5.6 BBAAA  Sulawesi area              


O:  2SEP2024 21:05:16   4.5N   97.8E ML=4.1  EMSC   NORTHERN SUMATRA, INDONESIA  

P:  2SEP2024 165845     5.0N   96.0E 4.0-5.8 AABAA  Nicobar Islands             


O:  2SEP2024 20:24:28   8.2N  127.0E ML=4.0  EMSC   PHILIPPINE ISLANDS REGION    

P:  7SEP2024 165840     8.0N  127.0E 4.0-5.4 BAAAA  Halmahera                  


O: 02SEP2024 14:32:57   9.6S  122.1E mb=4.4  EMSC   SAVU SEA

O:  2SEP2024 09:02:22   9.4S  120.1E ML=4.3  EMSC   SUMBA REGION, INDONESIA      

P:  1SEP2024 165865     8.0S  118.0E 4.0-5.4 ABBAA  Sumbawa Island area        


O:  3SEP2024 03:04:44  12.1N  125.3E ML=4.3  EMSC   SAMAR, PHILIPPINES           

P:  2SEP2024 165882    13.0N  126.0E 3.5-4.9 AAAAA  Luzon, Philippines         

P:  4SEP2024 165883    13.0N  124.0E 3.5-4.9 AAAAA  Luzon, Philippines         




O:  2SEP2024 11:02:57   3.2N   84.2W MW=4.8  EMSC   OFF COAST OF CENTRAL AMERICA 

P:  3SEP2024 165837     4.0N   83.0W 4.0-5.5 AAAAA  Ecuador                    


O:  2SEP2024 08:24:44  15.5N   94.9W ML=4.1  EMSC   OFFSHORE OAXACA, MEXICO      

P:  4SEP2024 165870    15.0N   93.0W 3.5-5.1 AABAA  Chiapas, Mexico            


O:  3SEP2024 01:37:08  17.9N   68.0W MD=3.5  EMSC   PUERTO RICO REGION           

P:  4SEP2024 165896    19.0N   69.0W 3.4-5.1 ABAAA  Puerto Rico                


O:  2SEP2024 07:39:32  18.0N   66.7W MD=3.0  EMSC   PUERTO RICO                  

O: 02SEP2024 18:23:46  18.0N   67.0W MD=3.2  EMSC   PUERTO RICO

P:  1SEP2024 165895    18.0N   67.0W 3.4-5.3 AAAAA  Puerto Rico                


O:  3SEP2024 05:50:19  19.2N   68.0W MD=3.7  EMSC   DOMINICAN REPUBLIC REGION    

O: 02SEP2024 08:38:01  18.1N   68.4W ML=3.1  EMSC   DOMINICAN REPUBLIC REGION

P:  4SEP2024 165896    19.0N   69.0W 3.4-5.1 AAAAA  Puerto Rico                


O:  2SEP2024 11:57:47  19.3N   65.1W MD=3.4  EMSC   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION        

O: 02SEP2024 14:37:50  19.2N   65.2W MD=3.2  EMSC   PUERTO RICO REGION

P:  6SEP2024 165881    19.0N   65.0W 3.0-5.0 BAAAA  Leeward Islands            


O:  2SEP2024 10:24:58  23.0S   66.7W MB=4.5  EMSC   JUJUY, ARGENTINA             

P:  6SEP2024 166080    24.0S   66.0W 4.0-5.7 BAAAA  Argentina                  


O:  3SEP2024 01:21:41  45.6S   76.5W MW=5.3  EMSC   OFF COAST OF AISEN, CHILE    

O: 03SEP2024 01:16:41  45.6S   76.8W Mw=4.8  EMSC   OFF COAST OF AISEN, CHILE


NEIC reported this earthquake of M 5.3 in Aisen, Chile was felt with intensity up to IV in the area(s) of Aisen, Chile in the epicentral area.




NEIC reported an earthquake of M 4.1 in Greece was felt with intensity up to IV in the area(s) of Greece in Ithaki, Valsamata, Kefallinia and Nidrion, Levkas.


No significant (M>=5) or unusual earthquakes were reported in Europe today.




O:  3SEP2024 00:44:53  17.3S  177.9W MB=4.7  EMSC   FIJI REGION                  

P:  5SEP2024 166073    17.0S  177.0W 4.0-5.9 AAAAA  Tonga Islands              


O:  3SEP2024 07:01:12  20.7S  173.9W MB=4.8  EMSC   TONGA                        

P:  5SEP2024 166090    21.0S  175.0W 4.0-5.6 AAAAA  Tonga Islands              


O:  2SEP2024 19:23:44  24.7S  179.6E MB=5.0  EMSC   SOUTH OF FIJI ISLANDS        

P: 29AUG2024 165811    25.0S  179.0E 4.0-5.6 BAAAA  Tonga/Fiji                 




No significant (M>=5) or unusual earthquakes were reported on Ocean Ridges today.





O:  2SEP2024 08:02:49  40.8S  174.6E MS=3.9  GEONET North Island, NZ.             

P:  4SEP2024 166105    40.0S  176.0E 3.0-4.6 AAAAA  North Island, N.Z.         

P: 27AUG2024 165822    40.0S  175.0E 3.0-4.4 BAAAA  North Island, N.Z.         


NEIC reported this earthquake of M 3.5 in Wellington, New Zealand was felt with intensity up to III in the area(s) of Wellington, New Zealand in Kapiti and Wellington.

GEONET reported it was felt with moderate to strong intensity in the area southeast of Wellington, New Zealand and in southern North Island and northern South Island. 1122 reports of felt events were made of which 905 reported weak and 207 light intensity with 7 report of moderate shaking and 1 with strong and 0 severe and 2 with extreme intensity came from the area.




No earthquakes of M>=4 were located in Japan or the Kuril Islands today.








O: 02SEP2024 20:55:59  30.9N  116.2W ML=3.1  EMSC   BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO

O: 02SEP2024 22:46:20  30.9N  116.2W ML=3.2  EMSC   BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO

O: 02SEP2024 22:57:01  30.9N  116.2W ML=3.2  EMSC   OFFSHORE BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO

O: 02SEP2024 09:28:27  31.1N  115.3W ML=3.5  EMSC   BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO

O: 02SEP2024 08:55:22  31.3N  115.4W ML=3.3  EMSC   BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO

O: 02SEP2024 08:14:49  31.4N  115.5W ML=3.6  EMSC   BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO

O:  2SEP2024 20:01:45  30.9N  116.2W ML=4.0  EMSC   BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO      

P:  5SEP2024 165954    31.8N  116.3W 2.5-4.6 BAAAA  So. California             


O: 02SEP2024 12:03:27  33.7N  118.6W ML=2.2  EMSC   CHANNEL ISLANDS REG., CALIFORNIA

O: 02SEP2024 14:38:51  33.7N  118.6W ML=3.0  EMSC   CHANNEL ISLANDS REG., CALIFORNIA

O:  2SEP2024 11:34:26  33.7N  118.6W ML=3.0  EMSC   CHANNEL ISLANDS REG., CALIFORN

P:  2SEP2024 165958    34.4N  118.6W 2.5-4.6 AAAAA  So. California             


NEIC reported these earthquakes of M 3.1 and M 2.9 South of Los Angeles, California  were felt with intensity up to IV in the area(s) of Los Angeles, California in Palos Verdes, Long Beach, Cypress, Costa Mesa and Oxnard.


O:  2SEP2024 09:31:01  35.1N  119.1W ML=2.2  EMSC   CENTRAL CALIFORNIA           

P:  2SEP2024 165960    35.3N  119.0W 2.5-4.6 AAAAA  So. California             


O:  3SEP2024 03:01:49  36.3N  120.3W MD=2.1  EMSC   CENTRAL CALIFORNIA           

O: 02SEP2024 19:45:04  36.1N  120.6W MD=2.3  EMSC   CENTRAL CALIFORNIA

O: 02SEP2024 21:22:00  36.1N  120.6W MD=2.2  EMSC   CENTRAL CALIFORNIA

P:  2SEP2024 165922    36.1N  120.1W 2.5-4.6 AAAAA  Central California         


O:  2SEP2024 20:50:33  36.8N  121.6W MD=2.4  EMSC   CENTRAL CALIFORNIA           

P:  2SEP2024 165924    37.4N  121.8W 2.5-4.6 AAAAA  Central California         

P: 28AUG2024 165657    36.9N  121.7W 2.5-4.7 BAAAA  Central California         


O:  2SEP2024 23:32:11  37.5N  121.9W MD=2.4  EMSC   SAN FRANCISCO BAY AREA, CALIF.

P:  2SEP2024 165924    37.4N  121.8W 2.5-4.6 AAAAA  Central California         


O:  2SEP2024 21:44:42  37.7N  119.5W MD=2.9  EMSC   CENTRAL CALIFORNIA           

P: 31AUG2024 165653    37.3N  119.4W 2.5-4.9 AAAAA  California/Nevada area     


O:  2SEP2024 15:17:37  37.8N  117.1W ML=2.1  EMSC   NEVADA                       

P:  6SEP2024 165919    37.1N  117.8W 2.5-4.8 BAAAA  California/Nevada area     


O:  3SEP2024 01:30:25  38.7N  118.6W ML=2.0  EMSC   NEVADA                        

O: 03SEP2024 03:26:50  38.7N  118.6W ML=2.4  EMSC   NEVADA

P:  3SEP2024 165920    38.8N  118.7W 2.5-4.9 AAAAA  California/Nevada area     


O:  3SEP2024 00:22:21  38.8N  122.7W MD=2.3  EMSC   NORTHERN CALIFORNIA          

P:  3SEP2024 165926    39.0N  123.1W 2.5-4.4 AAAAA  Central California         


O:  2SEP2024 23:55:07  40.5N  125.0W MD=2.7  EMSC   OFFSHORE NORTHERN CALIFORNIA 

P:  4SEP2024 166004    40.7N  124.6W 2.5-4.6 AAAAA  Off Coast of No. Calif     




O:  3SEP2024 01:36:09  55.0N  162.3W ML=3.3  EMSC   ALASKA PENINSULA             

P:  7SEP2024 166041    54.3N  162.7W 3.5-4.9 BAAAA  Unimak Islands, Aleutians  




O:  2SEP2024 18:01:07  43.4N  127.1W MW=4.2  EMSC   OFF COAST OF OREGON          

P:  2SEP2024 166005    43.1N  126.5W 3.0-4.6 AAAAA  Off Coast of Oregon        


O:  2SEP2024 11:34:43  68.2N  136.4W MB=3.6  ECAN OF AKLAVIK, NT                 

O:  2SEP2024 11:34:46  68.2N  136.4W ML=3.5  EMSC   NORTHERN YUKON TERRITORY, CANA

P:  4SEP2024 166058    67.0N  135.0W 2.5-4.4 ABAAA  Yukon Territory, Canada    




O: 02SEP2024 22:07:53  31.8N  104.7W ML=2.3  EMSC   WESTERN TEXAS

O:  2SEP2024 14:40:40  31.6N  104.0W ML=2.0  EMSC   WESTERN TEXAS                 

P:  5SEP2024 165952    32.6N  104.6W 2.0-3.9 BAAAA  SW U.S.A                   


O:  2SEP2024 14:00:40  32.4N  102.0W ML=2.8  EMSC   WESTERN TEXAS                

P:  2SEP2024 165952    31.4N  101.8W 2.0-4.3 AAAAA  SW U.S.A                   


O:  3SEP2024 03:36:41  37.6N  113.1W ML=2.2  EMSC   UTAH                         

P:  2SEP2024 165940    37.3N  114.9W 2.5-4.8 AABAA  Nevada area                


O:  2SEP2024 16:31:11  45.0N  111.9W ML=2.4  EMSC   WESTERN MONTANA              

P:  3SEP2024 165992    44.9N  113.4W 2.0-4.0 AABAA  Montana/Idaho              


O:  2SEP2024 07:55:48  46.9N  112.5W ML=2.5  EMSC   WESTERN MONTANA              

P:  1SEP2024 166022    46.4N  111.4W 2.0-4.1 AAAAA  Yellowstone/Wyoming        




O: 02SEP2024 23:25:24  35.7N   98.1W ML=2.2  EMSC   OKLAHOMA

O: 03SEP2024 06:18:04  35.7N   98.1W ML=2.1  EMSC   OKLAHOMA

O:  2SEP2024 14:39:03  34.7N   99.1W ML=2.3  EMSC   OKLAHOMA                     

P:  1SEP2024 165967    34.0N   96.0W 2.0-4.1 AACAA  Southern Plains            


O:  3SEP2024 06:21:43  34.9N   85.0W MD=2.5  EMSC   GEORGIA, USA                 

P: 29AUG2024 165670    35.0N   83.0W 2.0-3.9 BABAA  Kentucky/Tennessee/NC      


NEIC reported this earthquake of M 2.5 in Georgia (USA) was felt with intensity up to III in the area(s) of Georgia at Waleska.


O:  2SEP2024 20:16:37  36.2N   89.4W MD=2.4  EMSC   TENNESSEE                    

P:  6SEP2024 165942    36.3N   89.5W 2.0-4.3 BAAAA  New Madrid area            


NEIC reported this earthquake of M 2.5 in Tennessee was felt with intensity up to IV in the area(s) of Tennessee in Ridgely and Dyersburg.




O:  2SEP2024 13:32:42  19.2N  155.5W ML=3.2  EMSC   ISLAND OF HAWAII, HAWAII     

O:  2SEP2024 07:17:13  19.4N  155.3W ML=2.2  EMSC   ISLAND OF HAWAII, HAWAII     







The strongest earthquake in the world today was an M 6.4 in the northern Solomon Islands, Papua New Guinea. NEIC reported it was felt with damage in Panguna with intensity VIII. A tsunami was not expected nor observed. No tsunami warning was issued. A moderate foreshock hit the area several days ago and was addressed in this summary as:



"An unusual earthquake occurred today with M 4.5 in the Bougainville Region, PNG. While this region is typically quite active with events of M>=5.5 often occurring nearly monthly, the last such event occurred as an M 5.8 on March 8, 2023 and it may be overdue for another." (August 29, 2024)


Today's M 6.4 may have been promoted by strong tidal stresses associated with the upcoming new moon of September 3 as it occurred at the longitude of maximum stress with this alignment as noted in previous issues of this summary:


"The New Moon will arrive at 01:55 UT on September 3, 2024. Longitudes which will be at local solar midnight at this time are near 30 West while those at local solar noon are near 150 East. These zones include the central Atlantic and Iceland and western Europe in the west and the Kuril Islands, Japan and portions of eastern Indonesia and the Vanuatu Islands in the east. These areas are the most likely to see tidal triggering in the next week. Such events often occur near local solar midnight and noon. A major earthquake is considered likely with this new moon in the 10 days." (August 28-September 2, 2024)


This earthquake in New Guinea is located on the geomagnetic equator. It occurred at the maximum of an M-class solar flare and may have been promoted by energy (SFE) associated with that flare (#8490). SWPC data for this flare follows:



Flare #    START  MAX       END    CLASS     DATE    Flux (Jm-2)



8490       1955   2000      2011   M1.1      (September 1, 2024)   9.2E-03  

New Guinea M 6.4 20:13 UT


A foreshock of M 5.3 to the west of the mainshock occurred earlier in the day  in Papua New Guinea. NEIC reported it was felt with intensity III in Kimbe West New Britain, PNG.


Today's earthquake in Papua New Guinea with M 6.4 is the strongest within  about 200 km of this epicenter since an M 7.9 on January 22, 2017 and is probably an long-term, regional aftershock of that event. This summary noted the event in 2017 at the time as:



"A great earthquake with preliminary magnitude M 8.0 occurred in the northern

Solomon Islands, Papua New Guinea early on January 22. NEIC reported it was felt with intensity VIII in Arawa, North Solomons; VII in Kokopo, East New Britain and II-IV in Namatanai, New Ireland, Papua New Guinea and II in Honiara, Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands. SWPC did not issue a tsunami warning despite the large magnitude due to the depth near 167 km. The immediate trigger for this event may have been a C1.8 flare (#5300) (the fourth largest in the past 1.5 months) which reached maximum intensity while this epicenter was within minutes of local solar midnight, a prime time for solar flare effects to trigger seismicity. Two other solar flares of higher class also occurred today (C6.1 and C9.3). The C9.3 flare which maximized at 0726 UT may have helped trigger an M 4.4 quake in El Salvador near the maximum output of the flare while the flare of C6.1 may have helped trigger several aftershocks in Central Italy including an M 3.5 within minutes of local solar noon and the occurrence of this flare. The flare of C9.3 is the strongest solar flare in nearly two months - since an M1.0 on November 29, 2016.


The M 8.0 is the strongest of the recent earthquakes to hit the southwestern Pacific area. These began with events of M 7.8-7.9 in New Zealand, Fiji, Solomon Islands, New Britain, and the Celebes of Indonesia. Much of the energy from these events is focused at 90 degrees in California and at 103 degrees in  the central U.S. and Mexico where further enhanced seismicity is expected after today's event. In the east, the most likely far-field seismicity promoted from New Britain has been occurring in Iran, Colorado, Madagascar, Nunavut, Canada, New Mexico, Central Mexico following the earlier M 7.8 foreshock." (January 22, 2017)


Forecast 165855 and 165863 had expected seismic enhancement within about 100  km of today's event was likely in early September.


O:  1SEP2024 20:13:35   6.8S  155.5E MW=6.4  EMSC   BOUGAINVILLE REGION, P.N.G.  

P:  7SEP2024 165855     7.0S  154.0E 4.0-5.8 CABAA  New Britain                 

P:  7SEP2024 165863     6.0S  155.0E 4.0-5.5 CAAAA  Solomon Islands            


The strongest earthquake in the U.S. or Canada today was an M 4.6 in the  Kenai Peninsula of Alaska. NEIC reported it was widely felt in the area with intensity up to VI and IV in Homer and II-III in Anchor Point, Ninilchik, Clam Gulch, Cooper Landing, Kenai, Moose Pass, Anchorage and Girdwood, Alaska. This is the strongest earthquake in the Kenai area of Alaska within about 150 km of today's epicenter in more than a year. The last of larger magnitude was an M 5.4 on March 19, 2023. At the time this summary noted:



"The strongest earthquake in the world today was an M 5.4 in Southern Alaska. NEIC reported it was felt with intensity V in Alaska at Anchor Point, Homer, Ninilchik, IV in Kenai National Wildlife Refuge and III in Clam Gulch, Kasilof, Soldotna, Sterling, Cooper Landing, Kenai, Anchorage, Girdwood, Iliamna, Fort Richardson, Eagle River, Willow, Wasilla, Chugiak, Palmer and Valdez. This is the largest earthquake within about 200 km of this epicenter in the  Kenai Peninsula of Alaska since an M 5.8 about 100 km southwest of today's epicenter on May 27, 2019. At the time this summary noted in this regard:


The strongest earthquake in the world today was an M 5.8 in the Kodiak Island region of Southern Alaska. NEIC reported intensity IV in Homer and Anchor point and II-III in Ninilchik, Pedro Bay, Kodiak Kenai NTL, Kasilof, Soldotna and Sterling, Alaska among others. This is the strongest earthquake in the Kodiak area within about 150 km of this epicenter since an M 7.1 to the north on January 24, 2016." (May 27, 2019, March 19, 2023)


Forecast 166047 had expected today's events within about 100 km was likely around September 3.


O:  1SEP2024 13:20:20  59.6N  151.5W MW=4.5  EMSC   KENAI PENINSULA, ALASKA      

O:  1SEP2024 13:20:21  59.7N  151.5W MW=4.6  ANSS   KENAI PENINSULA, ALASKA      

P:  3SEP2024 166047    60.5N  151.5W 3.2-5.3 AAAAA  Central Alaska             


An unusually large M 3.8-4.6 earthquake also occurred in Quebec, Canada today near the Vermont border with the U.S. NEIC reported it was felt with intensity up go IV in Quebec, Canada in Pierreville, Nicolet, Drummondville, Louiseville, Saint-Germain-d-Grantham, Maskinonge, Alencon, Sorel, among others in Quebec and in Vermont at Enosburg Falls (V), Burlington, Winooski, Chelsea, Ludlow, Bellows Falls, among others in that state and as far as Willsboro, New York, Ontario, and North Adams, Massachusetts. It may have been felt in Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Michigan as well. EMSC reported strong shaking in Quebec at Saint-Elphege, Yamaska, Berthierville, Trois-Rivieres, Saint-Leon-le-Grand, Mandeville, Saint-Hyacinthe among others. Earthquakes Canada reported this event at M 4.6 and that it was felt in the epicentral area. The last earthquake listed by NEIC within about 200 km of today's epicenter with M>=4.6 occurred more than 35 years ago. The last within  250 km was an M 5.0-5.2 on June 23, 2010 and on April 20, 2002 both to the west of today's epicenter. At the time of the June, 2010 event this summary noted:



"A moderate earthquake of M 5.0 shook much of eastern Canada and the northeastern United States today. The earthquake forced the evacuation of the Parliament building in Ottawa. Workers left for the day while the building was inspected. Buildings in Toronto were emptied. Toronto will be the meeting place of the G20 summit this weekend. This is believed to be the largest earthquake in the region since an M 6.1 in 1935. Damage was reported from Graceland, Quebec and surrounding communities. Trains were interrupted and a portion of route 307 east of Quebec has been closed after it had collapsed. Structural damage was also reported to buildings in Gatineau, Quebec and to  three Ottawa schools. Windows shattered in Ottawa's Rideau Centre shopping Mall and the First Avenue Public School was closed because of cracks. A portion of a bridge in Bowman, Quebec near the epicenter is missing over a 50-meter stretch and traffic on Route 307 was diverted. A church in Gracefield saw the ceiling and chimney collapse in the earthquake and power was cut in some areas. The largest earthquakes in the region occurred in 1935 and in 1732 (M 6.2) southeast of this event. That event caused significant damage in Montreal. Smaller events occur several times a year in the region. The mainshock was followed by at least 20 aftershocks according to Earthquakes Canada." (June 23, 2010)


Forecast 165996 had expected today's event within about 100 km was likely around September 1.


O:  1SEP2024 09:43:36  46.0N   72.8W ML=3.8  EMSC   ST. LAWRENCE VALLEY REG., CANA

O:  1SEP2024 09:43:37  46.0N   72.8W MB=4.6  ECAN OF PIERREVILLE, QC, FELT       

P:  1SEP2024 165996    45.0N   73.0W 2.0-4.4 AAAAA  New England                

P:  1SEP2024 165996    45.0N   73.0W 2.0-4.4 AAAAA  New England                



An unusually large earthquake of M 3.4 also occurred today in the Mammoth Lakes

in Central California near the Nevada border. The last earthquake of M>=3.5 in the Mammoth Lakes area within about 75 km of today's epicenter occurred as an M 3.6 on February 12, 2024 but the last earthquake of significantly larger magnitude in the area was an M 3.9 on December 2, 2022 and on March 31, 2022.


Today's event appears to be part of a gradually increasing seismicity in the area. A major swarm hit the area in May, 1980. NEIC reported these earthquakes of M 3.4 and M 2.7 in Mammoth Lakes, California were felt with intensity up to II in the area(s) of Mammoth Lakes, California at Bishop.


Forecast 165652 had expected enhanced seismicity within about 10 km of this epicenter was likely around August 31.


O:  1SEP2024 11:01:44  37.4N  118.5W MW=3.4  EMSC   CENTRAL CALIFORNIA           

O: 01SEP2024 17:01:41  37.4N  118.5W MD=2.7  EMSC   CENTRAL CALIFORNIA

P: 31AUG2024 165652    37.4N  118.6W 2.5-4.7 AAAAA  California/Nevada area     




For most events there are two listings. The first line is the observed event starting with "O:" for Observed. There follows the date, month and year, the time in UT hours:minutes:seconds, the latitude and longitude, the given magnitude and the reporting agency followed by the geographic location. The second line starts with "P:" This is the forecast event as forecast in our summaries normally more than a month in advance. Magnitudes may vary in response to updated seismic watches and daily variations due to tidal and other influences. This line has the forecast date, month and year, the forecast number, latitude, longitude and forecast magnitude range.  This is followed by a comparison between the forecast and the event. The comparison includes letters A-D. The first is number of days difference from predicted (A:up to 2, B3-5; C:6-10; D:more than 10), Difference in latitude (A:up to 1 degree; B:1-2 degrees; C:2-4 degrees; D:more than 4 degrees); longitude (same comparison as with latitude); magnitude (A: within forecast range; B: higher than forecast range; C: lower than forecast range; D: no comparison possible). The last letter is a stand in for a future comparison which needs to be done statistically after a large number of forecasts have been made. In previous data, an excellent match is generally AAAAA; a good match as one or two B's; a fair match has several B's and C's and a poor match is one which contains a number of C's or D's. 




O:  2SEP2024 01:05:59  36.0N   70.5E MB=4.5  EMSC   HINDU KUSH REGION, AFGHANISTAN

P:  2SEP2024 165932    36.0N   72.0E 3.8-5.6 AABAA  Hindu Kush/Pakistan        


O:  1SEP2024 07:57:02  42.9N   82.8E ML=3.1  EMSC   NORTHERN XINJIANG, CHINA     

P:  3SEP2024 165988    42.0N   83.0E 4.0-5.4 AAAAA  Kirgizstan/Xinjiang        


O:  1SEP2024 20:36:24  52.9N  160.3E MB=4.6  EMSC   OFF EAST COAST OF KAMCHATKA   

P:  3SEP2024 166029    52.0N  160.0E 4.0-5.4 AAAAA  E. of Kamchatka            


No significant (M>=5) or unusual earthquakes were reported in Asia today.




O:  1SEP2024 11:47:04   2.0S  125.8E ML=4.3  EMSC   KEPULAUAN SULA, INDONESIA    

P: 29AUG2024 165586     3.0S  127.0E 4.0-5.5 BABAA  Ceram area                 


O:  1SEP2024 19:59:25   3.8N  126.6E MB=5.0  EMSC   KEPULAUAN TALAUD, INDONESIA  

P:  1SEP2024 165839     4.0N  127.0E 4.0-5.5 AAAAA  Halmahera                   


BMG reported this earthquake of M 5.2 in the Talaud Islands, Indonesia was felt with intensity up to IV in the area(s) of the Talaud Islands, Indonesia at Kabaruan, Damau, Salibaby, Moronge, Lirung, Beo, Rainis, Melonguane, Kalongan, Pulutan with lesser shaking in Sangihe.


O:  1SEP2024 07:33:52   4.3S  137.1E ML=4.1  EMSC   PAPUA, INDONESIA             

P:  1SEP2024 165866     2.0S  138.0E 4.0-5.5 ACAAA  West Irian, PNG            

P: 10SEP2024 165866     4.0S  137.0E 4.0-5.4 CAAAA  West Irian, PNG             


O:  2SEP2024 00:39:36   4.6N   96.4E MB=4.9  EMSC   NORTHERN SUMATRA, INDONESIA  

P:  2SEP2024 165845     5.0N   96.0E 4.0-5.8 AAAAA  Nicobar Islands            


O:  1SEP2024 07:38:16   5.8S  149.6E MW=5.3  EMSC   NEW BRITAIN REGION, P.N.G.   

P:  2SEP2024 165855     5.0S  152.0E 4.0-5.4 AABAA  New Britain                


O:  1SEP2024 20:13:35   6.8S  155.5E MW=6.4  EMSC   BOUGAINVILLE REGION, P.N.G.  

P:  7SEP2024 165855     7.0S  154.0E 4.0-5.8 CABAA  New Britain                

P:  7SEP2024 165863     6.0S  155.0E 4.0-5.5 CAAAA  Solomon Islands            




O:  2SEP2024 02:57:15  16.9N   96.5W ML=4.2  EMSC   OAXACA, MEXICO               

P:  6SEP2024 165893    15.0N   97.0W 3.5-5.3 BBAAA  Oaxaca, Mexico              


NEIC reported this earthquake of M 4.3 in Oaxaca, Mexico was felt with intensity up to IV in the area(s) of Oaxaca, Mexico in Oaxaca and Tlalnepantla, Mexico.

EMSC reported light shaking in Oaxaca De Juarez, Mexico.


O:  1SEP2024 21:17:47  17.9N   69.1W ML=3.3  EMSC   DOMINICAN REPUBLIC REGION    

P:  3SEP2024 165901    20.0N   69.0W 3.0-4.7 ABAAA  Bahamas/No. Caribbean      


O:  2SEP2024 04:38:55  18.2N   66.2W MD=3.2  EMSC   PUERTO RICO                  

O: 01SEP2024 07:23:13  18.0N   68.0W MD=3.8  EMSC   PUERTO RICO REGION

O: 02SEP2024 03:52:25  18.0N   67.0W MD=3.1  EMSC   PUERTO RICO REGION

O: 02SEP2024 04:00:51  18.0N   67.0W MD=3.0  EMSC   PUERTO RICO

O: 02SEP2024 06:50:46  18.0N   67.0W MD=3.4  EMSC   PUERTO RICO REGION

O: 02SEP2024 06:58:34  18.0N   67.0W MD=3.1  EMSC   PUERTO RICO

P:  1SEP2024 165895    18.0N   67.0W 3.4-5.3 AAAAA  Puerto Rico                


O:  1SEP2024 19:33:33  18.4N   72.9W ML=3.5  EMSC   HAITI REGION                 

P: 29AUG2024 165632    20.0N   71.0W 3.0-4.9 BBBAA  Bahamas/No. Caribbean      


O: 02SEP2024 00:42:39  19.2N   67.0W MD=3.4  EMSC   PUERTO RICO REGION

O:  1SEP2024 10:11:26  19.1N   68.6W ML=3.4  EMSC   DOMINICAN REPUBLIC REGION    

P:  3SEP2024 165901    20.0N   69.0W 3.0-4.7 AAAAA  Bahamas/No. Caribbean      


O:  2SEP2024 05:53:22  22.2S   68.7W MB=4.3  EMSC   ANTOFAGASTA, CHILE           

P:  3SEP2024 166078    21.0S   68.0W 4.0-5.6 ABAAA  Argentina                  

P: 29AUG2024 165801    23.0S   69.0W 4.0-5.4 BAAAA  Coast No. Chile             


O:  1SEP2024 21:41:28  27.8N  111.9W ML=3.9  EMSC   GULF OF CALIFORNIA           

P:  7SEP2024 165905    28.0N  112.0W 3.5-4.9 CAAAA  Gulf of California         




No significant (M>=5) or unusual earthquakes were reported in Europe today.




O:  1SEP2024 17:09:14  11.2S  162.3E MB=4.9  EMSC   SOLOMON ISLANDS              

P:  6SEP2024 166075    11.0S  161.0E 4.0-5.4 BAAAA  Vanuatu Islands            

P:  7SEP2024 166075    11.0S  163.0E 4.0-5.5 CAAAA  Vanuatu Islands            


O:  2SEP2024 05:23:56  18.8S  177.3W MB=4.5  EMSC   FIJI REGION                  

P:  5SEP2024 166073    17.0S  177.0W 4.0-5.9 BBAAA  Tonga Islands              

P: 28AUG2024 165795    19.0S  178.0W 4.0-5.4 BAAAA  Tonga Islands              


O:  1SEP2024 16:31:05  22.6S  172.8E MB=4.8  EMSC   SOUTHEAST OF LOYALTY ISLANDS 

P:  3SEP2024 166083    23.0S  170.0E 4.0-5.4 AABAA  Loyalty Islands            

P:  8SEP2024 166093    23.0S  173.0E 4.0-5.4 CAAAA  Tonga/Fiji                  


No significant (M>=5) or unusual earthquakes were reported in the Southwest Pacific region today.




O:  1SEP2024 15:46:35  26.5N   44.7W MB=4.8  EMSC   NORTHERN MID-ATLANTIC RIDGE  

P:  2SEP2024 165908    27.0N   44.0W 4.0-5.6 AAAAA  Mid-Atlantic Ridge         


O:  2SEP2024 03:16:42  36.2S  100.5W MW=5.3  EMSC   SOUTHEAST OF EASTER ISLAND   

P:  3SEP2024 166100    36.0S   97.0W 4.0-5.5 AACAA  Chile Rise                 





No earthquakes of M>=4 were recorded in the regions of Zealandia or Australia





O:  1SEP2024 23:39:51  26.3N  125.7E MB=4.6  EMSC   NORTHEAST OF TAIWAN          

P:  1SEP2024 165912    28.0N  127.0E 4.0-5.6 ABAAA  Ryukyu Islands             


O:  1SEP2024 15:32:06  29.2N  141.9E MB=4.7  EMSC   IZU ISLANDS, JAPAN REGION    

P:  1SEP2024 165904    29.0N  142.0E 4.0-5.4 AAAAA  Bonin Islands              


O:  1SEP2024 17:06:30  48.5N  155.1E MB=4.1  EMSC   KURIL ISLANDS                

P:  3SEP2024 165995    49.0N  156.0E 3.5-5.5 AAAAA  NE Pacific                 








O:  2SEP2024 04:08:34  32.9N  116.2W ML=2.1  EMSC   SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA          

P: 30AUG2024 165691    32.1N  116.4W 2.5-4.6 AAAAA  So. California             


O:  1SEP2024 16:33:33  33.7N  116.7W ML=2.6  EMSC   SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA          

P:  4SEP2024 165956    34.4N  116.5W 2.5-4.4 BAAAA  So. California             


NEIC reported this earthquake of M 2.7 in Southern California was felt with intensity up to IV in the area(s) of Southern California in Idyllwild, Hemet, Palm Springs, Mountain Center, Cathedral City and Rancho Mirage.


O:  2SEP2024 05:45:27  33.9N  117.1W ML=2.2  EMSC   GREATER LOS ANGELES AREA, CALI

P: 28AUG2024 165694    33.8N  117.7W 2.5-4.5 BAAAA  So. California             


O:  1SEP2024 16:16:45  34.1N  118.2W ML=2.1  EMSC   GREATER LOS ANGELES AREA, CALI

P:  2SEP2024 165958    34.4N  118.6W 2.5-4.6 AAAAA  So. California             


O:  2SEP2024 01:54:13  35.1N  119.1W ML=2.8  EMSC   CENTRAL CALIFORNIA           

P:  2SEP2024 165960    35.3N  119.0W 2.5-4.6 AAAAA  So. California             


O:  1SEP2024 22:41:35  36.0N  117.7W ML=2.5  EMSC   CENTRAL CALIFORNIA           

P:  2SEP2024 165961    35.9N  117.7W 2.5-4.6 AAAAA  So. California             


O:  2SEP2024 02:54:22  36.5N  121.0W MD=2.1  EMSC   CENTRAL CALIFORNIA           

P:  6SEP2024 165923    36.7N  121.4W 2.5-4.8 BAAAA  Central California         


O:  1SEP2024 11:01:44  37.4N  118.5W MW=3.4  EMSC   CENTRAL CALIFORNIA           

O: 01SEP2024 17:01:41  37.4N  118.5W MD=2.7  EMSC   CENTRAL CALIFORNIA

P: 31AUG2024 165652    37.4N  118.6W 2.5-4.7 AAAAA  California/Nevada area     


O:  2SEP2024 03:20:43  37.7N  117.1W ML=2.1  EMSC   NEVADA                        

P:  6SEP2024 165919    37.1N  117.8W 2.5-4.8 BAAAA  California/Nevada area     


O:  1SEP2024 12:02:49  40.8N  123.6W MD=2.2  EMSC   NORTHERN CALIFORNIA          

P:  2SEP2024 166004    40.2N  124.2W 2.5-4.5 AAAAA  Off Coast of No. Calif     





O:  1SEP2024 13:20:20  59.6N  151.5W MW=4.5  EMSC   KENAI PENINSULA, ALASKA      

P:  3SEP2024 166047    60.5N  151.5W 3.2-5.3 AAAAA  Central Alaska             




No events of M>=2 were located in the northwestern U.S. or western Canada today.




O:  1SEP2024 11:22:49  36.3N  106.7W ML=2.9  EMSC   NEW MEXICO                   

P:  2SEP2024 165929    37.0N  105.2W 2.0-4.0 AABAA  Colorado area              


O:  1SEP2024 08:47:08  47.4N  113.1W ML=3.6  EMSC   WESTERN MONTANA              

P: 30AUG2024 165750    46.4N  111.4W 2.0-4.1 AABAA  Yellowstone/Wyoming        


NEIC reported this earthquake of M 3.5 in Western Montana was felt with intensity up to IV in the area(s) of Western Montana in Seeley Lake, Condon, Ronan and Great Falls.




O:  1SEP2024 07:39:52  28.6N   98.4W ML=2.0  EMSC   SOUTHERN TEXAS               

P:  7SEP2024 165911    28.0N   98.0W 3.0-4.7 CAAAA  Northern Mexico            


NEIC reported this earthquake of M 2.8 in Western Texas was felt with intensity up to IV in the area(s) of Western Texas in Midland and Odessa.


O:  1SEP2024 07:22:06  35.5N   98.0W ML=2.0  EMSC   OKLAHOMA                     

P:  5SEP2024 165968    37.0N   98.0W 2.0-4.2 BBAAA  Southern Plains            


O:  1SEP2024 09:43:36  46.0N   72.8W ML=3.8  EMSC   ST. LAWRENCE VALLEY REG., CANA

O:  1SEP2024 09:43:37  46.0N   72.8W MB=4.6  ECAN OF PIERREVILLE, QC, FELT       

P:  1SEP2024 165996    45.0N   73.0W 2.0-4.4 AAAAA  New England                

P:  1SEP2024 165996    45.0N   73.0W 2.0-4.4 AAAAA  New England                




No earthquakes of M>=3 were located in Hawaii.






The strongest earthquake in the world today was an M 5.6 in the South Sandwich

Islands. It was not reported felt in this remote area. This is the strongest

earthquake in the South Sandwich Islands since an M 5.7 on June 19, 2024. At that time this summary noted in this regard:



"While the South Sandwich Islands have been active in May and June, 2024 today's event of M 5.7 is the strongest in the region since a similar M 5.7 on February 14, 2024. The last such earthquake in the South Sandwich Islands of larger magnitude was an M 5.8 on November 30, 2023. At the time this summary noted:



"The strongest earthquake in the world today was an M 5.8 in the South Sandwich Islands. This event was not reported felt in this remote area. A major earthquake of M 7.5 hit about 200 km southeast of today's epicenter on August 12, 2021 but the last earthquake within this range of today's event with equal of larger magnitude was recorded on August 18 and December 7, 2021 with M 5.8-5.9. Today's event was probably promoted by geomagnetic effects which maximize near the geomagnetic equator and at high latitudes." (November 30, 2023, June 20, 2024)


This epicenter is near the antipode of the M 7.1 in Kamchatka that occurred on August 17, 2024 and was probably promoted by energy from that source. Readers may check 58S 25W for the South Sandwich Islands event and 53.0N 159E for Kamchatka for antipodality. It is also near 103 degrees from the Tonga quake of M 6.9 of August 25 and may have been promoted by energy from that source.

Two unusual earthquakes also occurred today at 144 degrees from the Tonga quake – an M 4.0 in Crimea and an M 5.0 in the Northern Mid-Atlantic Ridge which also were likely promoted by energy from Tonga.


Forecasts 166111 and 165829 had expected this event within about 100 km was likely at the end of August or early September, 2024.


O:  1SEP2024 00:53:16  58.0S   25.7W MB=5.6  EMSC   SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION

P:  5SEP2024 166111    58.0S   25.0W 4.0-6.2 BAAAA  So. Sandwich Islands       

P: 27AUG2024 165829    59.0S   26.0W 4.0-6.2 BAAAA  So. Sandwich Islands       



For most events there are two listings. The first line is the observed event starting with "O:" for Observed. There follows the date, month and year, the time in UT hours:minutes:seconds, the latitude and longitude, the given magnitude and the reporting agency followed by the geographic location. The second line starts with "P:" This is the forecast event as forecast in our summaries normally more than a month in advance. Magnitudes may vary in response to updated seismic watches and daily variations due to tidal and other influences. This line has the forecast date, month and year, the forecast number, latitude, longitude and forecast magnitude range.  This is followed by a comparison between the forecast and the event. The comparison includes letters A-D. The first is number of days difference from predicted (A:up to 2, B3-5; C:6-10; D:more than 10), Difference in latitude (A:up to 1 degree; B:1-2 degrees; C:2-4 degrees; D:more than 4 degrees); longitude (same comparison as with latitude); magnitude (A: within forecast range; B: higher than forecast range; C: lower than forecast range; D: no comparison possible). The last letter is a stand in for a future comparison which needs to be done statistically after a large number of forecasts have been made. In previous data, an excellent match is generally AAAAA; a good match as one or two B's; a fair match has several B's and C's and a poor match is one which contains a number of C's or D's. 




O: 31AUG2024 18:21:41  23.8N  121.7E MW=4.5  EMSC   TAIWAN                       

P:  6SEP2024 165915    24.0N  121.0E 4.0-5.5 CAAAA  Taiwan                     


NEIC reported this earthquake of M 4.5 in Taiwan was felt with intensity up to IV in the area(s) of Taiwan in Taipei.


O: 31AUG2024 16:43:54  50.5N   87.3E MB=4.1  EMSC   SOUTHWESTERN SIBERIA, RUSSIA 

P: 22AUG2024 165767    50.0N   88.0E 3.0-4.4 CAAAA  So. Siberia                


O:  1SEP2024 00:06:01  53.0N  159.8E MB=4.1  EMSC   NEAR EAST COAST OF KAMCHATKA 

P:  3SEP2024 166029    52.0N  160.0E 4.0-5.4 AAAAA  E. of Kamchatka             


No significant (M>=5) or unusual earthquakes were reported in Asia today.




O: 31AUG2024 14:53:10   2.1N  126.8E ML=4.2  EMSC   MOLUCCA SEA                  

P:  1SEP2024 165842     3.0N  126.0E 4.0-5.4 AAAAA  Mindanao, Philippines      


O: 31AUG2024 08:53:50   3.5S  139.6E MB=5.0  EMSC   PAPUA, INDONESIA             

P:  1SEP2024 165866     2.0S  138.0E 4.0-5.5 ABBAA  West Irian, PNG            

P: 28AUG2024 165606     2.0S  139.0E 4.0-5.4 BBAAA  West Irian, PNG             


O:  1SEP2024 00:49:26   4.7N  125.2E MB=5.0  EMSC   KEPULAUAN SANGIHE, INDONESIA 

P:  5SEP2024 165839     5.0N  124.0E 4.0-5.4 BABAA  Mindanao, Philippines      


O: 31AUG2024 08:10:32   7.8N  124.7E ML=4.4  EMSC   MINDANAO, PHILIPPINES         

P: 26AUG2024 165571     7.0N  124.0E 4.0-5.5 BAAAA  Central Philippines        

P: 27AUG2024 165572     8.0N  125.0E 4.0-5.4 BAAAA  Central Philippines        


O:  1SEP2024 03:42:49   8.2N   91.7E MW=5.2  EMSC   NICOBAR ISLANDS, INDIA REGION

P:  1SEP2024 165845     8.0N   93.0E 4.0-5.4 AAAAA  Nicobar Islands            




O:  1SEP2024 05:37:37  15.7N   97.1W ML=4.2  EMSC   OFFSHORE OAXACA, MEXICO      

P:  6SEP2024 165893    15.0N   97.0W 3.5-5.3 BAAAA  Oaxaca, Mexico              


O:  1SEP2024 06:41:35  15.8N   93.7W ML=4.3  EMSC   OFFSHORE CHIAPAS, MEXICO     

P:  4SEP2024 165870    15.0N   93.0W 3.5-5.1 BAAAA  Chiapas, Mexico            


O: 31AUG2024 18:37:21  17.7N   95.0W ML=4.0  EMSC   VERACRUZ, MEXICO              

P: 23AUG2024 165612    17.0N   95.0W 3.5-5.1 CAAAA  Chiapas, Mexico            


O: 31AUG2024 07:17:24  18.2N   67.8W MD=3.3  EMSC   MONA PASSAGE, PUERTO RICO

O: 01SEP2024 05:59:56  18.7N   67.5W MD=3.2  EMSC   PUERTO RICO REGION

O: 31AUG2024 21:16:47  17.8N   68.1W MD=3.8  EMSC   DOMINICAN REPUBLIC REGION    

P:  1SEP2024 165895    18.0N   67.0W 3.4-5.3 AAAAA  Puerto Rico                


O: 31AUG2024 11:41:59  18.0N   65.4W MD=3.0  EMSC   PUERTO RICO REGION           

P: 29AUG2024 165618    19.0N   65.0W 3.0-5.1 AAAAA  Leeward Islands            


O: 31AUG2024 10:07:35  23.0N  109.8W ML=3.0  EMSC   BAJA CALIFORNIA SUR, MEXICO  

P:  2SEP2024 165905    24.0N  109.0W 3.5-5.3 AAAAA  Gulf of California         


O: 31AUG2024 18:54:55  29.8S   71.6W ML=4.0  EMSC   OFFSHORE COQUIMBO, CHILE

O: 31AUG2024 14:56:51  29.9S   71.7W ML=4.0  EMSC   OFFSHORE COQUIMBO, CHILE

O: 31AUG2024 13:04:47  29.8S   71.8W MB=5.0  EMSC   OFFSHORE COQUIMBO, CHILE     

P: 29AUG2024 165816    30.0S   72.0W 4.0-5.4 AAAAA  Coast Central Chile        


NEIC reported this earthquake of M 5.0 in Coquimbo, Chile was felt with intensity up to IV in the area(s) of Coquimbo, Chile in Coquimbo and La Serena.

GUC reported intensity IV in  Coquimbo at Coquimbo, La Serena, Chile.


NEIC reported an earthquake of M 4.3 in Northern Chile was felt with intensity up to IV in the area(s) of Northern Chile in Iquique, Tarapaca.




O:  1SEP2024 02:50:57  44.7N   36.6E MB=4.0  EMSC   CRIMEA REGION, UKRAINE       

P:  5SEP2024 166001    41.0N   36.0E 3.5-4.9 BCAAA  No. Turkey/Black Sea       


O: 31AUG2024 14:03:36  79.9N    1.3E MB=4.4  EMSC   GREENLAND SEA                


No significant (M>=5) or unusual earthquakes were reported in Europe today.




O: 31AUG2024 16:41:18  23.3S  179.8W MB=4.6  EMSC   SOUTH OF FIJI ISLANDS        

P:  4SEP2024 166091    23.0S  180.0W 4.0-5.4 BAAAA  Tonga Islands              




O:  1SEP2024 01:55:06  10.4S   66.4E MB=4.6  EMSC   MID-INDIAN RIDGE             

P:  4SEP2024 166068    14.0S   66.0E 4.0-5.5 BCAAA  So. Indian Ocean           


O:  1SEP2024 00:53:16  58.0S   25.7W MB=5.6  EMSC   SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION

P:  5SEP2024 166111    58.0S   25.0W 4.0-6.2 BAAAA  So. Sandwich Islands       

P: 27AUG2024 165829    59.0S   26.0W 4.0-6.2 BAAAA  So. Sandwich Islands       


O: 31AUG2024 14:18:49  41.4N   29.3W ML=4.4  EMSC   AZORES ISLANDS REGION        

P: 26AUG2024 165735    41.0N   30.0W 4.0-5.4 BAAAA  No. Mid-Atlantic Ridge     


No significant (M>=5) or unusual earthquakes were reported on Ocean Ridges today.





No earthquakes of M>=4 were recorded in the regions of Zealandia or Australia





O:  1SEP2024 02:28:41  35.5N  139.0E ML=4.3  EMSC   EASTERN HONSHU, JAPAN        

P:  3SEP2024 165948    35.0N  140.0E 4.0-5.4 AAAAA  Off East Coast Honshu      


NEIC reported this earthquake of M 4.5 in Honshu, Japan was felt with intensity up to IV in the area(s) of Honshu, Japan in Komae, Tokyo.


O: 31AUG2024 13:04:23  32.0N  130.4E MB=4.6  EMSC   KYUSHU, JAPAN                

P:  2SEP2024 165937    31.0N  131.0E 3.5-4.9 AAAAA  Kyushu, Japan area         









O: 31AUG2024 10:50:52  31.6N  116.0W ML=3.2  EMSC   BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO      

P:  5SEP2024 165954    31.8N  116.3W 2.5-4.6 BAAAA  So. California             


O: 31AUG2024 11:43:56  33.3N  116.1W ML=2.8  EMSC   SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA          

P:  6SEP2024 165956    33.0N  115.9W 2.5-4.6 CAAAA  So. California             


NEIC reported this earthquake of M 2.8 in Southern California was felt with intensity up to IV in the area(s) of Southern California in Palm Desert and Thermal.


O:  1SEP2024 02:53:47  33.9N  117.0W ML=2.4  EMSC   SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA          

P: 28AUG2024 165694    33.8N  117.7W 2.5-4.5 BAAAA  So. California             


O: 31AUG2024 19:09:28  35.1N  119.1W ML=2.5  EMSC   CENTRAL CALIFORNIA

O:  1SEP2024 05:12:53  35.1N  119.1W ML=2.0  EMSC   CENTRAL CALIFORNIA            

P:  2SEP2024 165960    35.3N  119.0W 2.5-4.6 AAAAA  So. California             


O: 31AUG2024 13:44:15  35.9N  117.7W ML=2.0  EMSC   CENTRAL CALIFORNIA           

P:  2SEP2024 165961    35.9N  117.7W 2.5-4.6 AAAAA  So. California             


O:  1SEP2024 03:48:18  38.7N  118.6W ML=2.2  EMSC   NEVADA                       

P:  3SEP2024 165920    38.8N  118.7W 2.5-4.9 AAAAA  California/Nevada area     


O: 31AUG2024 09:49:34  40.5N  127.7W ML=2.6  EMSC   OFF COAST OF NORTHERN CALIFORN

O: 31AUG2024 07:49:27  41.5N  125.6W MD=2.1  EMSC   OFF COAST OF NORTHERN CALIFORN

P: 27AUG2024 165738    42.1N  126.9W 3.0-4.5 BAAAA  Off Coast of Oregon        





O: 31AUG2024 07:49:05  59.8N  151.4W ML=3.7  EMSC   KENAI PENINSULA, ALASKA      

P: 31AUG2024 165773    60.1N  150.6W 3.2-5.1 AAAAA  Central Alaska             


NEIC reported this earthquake of M 3.7 in Kenai, Alaska was felt with intensity up to IV in the area(s) of Kenai, Alaska in Anchor Point, Ninilchik, Homer, Clam Gulch, Kenai, Kasilof, Cooper Landing, Anchorage.


O: 31AUG2024 22:25:12  63.6N  147.7W ML=3.2  EMSC   CENTRAL ALASKA               

P: 29AUG2024 165777    62.8N  149.1W 3.2-4.9 AAAAA  Central Alaska             




No events of M>=2 were located in the northwestern U.S. or western Canada today.




O: 31AUG2024 07:56:25  31.6N  104.3W ML=3.5  EMSC   WESTERN TEXAS

O: 31AUG2024 10:01:04  31.6N  104.0W ML=3.5  EMSC   WESTERN TEXAS

O: 31AUG2024 08:08:18  31.7N  104.4W ML=2.0  EMSC   WESTERN TEXAS

O: 31AUG2024 09:52:36  31.7N  104.4W ML=2.3  EMSC   WESTERN TEXAS

O: 31AUG2024 15:15:56  31.7N  104.4W ML=2.0  EMSC   WESTERN TEXAS

O:  1SEP2024 05:09:04  31.6N  104.0W ML=2.0  EMSC   WESTERN TEXAS                

P:  5SEP2024 165952    32.6N  104.6W 2.0-3.9 BAAAA  SW U.S.A                   


O: 31AUG2024 18:02:10  42.8N  109.0W ML=2.7  EMSC   WYOMING                      

P:  3SEP2024 165981    41.8N  108.7W 2.0-3.9 BAAAA  Colorado area              




O:  1SEP2024 06:42:09  28.5N   98.4W ML=2.0  EMSC   SOUTHERN TEXAS               

P:  7SEP2024 165911    28.0N   98.0W 3.0-4.7 CAAAA  Northern Mexico            


O: 31AUG2024 09:33:32  35.3N   92.7W MD=2.2  EMSC   ARKANSAS                     

P: 28AUG2024 165674    35.0N   92.0W 2.0-4.3 BAAAA  New Madrid area            


O: 31AUG2024 15:51:08  35.5N   98.0W ML=2.2  EMSC   OKLAHOMA

O:  1SEP2024 01:36:08  35.5N   98.0W ML=2.0  EMSC   OKLAHOMA                     

P: 29AUG2024 165703    35.0N   97.0W 2.0-4.3 BAAAA  Southern Plains            


NEIC reported this earthquake of M 2.6 in Oklahoma was felt with intensity up to IV in the area(s) of Oklahoma in Alex, Amber, Blanchard and Oklahoma City.




No earthquakes of M>=3 were located in Hawaii.






The strongest earthquake in the world today was an M 5.6 in the Northern Mid-Atlantic Ridge. It was not reported felt in this remote area. The last earthquake with equal or larger magnitude within about 250 km of this North Atlantic epicenter was an M 5.9 on October 1, 2022. This followed several events of M 5.4-5.6 in the same region in late September, 2022. At the time this summary noted:



"The earthquake of M 5.9-6.0 in the Reykjanes Ridge today is the strongest to date in the current series which has included two events of M 5.7 in the past four days in the region. It occurred at a high latitude near local solar midnight and was also probably promoted by effects from the geomagnetic storm (see above). The aftershock series in northern Sumatra ceased immediately after the M 5.9 in the Reykjanes Ridge. An M 5.0 in the Reykjanes aftershock series

occurred within minutes of local solar midnight during the geomagnetic storm today. This sequence had been noted in previous issues of this summary as:


"This is the strongest activity within about 200 km of this epicenter in the Reykjanes area since an M 6.8 on February 16, 1998. That was the only earthquake in this region with M>=5.7 in at least 30 years." (October 1, 2022)


Forecasts 166034 and 165762 had expected today's event within about 50-100 km  was likely at the end of August or early September, 2024.


O: 30AUG2024 09:32:25  53.0N   33.4W MW=5.6  EMSC   REYKJANES RIDGE              

P:  1SEP2024 166034    53.0N   32.0W 4.0-5.4 AAAAA  North Mid-Atlantic Ridge   

P: 27AUG2024 165762    54.0N   35.0W 4.0-5.5 BAAAA  North Mid-Atlantic Ridge   


The strongest earthquake in the U.S. or Canada today was an M 3.5  and an M 4.0 in the Fox Islands, Aleutians. NEIC reported it was felt with intensity up to II in the Fox Islands at Nikolski. NEIC reported this earthquake of M 3.7 in the Fox Islands, Alaska was felt with intensity up to II in the area(s) of the Fox Islands, Alaska in Unalaska. The last earthquake of larger magnitude in the Fox Islands was an  4.4 on July 4, 2024. But the last event of significantly larger size in  the Fox Islands occurred as an M 6.0 on May 19, 2024. At the time this summary noted:



"The strongest earthquake in the world today was an M 6.0 in the Fox Islands. NEIC reported it was felt with intensity up to V in Nikolski, Alaska. This is the first earthquake in the U.S. or Canada of M>=6 in the year 2024 to date. The last such earthquake of M>=6 occurred on December 21, 2023 with M 6.1 and prior to that as a M 6.4 on October 16, 2023. Today's earthquake is also the strongest within about  200 km of today's epicenter since an M 6.8 and 6.6 on January 11, 2022." (May 19, 2024)


Forecasts 166030 and 165758 had expected this activity in the Fox Islands within about 50 km was likely around August 30-September 1.


O: 30AUG2024 18:21:57  52.7N  168.8W ML=4.0  EMSC   FOX ISLANDS, ALEUTIAN ISLANDS

P:  1SEP2024 166030    52.4N  169.4W 3.5-5.4 AAAAA  Fox Islands, Aleutians     


O: 31AUG2024 00:41:54  53.5N  165.9W ML=3.5  EMSC   FOX ISLANDS, ALEUTIAN ISLANDS

P: 30AUG2024 165758    53.7N  165.3W 3.5-5.0 AAAAA  Fox Islands, Aleutians     



For most events there are two listings. The first line is the observed event starting with "O:" for Observed. There follows the date, month and year, the time in UT hours:minutes:seconds, the latitude and longitude, the given magnitude and the reporting agency followed by the geographic location. The second line starts with "P:" This is the forecast event as forecast in our summaries normally more than a month in advance. Magnitudes may vary in response to updated seismic watches and daily variations due to tidal and other influences. This line has the forecast date, month and year, the forecast number, latitude, longitude and forecast magnitude range.  This is followed by a comparison between the forecast and the event. The comparison includes letters A-D. The first is number of days difference from predicted (A:up to 2, B3-5; C:6-10; D:more than 10), Difference in latitude (A:up to 1 degree; B:1-2 degrees; C:2-4 degrees; D:more than 4 degrees); longitude (same comparison as with latitude); magnitude (A: within forecast range; B: higher than forecast range; C: lower than forecast range; D: no comparison possible). The last letter is a stand in for a future comparison which needs to be done statistically after a large number of forecasts have been made. In previous data, an excellent match is generally AAAAA; a good match as one or two B's; a fair match has several B's and C's and a poor match is one which contains a number of C's or D's. 




O: 30AUG2024 22:02:07  28.5N   84.3E ML=4.0  EMSC   NEPAL                         

P: 24AUG2024 165713    30.0N   82.0E 3.8-5.2 CBBAA  Xizang                     


O: 30AUG2024 23:00:36  36.5N   71.1E MB=4.2  EMSC   HINDU KUSH REGION, AFGHANISTAN

P: 29AUG2024 165667    37.0N   70.0E 3.8-5.4 AAAAA  Hindu Kush/Pakistan         


No significant (M>=5) or unusual earthquakes were reported in Asia today.




O: 30AUG2024 18:50:16   0.1N   96.8E ML=4.0  EMSC   NIAS REGION, INDONESIA       

P:  2SEP2024 165845     5.0N   96.0E 4.0-5.8 BAAAA  Nicobar Islands            


O: 30AUG2024 09:43:02   2.7S  101.8E ML=4.1  EMSC   SOUTHERN SUMATRA, INDONESIA  

P: 30AUG2024 165601     4.0S  102.0E 4.0-5.5 ABAAA  So. of Sumatera            


O: 31AUG2024 02:18:57   7.7S  128.9E ML=4.3  EMSC   KEPULAUAN BARAT DAYA, INDONESI

P:  1SEP2024 165867     7.0S  130.0E 4.0-5.4 AAAAA  West Irian, PNG            

P: 23AUG2024 165583     7.0S  129.0E 4.0-5.4 CAAAA  Banda Sea                  


O: 30AUG2024 11:04:37   9.2N  126.8E ML=4.1  EMSC   MINDANAO, PHILIPPINES         

P: 29AUG2024 165577     9.0N  127.0E 4.0-5.4 AAAAA  Halmahera                  


No significant (M>=5) or unusual earthquakes were reported in Indonesia or the Philippines today.




O: 30AUG2024 21:25:34   5.3N   82.6W MW=5.1  EMSC   SOUTH OF PANAMA              

P:  3SEP2024 165837     4.0N   83.0W 4.0-5.5 BBAAA  Ecuador                    


NEIC reported this earthquake of M 5.1 south of Panama  was felt with intensity up to I in the area(s) of Panama in San Miguelito.


O: 31AUG2024 03:10:05   6.7N   73.0W MB=4.4  EMSC   NORTHERN COLOMBIA            

P: 29AUG2024 165573     7.0N   73.0W 4.0-5.4 AAAAA  Colombia                   


O: 30AUG2024 14:03:40  11.8N   87.1W MB=4.3  EMSC   NEAR COAST OF NICARAGUA      

P:  1SEP2024 165889    11.0N   87.0W 3.5-5.4 AAAAA  Nicaragua                  


NEIC reported this earthquake of M 4.3 in Nicaragua was felt with intensity up to III in the area(s) of Nicaragua in Managua and Masachapa.


O: 31AUG2024 03:52:18  12.7N   88.3W ML=4.3  EMSC   OFFSHORE EL SALVADOR

O: 30AUG2024 10:08:05  13.0N   89.6W ML=4.2  EMSC   OFFSHORE EL SALVADOR         

P: 29AUG2024 165614    13.0N   90.0W 3.5-5.5 AAAAA  Guatemala                  


O: 31AUG2024 02:40:48  17.6N   61.0W MB=4.3  EMSC   ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA REGION   

P: 24AUG2024 165617    18.0N   61.0W 3.0-4.9 CAAAA  Leeward Islands            


O: 30AUG2024 20:34:57  17.7N   94.7W MW=4.9  EMSC   VERACRUZ, MEXICO             

P: 23AUG2024 165612    17.0N   95.0W 3.5-5.1 CAAAA  Chiapas, Mexico             


NEIC reported this earthquake of M 4.9 in Veracruz, Mexico was felt with intensity up to IV in the area(s) of Veracruz, Mexico in Tuxla Gutierrez, Chiapas and Tlalnepantla.


O: 30AUG2024 19:28:37  19.3N   67.5W MD=3.6  EMSC   PUERTO RICO REGION

O: 30AUG2024 21:07:56  18.1N   68.6W MD=3.7  EMSC   ISLA SAONA, DOMINICAN REPUBLIC

P: 27AUG2024 165628    18.0N   67.0W 3.4-5.4 BABAA  Puerto Rico                


O: 30AUG2024 08:01:51  25.1N  109.7W ML=4.0  EMSC   GULF OF CALIFORNIA           

P: 28AUG2024 165634    24.0N  109.0W 3.5-5.4 ABAAA  Gulf of California         


O: 31AUG2024 04:26:34  27.2S   70.8W ML=4.1  EMSC   ATACAMA, CHILE               

P:  3SEP2024 166081    27.0S   71.0W 4.0-5.7 BAAAA  Coast Central Chile        


GUC reported this earthquake of M 4.1 was felt with intensity   V in  Atacama at Copiapo, Tierra Amarilla, Caldera; III in Vallenar and II in Chanaral, Chile.


O: 30AUG2024 09:03:14  27.4N  111.4W ML=3.5  EMSC   GULF OF CALIFORNIA           

P:  7SEP2024 165905    28.0N  112.0W 3.5-4.9 CAAAA  Gulf of California         


O: 31AUG2024 04:26:36  27.7S   69.9W ML=4.0  EMSC   ATACAMA, CHILE               

P:  3SEP2024 166081    27.0S   71.0W 4.0-5.7 BAAAA  Coast Central Chile        


O: 30AUG2024 23:20:25  30.1S   71.7W MB=4.5  EMSC   OFFSHORE COQUIMBO, CHILE     

P: 29AUG2024 165816    30.0S   72.0W 4.0-5.4 AAAAA  Coast Central Chile        


NEIC reported this earthquake of M 4.5 in Coquimbo, Chile was felt with intensity up to III in the area(s) of Coquimbo, Chile in La Serena.

EMSC reported strong shaking in Coquimbo at Coquimbo and Paiguano.




O: 30AUG2024 19:23:15  40.8N   14.1E MD=3.7  EMSC   SOUTHERN ITALY               

P:  3SEP2024 165938    39.0N   14.0E 3.0-4.9 BBAAA  Mediterranean/Sicily       


No significant (M>=5) or unusual earthquakes were reported in Europe today.




O: 30AUG2024 16:37:05  16.2S  175.8W MB=4.3  EMSC   TONGA                        

P: 30AUG2024 165794    17.0S  177.0W 4.0-5.9 AAAAA  Tonga Islands               


No significant (M>=5) or unusual earthquakes were reported in the Southwest Pacific region today.




O: 30AUG2024 09:32:25  53.0N   33.4W MW=5.6  EMSC   REYKJANES RIDGE              

P:  1SEP2024 166034    53.0N   32.0W 4.0-5.4 AAAAA  North Mid-Atlantic Ridge   

P: 27AUG2024 165762    54.0N   35.0W 4.0-5.5 BAAAA  North Mid-Atlantic Ridge   





O: 30AUG2024 13:46:49  33.2S  180.0E ML=4.0  EMSC   SOUTH OF KERMADEC ISLANDS    

P:  3SEP2024 166104    33.0S  179.0E 4.0-5.4 BAAAA  So. Kermadec Islands       




O: 31AUG2024 02:41:47  26.0N  142.5E MB=4.7  EMSC   BONIN ISLANDS, JAPAN REGION  

O: 30AUG2024 10:53:25  26.0N  142.6E MB=4.9  EMSC   VOLCANO ISLANDS, JAPAN REGION

P: 25AUG2024 165633    26.0N  143.0E 4.0-5.8 BAAAA  Bonin Islands              


O: 30AUG2024 09:30:30  37.8N  141.6E ML=4.0  EMSC   NEAR EAST COAST OF HONSHU,   

P: 28AUG2024 165684    38.0N  142.0E 4.0-5.5 AAAAA  Off East Coast Honshu      


O: 30AUG2024 23:14:49  46.6N  153.1E MB=4.6  EMSC   KURIL ISLANDS                

P:  1SEP2024 166014    47.0N  154.0E 3.5-5.4 AAAAA  So. Kurils                 


O: 30AUG2024 20:30:02  47.3N  151.3E MB=4.6  EMSC   KURIL ISLANDS                

P: 31AUG2024 165745    47.0N  151.0E 3.5-5.8 AAAAA  So. Kurils                 








O: 30AUG2024 09:10:32  31.4N  115.5W ML=3.4  EMSC   BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO      

O: 30AUG2024 18:41:12  31.7N  115.3W ML=3.5  EMSC   BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO      

P: 24AUG2024 165691    32.1N  115.4W 2.5-4.6 CAAAA  So. California             


O: 31AUG2024 01:14:29  33.0N  116.3W ML=2.8  EMSC   SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA

O: 30AUG2024 20:24:24  32.5N  116.0W ML=2.4  EMSC   BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO      

P: 30AUG2024 165691    32.1N  116.4W 2.5-4.6 AAAAA  So. California             


NEIC reported this earthquake of M 2.8 in Southern California was felt with intensity up to IV in the area(s) of Southern California in Ocotillo Wells and Ramona.


O: 30AUG2024 15:12:54  36.0N  120.5W MD=2.3  EMSC   CENTRAL CALIFORNIA           

P: 29AUG2024 165656    36.2N  120.8W 2.5-4.6 AAAAA  Central California         


O: 30AUG2024 20:32:21  37.7N  117.1W ML=2.5  EMSC   NEVADA

O: 30AUG2024 20:06:31  37.7N  117.2W ML=2.5  EMSC   NEVADA                       

P: 20AUG2024 165379    37.4N  117.2W 2.5-4.7 CAAAA  California/Nevada area     


O: 30AUG2024 14:16:55  38.0N  118.8W MD=2.1  EMSC   CENTRAL CALIFORNIA           

O: 30AUG2024 14:57:20  38.0N  118.8W MD=2.2  EMSC   CENTRAL CALIFORNIA

P: 29AUG2024 165655    38.6N  118.6W 2.5-5.0 AAAAA  California/Nevada area     


O: 31AUG2024 03:57:24  38.8N  122.8W MD=2.6  EMSC   NORTHERN CALIFORNIA          

P: 29AUG2024 165659    39.0N  123.1W 2.5-4.5 AAAAA  Central California         


NEIC reported this earthquake of M 2.6 in Northern California was felt with intensity up to IV in the area(s) of Northern California in Kelseyville.


O: 30AUG2024 17:13:00  40.5N  124.8W MD=2.9  EMSC   OFFSHORE NORTHERN CALIFORNIA 

P: 30AUG2024 165737    40.2N  124.2W 2.5-4.6 AAAAA  Off Coast of No. Calif     


NEIC reported this earthquake of M 3.0 offshore Northern California  was felt with intensity up to II in the area(s) of Northern California in Petrolia.




O: 30AUG2024 16:04:40  51.3N  175.0W ML=3.3  EMSC   ANDREANOF ISLANDS, ALEUTIAN IS

P: 28AUG2024 165753    51.1N  175.8W 3.5-5.1 AAAAA  Andreanoff Isls, Aleutians 


O: 30AUG2024 18:21:57  52.7N  168.8W ML=4.0  EMSC   FOX ISLANDS, ALEUTIAN ISLANDS

P:  1SEP2024 166030    52.4N  169.4W 3.5-5.4 AAAAA  Fox Islands, Aleutians     


O: 31AUG2024 00:41:54  53.5N  165.9W ML=3.5  EMSC   FOX ISLANDS, ALEUTIAN ISLANDS

P: 30AUG2024 165758    53.7N  165.3W 3.5-5.0 AAAAA  Fox Islands, Aleutians     




No events of M>=2 were located in the northwestern U.S. or western Canada today.




O: 30AUG2024 19:09:45  31.6N  104.1W ML=2.3  EMSC   WESTERN TEXAS

O: 30AUG2024 20:05:12  31.6N  104.0W ML=2.1  EMSC   WESTERN TEXAS

O: 30AUG2024 18:06:34  31.1N  103.1W ML=2.8  EMSC   WESTERN TEXAS                

P: 24AUG2024 165688    31.2N  104.1W 2.0-3.9 CAAAA  SW U.S.A                   




O: 30AUG2024 20:33:19  35.4N   97.9W ML=2.2  EMSC   OKLAHOMA                     

P: 29AUG2024 165703    35.0N   97.0W 2.0-4.3 AAAAA  Southern Plains            





NEIC reported this earthquake of M 3.0 in Hawaii was felt with intensity up to III in the area(s) of Hawaii at Volcano.







The strongest earthquake in the world today was an M 6.0 aftershock in  Kamchatka. It was felt with moderate intensity in Petropavlovsk, Russia.

EMSC reported moderate shaking in Petropavlovsk and Yelizovo, Russia. An aftershock of M 4.3 was also reported felt with light intensity in Petropavlovsk. This may have been triggered by an M1.2 solar flare which began about the time Kamchatka was at local solar noon (0120 UT) and peaked about an hour later (0206 UT). SFE associated with this flare may have helped promote the size of this earthquake in Kamchatka. This is the strongest aftershock to date of the M 7.1 in Kamchatka of August 17, 2024. Following is the SWPC for flare 7830, associated with the M 6.0 in Kamchatka:


Flare #    START  MAX       END    CLASS     DATE    Flux (Jm-2)



7830       0200   0206      0214   M1.2      (August 30, 2024)   7.7E-03 


Today's M 6.0 in Kamchatka follows events of M 7.1 on August 17, 2024 and prior to that  an M 6.5 on April 3, 2023 and an M 6.2 on March 28, 2019. At the time of the 2023 quake this summary noted:



"A strong earthquake of M 6.5-6.9 shook areas of Kamchatka, Russia today. RSS reported at least 100 people reported feeling this earthquake with moderate shaking. NEIC reported it was felt with maximum intensity V in Kamchatka at Mohovaja and IV in Petropavlovsk. This event is located near Barkhatnaya Sopka Volcano (about 15 km away) and may provoke volcanism at that Volcano. The last earthquakes in the region of Kamchatka of M>=6.5 occurred on January 30, 2016 (M 7.2) and August 24, 2006 (M 6.5)." (April 3, 2023)


Forecast 165757 had expected enhanced seismicity in Kamchatka was likely around

August 28.


O: 30AUG2024 04:31:48  52.8N  160.3E mb=4.3  EMSC   OFF EAST COAST OF KAMCHATKA

O: 30AUG2024 04:24:23  53.0N  160.2E MW=6.0  EMSC   OFF EAST COAST OF KAMCHATKA  

P: 28AUG2024 165757    52.0N  161.0E 4.0-5.4 AAAAA  E. of Kamchatka            




For most events there are two listings. The first line is the observed event starting with "O:" for Observed. There follows the date, month and year, the time in UT hours:minutes:seconds, the latitude and longitude, the given magnitude and the reporting agency followed by the geographic location. The second line starts with "P:" This is the forecast event as forecast in our summaries normally more than a month in advance. Magnitudes may vary in response to updated seismic watches and daily variations due to tidal and other influences. This line has the forecast date, month and year, the forecast number, latitude, longitude and forecast magnitude range.  This is followed by a comparison between the forecast and the event. The comparison includes letters A-D. The first is number of days difference from predicted (A:up to 2, B3-5; C:6-10; D:more than 10), Difference in latitude (A:up to 1 degree; B:1-2 degrees; C:2-4 degrees; D:more than 4 degrees); longitude (same comparison as with latitude); magnitude (A: within forecast range; B: higher than forecast range; C: lower than forecast range; D: no comparison possible). The last letter is a stand in for a future comparison which needs to be done statistically after a large number of forecasts have been made. In previous data, an excellent match is generally AAAAA; a good match as one or two B's; a fair match has several B's and C's and a poor match is one which contains a number of C's or D's. 




O: 29AUG2024 13:49:02  29.4N   81.3E ML=3.9  EMSC   NEPAL                        

P: 24AUG2024 165713    30.0N   82.0E 3.8-5.2 BAAAA  Xizang                     


O: 29AUG2024 22:05:02  37.5N   72.4E MB=4.1  EMSC   TAJIKISTAN                   

P: 29AUG2024 165668    38.0N   74.0E 3.8-5.7 AABAA  Hindu Kush/Pakistan        


O: 30AUG2024 04:31:48  52.8N  160.3E mb=4.3  EMSC   OFF EAST COAST OF KAMCHATKA

O: 30AUG2024 04:24:23  53.0N  160.2E MW=6.0  EMSC   OFF EAST COAST OF KAMCHATKA  

P: 28AUG2024 165757    52.0N  161.0E 4.0-5.4 AAAAA  E. of Kamchatka            




O: 30AUG2024 05:04:10   3.4S  139.8E ML=4.1  EMSC   PAPUA, INDONESIA             

P: 28AUG2024 165606     2.0S  139.0E 4.0-5.4 ABAAA  West Irian, PNG            

P: 28AUG2024 165606     3.0S  138.0E 4.0-5.6 AABAA  West Irian, PNG            


O: 29AUG2024 13:46:59   5.3N  127.1E ML=4.7  EMSC   PHILIPPINE ISLANDS REGION    

P:  1SEP2024 165839     4.0N  127.0E 4.0-5.5 ABAAA  Halmahera                  


NEIC reported this earthquake of M 4.4 in Southern Mindanao, Philippines was felt with intensity up to IV in the area(s) of Southern Mindanao, Philippines in Pondaguitan and Katangawan.


O: 30AUG2024 06:15:49   6.1N  126.0E MB=4.6  EMSC   MINDANAO, PHILIPPINES        

P: 25AUG2024 165579     6.0N  126.0E 4.0-5.5 BAAAA  Mindanao, Philippines      


O: 30AUG2024 00:52:54   9.3N  126.9E ML=4.4  EMSC   MINDANAO, PHILIPPINES        

P: 29AUG2024 165577     9.0N  127.0E 4.0-5.4 AAAAA  Halmahera                  


No significant (M>=5) or unusual earthquakes were reported in Indonesia or the Philippines today.




O: 29AUG2024 21:05:41   3.3N   82.9W MB=4.3  EMSC   SOUTH OF PANAMA               

P:  3SEP2024 165837     4.0N   83.0W 4.0-5.5 BAAAA  Ecuador                    


O: 29AUG2024 14:19:01   9.9N   70.7W MB=4.5  EMSC   ZULIA, VENEZUELA             

P: 30AUG2024 165626    10.0N   71.0W 3.5-5.4 AAAAA  Northern Venezuela         


O: 29AUG2024 07:57:55  10.3N   86.4W ML=4.1  EMSC   OFF COAST OF COSTA RICA      

P:  1SEP2024 165889    11.0N   87.0W 3.5-5.4 AAAAA  Nicaragua                  


O: 29AUG2024 14:07:16  12.6N   88.3W ML=4.0  EMSC   OFFSHORE EL SALVADOR         

P:  3SEP2024 165872    13.0N   89.0W 3.5-5.5 BAAAA  Coast of Central America   

P: 30AUG2024 165624    13.0N   87.0W 3.5-5.5 AABAA  Nicaragua                  


O: 29AUG2024 07:43:57  13.0N   89.6W MB=4.4  EMSC   OFFSHORE EL SALVADOR         

P: 29AUG2024 165614    13.0N   90.0W 3.5-5.5 AAAAA  Guatemala                  


EMSC reported this earthquake of M 4.4 in El Salvador was felt with intensity up to IV in the area(s) of El Salvador at San Salvador.


O: 29AUG2024 17:43:51  16.2N   94.1W MB=4.6  EMSC   OAXACA, MEXICO               

O: 29AUG2024 13:32:42  16.6N   94.9W ML=4.1  EMSC   OAXACA, MEXICO

P: 27AUG2024 165612    15.0N   95.0W 3.5-5.1 ABAAA  Chiapas, Mexico            


O: 29AUG2024 18:13:16  17.2N   96.8W ML=4.2  EMSC   OAXACA, MEXICO                

P: 26AUG2024 165627    16.0N   97.0W 3.5-5.3 BBAAA  Oaxaca, Mexico             


O: 29AUG2024 22:06:57  18.0N   67.0W MD=3.5  EMSC   PUERTO RICO                  

O: 29AUG2024 22:41:37  18.0N   67.0W MD=3.0  EMSC   PUERTO RICO REGION

P: 27AUG2024 165628    18.0N   67.0W 3.4-5.4 AAAAA  Puerto Rico                


O: 29AUG2024 13:26:49  18.9N   73.3W ML=3.4  EMSC   HAITI REGION                 

O: 30AUG2024 03:54:11  18.7N   73.5W ML=3.5  EMSC   HAITI REGION

P: 29AUG2024 165632    20.0N   71.0W 3.0-4.9 ABBAA  Bahamas/No. Caribbean      


O: 30AUG2024 03:19:15  36.0S   71.8W ML=4.1  EMSC   MAULE, CHILE                 

P:  2SEP2024 166098    37.0S   73.0W 4.0-5.9 AAAAA  Central Chile              


GUC reported this earthquake of M  4.1 was felt with intensity IV in  Maule at Cauquenes; III in Talca and Linares and II in Nuble at San Carlos, Chile.




No significant (M>=5) or unusual earthquakes were reported in Europe today.




O: 29AUG2024 17:36:40  21.6S  176.0W MB=4.7  EMSC   TONGA                        

P: 27AUG2024 165809    21.0S  178.0W 4.0-5.6 AABAA  Tonga Islands              

P: 29AUG2024 165810    23.0S  176.0W 4.0-5.7 ABAAA  Tonga Islands              


O: 29AUG2024 09:51:30  24.4S  179.7W MB=5.2  EMSC   SOUTH OF FIJI ISLANDS        

P:  4SEP2024 166091    23.0S  180.0W 4.0-5.4 BBAAA  Tonga Islands              





O: 29AUG2024 20:19:27  62.8S  158.4W MB=5.1  EMSC   PACIFIC-ANTARCTIC RIDGE      




No earthquakes of M>=4 were recorded in the regions of Zealandia or Australia





O: 29AUG2024 15:35:45  24.3N  126.6E MB=4.8  EMSC   RYUKYU ISLANDS, JAPAN        

P: 23AUG2024 165645    26.0N  128.0E 4.0-5.4 CBBAA  Ryukyu Islands              


O: 29AUG2024 20:03:42  26.0N  142.7E MB=4.8  EMSC   BONIN ISLANDS, JAPAN REGION  

P: 25AUG2024 165633    26.0N  143.0E 4.0-5.8 BAAAA  Bonin Islands              


O: 30AUG2024 02:49:39  29.3N  139.2E MB=4.5  EMSC   IZU ISLANDS, JAPAN REGION     

P: 30AUG2024 165633    29.0N  139.0E 4.0-5.5 AAAAA  Bonin Islands              








O: 29AUG2024 18:15:21  30.5N  114.6W ML=3.3  EMSC   BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO

O: 29AUG2024 18:07:52  30.5N  115.0W ML=3.3  EMSC   BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO      

P: 26AUG2024 165687    30.2N  114.1W 2.0-3.9 BAAAA  SW U.S.A                   


O: 29AUG2024 10:33:45  30.6N  115.9W ML=3.1  EMSC   BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO      

P: 24AUG2024 165691    32.1N  115.4W 2.5-4.6 BBAAA  So. California             


O: 30AUG2024 05:46:10  31.7N  116.6W ML=2.6  EMSC   OFFSHORE BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXI

P: 30AUG2024 165691    32.1N  116.4W 2.5-4.6 AAAAA  So. California             


O: 29AUG2024 08:17:31  31.9N  115.2W ML=3.6  EMSC   BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO      

P: 24AUG2024 165691    32.1N  115.4W 2.5-4.6 BAAAA  So. California             


O: 29AUG2024 09:59:18  32.5N  117.7W ML=2.2  EMSC   OFFSHORE BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXI

P: 31AUG2024 165690    32.0N  117.4W 2.5-4.6 AAAAA  So. California              


O: 29AUG2024 07:30:07  33.0N  116.3W ML=2.1  EMSC   SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA          

P:  6SEP2024 165956    33.0N  115.9W 2.5-4.6 CAAAA  So. California             


O: 29AUG2024 17:12:41  35.1N  119.1W ML=2.5  EMSC   CENTRAL CALIFORNIA

O: 29AUG2024 17:18:46  35.1N  119.1W ML=2.0  EMSC   CENTRAL CALIFORNIA

O: 29AUG2024 17:19:37  35.1N  119.1W ML=2.8  EMSC   CENTRAL CALIFORNIA

O: 29AUG2024 10:42:20  35.1N  119.1W ML=2.3  EMSC   CENTRAL CALIFORNIA           

P: 29AUG2024 165697    35.0N  119.2W 2.5-4.4 AAAAA  So. California             


NEIC reported these earthquake of M 2.5 and M 2.8 in Central California were felt with intensity up to IV in the area(s) of Central California at Grapevine and Bakersfield.


O: 29AUG2024 20:36:22  35.9N  117.7W ML=2.0  EMSC   CENTRAL CALIFORNIA           

P: 27AUG2024 165698    35.9N  117.7W 2.5-4.7 AAAAA  So. California             


O: 29AUG2024 08:11:19  37.7N  117.1W ML=2.5  EMSC   NEVADA

O: 29AUG2024 09:44:39  37.7N  117.1W ML=2.0  EMSC   NEVADA

O: 29AUG2024 16:20:02  37.7N  117.1W ML=2.0  EMSC   NEVADA

O: 30AUG2024 05:43:56  37.8N  117.1W ML=2.1  EMSC   NEVADA

O: 30AUG2024 05:55:37  37.8N  117.1W ML=2.0  EMSC   NEVADA

O: 29AUG2024 07:30:23  37.7N  117.1W ML=2.0  EMSC   NEVADA                       

P:  6SEP2024 165919    37.1N  117.8W 2.5-4.8 CAAAA  California/Nevada area     

P: 31AUG2024 165654    37.8N  115.8W 2.5-4.6 AABAA  California/Nevada area     


O: 29AUG2024 18:05:51  38.1N  122.1W MD=2.5  EMSC   SAN FRANCISCO BAY AREA, CALIF.

P: 26AUG2024 165658    37.9N  122.0W 2.5-4.6 BAAAA  Central California         


NEIC reported this earthquake of M 2.5 in San Francisco Bay, California was felt with intensity up to IV in the area(s) of San Francisco Bay, California in Vallejo and Benicia.


O: 30AUG2024 02:01:41  40.3N  124.8W MD=2.1  EMSC   OFFSHORE NORTHERN CALIFORNIA 

P: 30AUG2024 165737    40.2N  124.2W 2.5-4.6 AAAAA  Off Coast of No. Calif     





No events of M>=3 were located in Alaska today.




O: 30AUG2024 06:39:50  45.1N  122.4W ML=2.8  EMSC   OREGON                       

P: 30AUG2024 165741    45.2N  120.1W 2.0-4.4 AABAA  Oregon state, U.S.         


NEIC reported this earthquake of M 2.8 in Oregon was felt with intensity up to IV in the area(s) of Oregon in Molalla and Colton.




O: 30AUG2024 02:01:31  31.7N  104.0W ML=2.1  EMSC   WESTERN TEXAS

O: 30AUG2024 05:00:41  31.6N  104.0W ML=2.7  EMSC   WESTERN TEXAS                

P: 24AUG2024 165688    31.2N  104.1W 2.0-3.9 CAAAA  SW U.S.A                   


O: 29AUG2024 20:11:09  32.4N  101.8W ML=2.8  EMSC   WESTERN TEXAS                

P: 27AUG2024 165688    31.7N  101.0W 2.0-4.1 AAAAA  SW U.S.A                   


NEIC reported this earthquake of M 2.8 in Western Texas was felt with intensity up to IV in the area(s) of Western Texas in Ackerly.


O: 29AUG2024 12:04:06  43.0N  110.9W ML=2.7  EMSC   WYOMING                      

P:  2SEP2024 166020    43.0N  111.5W 2.0-4.0 BAAAA  Yellowstone/Wyoming        


NEIC reported this earthquake of M 2.7 in Wyoming was felt with intensity up to IV in the area(s) of Wyoming in Etna, Grover and Thayne.


O: 29AUG2024 12:07:51  44.7N  112.8W ML=2.3  EMSC   WESTERN MONTANA              

P: 28AUG2024 165729    44.9N  113.4W 2.0-4.1 AAAAA  Montana/Idaho              




O: 29AUG2024 01:40:06  45.2N   69.1W MB=1.9  ECAN OF BANGOR, ME                  

P: 27AUG2024 165726    44.0N   70.0W 2.0-4.1 ABAAA  Maine                      


O: 29AUG2024 20:59:06  35.0N   97.8W ML=2.2  EMSC   OKLAHOMA                     

P: 29AUG2024 165703    35.0N   97.0W 2.0-4.3 AAAAA  Southern Plains            


O: 29AUG2024 08:50:25  35.9N   98.1W ML=2.6  EMSC   OKLAHOMA

O: 29AUG2024 13:41:17  35.9N   98.0W ML=2.2  EMSC   OKLAHOMA                      

P: 29AUG2024 165703    35.0N   97.0W 2.0-4.3 AAAAA  Southern Plains            


O: 29AUG2024 16:54:27  36.1N   89.8W MD=2.0  EMSC   SOUTHEASTERN MISSOURI        

P: 25AUG2024 165674    36.3N   89.5W 2.0-4.4 BAAAA  New Madrid area             




O: 29AUG2024 17:47:24  19.2N  155.5W ML=3.0  EMSC   ISLAND OF HAWAII, HAWAII     

P:  3SEP2024 165879    19.3N  155.1W 3.0-4.4 BAAAA  Hawaii                     








The strongest earthquake in the world today was an M 6.1 off the coast of El Salvador. NEIC reported it was felt with intensity up to IV in El Salvador in La Libertad, Zaragoza, Nuevo Cuscatlan, Nueva San Salvador, Antiguo Cuscatlan, Guaymango, Ayutuxtepeque, Quezaltepeque, Apopa and Guazapa and in portions of Guatemala. EMSC reported strong shaking in El Salvador at San Salvador, Nueva San Salvador, Apopa, and in Guatemala at Colonia Valles De Vista Hermosa, Colonia Valle Dorado, La Floresta, Guatemala City, No major damage or tsunamis were associated with this earthquake. Several aftershock and foreshocks were not reported felt except for an M 4.2 felt lightly in San Salvador, Santa Ana, El Salvador and in Guatemala City, Guatemala. This event was probably promoted by tidal effects as it lies near the longitude of maximum tidal stress with the previous full moon as noted in previous issues of this summary:


"The full moon arrived at 18:26 UT on August 19, 2024.   Longitudes which were at local solar midnight at this time are near 85 East while those at local solar noon are near 95 West. These include areas of central North America and the East Pacific in the west and central Asia including China, India, Nepal in the East. These areas are most likely to see moderate tidal triggering at this time. Tidal enhancement of regional seismicity is possible in many areas, however, a major earthquake associated with this new moon is considered possible in the next week by this report." (August 20-25, 2024)


Today's event occurred at the height of a strong geomagnetic storm - the strongest in the past month and may have been promoted by geomagnetic effects. This is the strongest earthquake near El Salvador since an M 6.5 on July 19, 2023. At the time this summary noted:



"The strongest earthquake in the world today was an M 6.5-6.6 in El Salvador, Central America. NEIC reported it was felt with maximum intensity VIII in El Salvador at Chirilagua, San Miguel; VII in Concepcion, Batres Usulutan, VI in Intipuca La Union; V in Usulutan, IV in San Aleo, San Miguel, Santiago de Maria, San Luis la Herradura La Paz and lesser shaking in El Vijo and Ciudad Barrios, San Miguel. This event was preceded by several light foreshocks.  Enhanced activity in this region had been expected at this time as it lies near the longitude of maximum tidal stress with this new moon as discussed previously in this summary ...


The new moon was expected to promote seismicity in Central America near 90 Wes

longitude (see tidal forecast above). Two groups of earthquakes today indicated by their timing to have been triggered by tidal stresses with this alignment. They occurred near local solar midnight in an area where strong tidal stresses were expected with this new moon in the area off the coast of El Salvador (M 3.9, 3.9)..." (July 19, 2023)


Forecasts 165872 and 165614 had expected today's activity in El Salvador was likely in late August or early September within about 50 km of today's epicenter.


O: 28AUG2024 20:11:47  12.9N   89.7W ML=4.2  EMSC   OFFSHORE EL SALVADOR

O: 28AUG2024 22:11:47  12.9N   89.7W ML=4.2  EMSC   OFFSHORE EL SALVADOR

O: 28AUG2024 22:14:41  12.9N   89.6W mb=4.3  EMSC   OFFSHORE EL SALVADOR

O: 28AUG2024 22:54:07  12.9N   89.6W ML=4.3  EMSC   OFFSHORE EL SALVADOR

O: 28AUG2024 22:58:01  12.9N   89.7W ML=4.2  EMSC   OFFSHORE EL SALVADOR

O: 28AUG2024 21:57:56  13.0N   89.6W MW=6.1  EMSC   OFFSHORE EL SALVADOR         

P:  3SEP2024 165872    13.0N   89.0W 3.5-5.5 BAAAA  Coast of Central America   

P: 29AUG2024 165614    13.0N   90.0W 3.5-5.5 AAAAA  Guatemala                  


An earthquake of M 5.1 was also widely felt in the area of Hania, Crete, Greece today. NEIC reported intensity up to IV in Crete at Galatas, Ayia Marina, Khania, Kolimvari, Kissamos, Palaiokhora, Souda, Vrises, Yerani and in Iraklion, Greece. NEIC reported this earthquake of M 3.0 in Hawaii was felt with intensity up to II-III in the area(s) of Hawaii at Paauilo, Kamuela and Honokaa.  EMSC reported strong shaking in Crete, Greece at Gavdos, Kastri, Patsianos, Chora Sfakion, Ano Myxorrouma, Akoumia, Agia Galini and as far as Sparta, Greece more than 300 km from the epicenter. No major damage or tsunami was reported with this earthquake although the press reported local residents were startled and ran from their homes.


This is the strongest earthquake in Crete since an M 5.2 on May 18, 2023.  A strong M 6.5 occurred in Crete on October 12, 2021 - an aftershock of an M 6.0 on September 27, 2021. At the time this summary noted:



"The strongest earthquake in the world today was an M 6.0 in Crete, Greece. NEIC reported it was felt with minor damage in Iraklion, Greece with VIII in Episkopi, Khanion tou Kokkini, Arkalokhorion, VI in Gournai, Skalanion, Kato Gouval, V in Thrapsonon, IV in Epano Arkhanai and Nea Alkarnassoa and II in Anissaras. Reuters reported today's event killed at least one person when the dome of a church at Arkalochori collapsed and damaged many buildings near the epicenter. In addition several people were injured and some were trapped in debris from damaged buildings. Evacuations took place through much of the island. Aftershocks could damage older buildings further. The last earthquake in Crete with M>=6 was an M 6.6 about 150 km southeast of today's epicenter on May 2, 2020. At the time of this event this summary noted:


"Today's earthquake in Crete is the strongest within about 200 km of that epicenter in at least 30 years. The area has been active in recent months with an M 5.8 to the east on January 30, 2020 and an M 6.0 on November 27, 2019. These events were more than 200 km from today's epicenter." (May 3, 2020, September 27, 2021)


Forecast 165665 had expected today's activity in Crete within about 100 km

was likely at the end of August.


O: 28AUG2024 16:29:54  34.8N   24.2E MW=5.1  EMSC   CRETE, GREECE                

P: 21AUG2024 165665    34.0N   25.0E 3.0-4.7 CAAAA  Crete                      

P: 28AUG2024 165665    34.0N   26.0E 3.0-4.6 AABAA  Crete                      


An unusual earthquake occurred today with M 4.5 in the Bougainville Region, PNG.

While this region is typically quite active with events of M>=5.5 often occurring nearly monthly, the last such event occurred as an M 5.8 on March 8, 2023 and it may be overdue for another. Forecast 165591 had expected today's event within about 100 km was likely around August 27.


O: 28AUG2024 07:25:58   4.9S  155.1E MB=4.5  EMSC   BOUGAINVILLE REGION, P.N.G.  

P: 27AUG2024 165591     5.0S  154.0E 4.0-5.5 AAAAA  New Britain                



For most events there are two listings. The first line is the observed event starting with "O:" for Observed. There follows the date, month and year, the time in UT hours:minutes:seconds, the latitude and longitude, the given magnitude and the reporting agency followed by the geographic location. The second line starts with "P:" This is the forecast event as forecast in our summaries normally more than a month in advance. Magnitudes may vary in response to updated seismic watches and daily variations due to tidal and other influences. This line has the forecast date, month and year, the forecast number, latitude, longitude and forecast magnitude range.  This is followed by a comparison between the forecast and the event. The comparison includes letters A-D. The first is number of days difference from predicted (A:up to 2, B3-5; C:6-10; D:more than 10), Difference in latitude (A:up to 1 degree; B:1-2 degrees; C:2-4 degrees; D:more than 4 degrees); longitude (same comparison as with latitude); magnitude (A: within forecast range; B: higher than forecast range; C: lower than forecast range; D: no comparison possible). The last letter is a stand in for a future comparison which needs to be done statistically after a large number of forecasts have been made. In previous data, an excellent match is generally AAAAA; a good match as one or two B's; a fair match has several B's and C's and a poor match is one which contains a number of C's or D's. 




O: 28AUG2024 20:14:52  24.1N  121.7E MW=4.4  EMSC   TAIWAN                       

P: 23AUG2024 165648    24.0N  122.0E 4.0-5.4 BAAAA  Taiwan                     


NEIC reported this earthquake of M 4.4 in Taiwan was felt with intensity up to IV in the area(s) of Taiwan in Taipei and Taichung.


O: 29AUG2024 05:56:38  36.5N   71.3E MB=5.4  EMSC   HINDU KUSH REGION, AFGHANISTAN

P:  2SEP2024 165932    36.0N   72.0E 3.8-5.6 BAAAA  Hindu Kush/Pakistan         


NEIC reported this earthquake of M 5.4 in Hindu Kush, Afghanistan was felt with intensity up to IV in the area(s) of Hindu Kush, Afghanistan in Kabul and in Pakistan at Peshawar, Islamabad, Faisalabad.

EMSC reported moderate shaking in Pakistan at Muzaffarabad, Islamabad, Gurdawara Sahib Sang, Baramulla, Nowshera and in Kabul, Afghanistan.


O: 28AUG2024 10:04:23  52.9N  159.7E MB=4.1  EMSC   OFF EAST COAST OF KAMCHATKA  

P: 28AUG2024 165757    52.0N  161.0E 4.0-5.4 AAAAA  E. of Kamchatka             




O: 28AUG2024 16:11:03   0.7S  127.3E ML=4.1  EMSC   HALMAHERA, INDONESIA         

P:  2SEP2024 165838     1.0N  127.0E 4.0-5.4 BBAAA  Halmahera                  


O: 28AUG2024 07:25:58   4.9S  155.1E MB=4.5  EMSC   BOUGAINVILLE REGION, P.N.G.  

P: 27AUG2024 165591     5.0S  154.0E 4.0-5.5 AAAAA  New Britain                


O: 28AUG2024 15:47:43   5.5N  125.0E MB=4.9  EMSC   MINDANAO, PHILIPPINES        

P: 29AUG2024 165579     6.0N  124.0E 4.0-5.4 AAAAA  Mindanao, Philippines      


NEIC reported this earthquake of M 4.9 in Southern Mindanao, Philippines was felt with intensity up to IV in the area(s) of Southern Mindanao, Philippines at Buayan,m Klinan, San Jose, General Santos City, South Cotabato.

EMSC reported light shaking in Mindanao at Maasim and Davao City.

PHIVOLCS reported maximum intensity V in Kiamba, Sarangani and III in Maasim, Sarangani, City of General Santos with intensity I-II in Sarangani, Davao Occital and South Cotabato, Philippines.


O: 28AUG2024 16:46:01  13.8N  123.9E ML=4.3  EMSC   LUZON, PHILIPPINES           

P: 29AUG2024 165619    12.0N  122.0E 3.5-4.9 ABBAA  Luzon, Philippines         




O: 28AUG2024 20:11:47  12.9N   89.7W ML=4.2  EMSC   OFFSHORE EL SALVADOR

O: 28AUG2024 22:11:47  12.9N   89.7W ML=4.2  EMSC   OFFSHORE EL SALVADOR

O: 28AUG2024 22:14:41  12.9N   89.6W mb=4.3  EMSC   OFFSHORE EL SALVADOR

O: 28AUG2024 22:54:07  12.9N   89.6W ML=4.3  EMSC   OFFSHORE EL SALVADOR

O: 28AUG2024 22:58:01  12.9N   89.7W ML=4.2  EMSC   OFFSHORE EL SALVADOR

O: 28AUG2024 21:57:56  13.0N   89.6W MW=6.1  EMSC   OFFSHORE EL SALVADOR         

P:  3SEP2024 165872    13.0N   89.0W 3.5-5.5 BAAAA  Coast of Central America   

P: 29AUG2024 165614    13.0N   90.0W 3.5-5.5 AAAAA  Guatemala                   


O: 28AUG2024 18:21:58  14.4N   92.5W ML=4.0  EMSC   OFFSHORE CHIAPAS, MEXICO

O: 29AUG2024 03:17:06  14.6N   93.7W ML=4.5  EMSC   OFF COAST OF CHIAPAS, MEXICO

O: 29AUG2024 03:09:39  14.7N   93.7W ML=4.0  EMSC   OFF COAST OF CHIAPAS, MEXICO

O: 28AUG2024 18:33:59  14.2N   93.3W ML=4.1  EMSC   OFF COAST OF CHIAPAS, MEXICO 

P:  4SEP2024 165870    15.0N   93.0W 3.5-5.1 CAAAA  Chiapas, Mexico            

P: 27AUG2024 165612    15.0N   95.0W 3.5-5.1 AABAA  Chiapas, Mexico            


O: 28AUG2024 14:54:20  18.0N   67.0W MD=3.4  EMSC   PUERTO RICO

O: 28AUG2024 16:16:25  19.0N   67.1W MD=3.3  EMSC   PUERTO RICO REGION           

P: 27AUG2024 165628    18.0N   67.0W 3.4-5.4 AAAAA  Puerto Rico                


O: 28AUG2024 16:43:05   4.5S   80.3W ML=4.0  EMSC   PERU-ECUADOR BORDER REGION   

P: 31AUG2024 165587     4.0S   78.0W 4.0-5.7 BABAA  Ecuador                    


O: 28AUG2024 22:30:01  16.1N   98.3W ML=4.1  EMSC   OFFSHORE OAXACA, MEXICO      

P: 26AUG2024 165627    16.0N   97.0W 3.5-5.3 AAAAA  Oaxaca, Mexico             


O: 28AUG2024 12:53:36  18.2N   70.4W ML=3.2  EMSC   DOMINICAN REPUBLIC           

P: 29AUG2024 165632    20.0N   71.0W 3.0-4.9 ABAAA  Bahamas/No. Caribbean      


O: 28AUG2024 16:13:53  36.2S   73.7W MB=4.9  EMSC   OFFSHORE BIO-BIO, CHILE      

P: 25AUG2024 165814    37.0S   73.0W 4.0-5.8 BAAAA  Central Chile              


NEIC reported this earthquake of M 4.9 in Bio Bio Chile was felt with intensity up to II-III in the area(s) of Bio Bio Chile in Chiguayante and Concepcion.

GUC reported intensity  IV in  BioBio at Concepcion, Talcahuano, Lota, Tome, Hualpen, and III in Los Alamos; in Nuble with III in Trehuaco, Quirihue and in Maule with III in Pelluhue and Cauquenes, Chile.





O: 28AUG2024 16:29:54  34.8N   24.2E MW=5.1  EMSC   CRETE, GREECE                

P: 21AUG2024 165665    34.0N   25.0E 3.0-4.7 CAAAA  Crete                      

P: 28AUG2024 165665    34.0N   26.0E 3.0-4.6 AABAA  Crete                      




O: 29AUG2024 05:52:17  15.2S  167.9E MB=4.9  EMSC   VANUATU                      

P:  2SEP2024 166077    16.0S  168.0E 4.0-5.5 BAAAA  Vanuatu Islands            


O: 28AUG2024 20:29:03  23.6S  180.0W MB=4.5  EMSC   SOUTH OF FIJI ISLANDS        

P:  4SEP2024 166091    23.0S  180.0W 4.0-5.4 CAAAA  Tonga Islands              


O: 28AUG2024 23:06:48  24.4S  179.9E MB=4.3  EMSC   SOUTH OF FIJI ISLANDS        

P: 29AUG2024 165811    25.0S  179.0E 4.0-5.6 AAAAA  Tonga/Fiji                 


No significant (M>=5) or unusual earthquakes were reported in the Southwest Pacific region today.




No significant (M>=5) or unusual earthquakes were reported on Ocean Ridges today.





O: 28AUG2024 09:25:13  35.2S  178.7E ML=4.0  EMSC   OFF E. COAST OF N. ISLAND, N.Z

P:  3SEP2024 166104    33.0S  179.0E 4.0-5.4 BCAAA  So. Kermadec Islands       




O: 29AUG2024 02:17:30  37.4N  137.0E ML=4.0  EMSC   NEAR WEST COAST OF HONSHU,   

P: 26AUG2024 165676    35.0N  137.0E 3.5-5.0 BCAAA  No. Honshu, Japan          








O: 28AUG2024 19:54:34  31.5N  114.6W ML=3.5  EMSC   GULF OF CALIFORNIA

O: 28AUG2024 20:06:53  31.8N  114.7W ML=3.7  EMSC   SONORA, MEXICO               

P: 26AUG2024 165687    30.2N  114.1W 2.0-3.9 ABAAA  SW U.S.A                   


O: 28AUG2024 21:03:12  33.0N  116.3W ML=2.3  EMSC   SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA          

P: 30AUG2024 165691    32.1N  116.4W 2.5-4.6 AAAAA  So. California             


O: 28AUG2024 08:00:46  33.8N  116.9W ML=2.1  EMSC   SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA

O: 28AUG2024 12:43:01  33.7N  116.7W ML=3.2  EMSC   SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA          

P: 24AUG2024 165696    34.3N  116.5W 2.5-4.4 BAAAA  So. California             


NEIC reported this earthquake of M 3.3 in Southern California was felt with intensity up to IV in the area(s) of Southern California in Anza, Idyllwild, Hemet, Palm Springs, Aguanga, Mountain Center, Cathedral City, Palm Desert, Rancho Mirage, Hemet, Temecula, Winchester, Indian Wells and as far as Los Angeles and Arizona.

EMSC reported a quick jolt with a loud noise in Southern California at Idyllwild, Palm Springs, Hemet, Cathedral City, Rancho Mirage, Palm Desert, Indian Wells.


O: 28AUG2024 16:02:19  33.8N  118.0W ML=2.1  EMSC   GREATER LOS ANGELES AREA, CALI

P: 28AUG2024 165694    33.8N  117.7W 2.5-4.5 AAAAA  So. California             


O: 28AUG2024 09:30:04  35.1N  118.2W ML=2.0  EMSC   SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA          

P: 23AUG2024 165698    35.6N  118.4W 2.5-4.8 BAAAA  So. California             


O: 28AUG2024 13:43:42  35.1N  119.1W ML=2.4  EMSC   CENTRAL CALIFORNIA           

O: 29AUG2024 01:11:29  35.1N  119.1W ML=2.1  EMSC   CENTRAL CALIFORNIA

P: 29AUG2024 165697    35.0N  119.2W 2.5-4.4 AAAAA  So. California             


O: 28AUG2024 12:29:21  36.0N  117.7W ML=2.2  EMSC   CENTRAL CALIFORNIA           

P: 27AUG2024 165698    35.9N  117.7W 2.5-4.7 AAAAA  So. California             


O: 28AUG2024 16:34:43  37.1N  114.9W ML=2.1  EMSC   NEVADA                       

P:  2SEP2024 165940    37.3N  114.9W 2.5-4.8 BAAAA  Nevada area                

P: 31AUG2024 165654    37.8N  115.8W 2.5-4.6 BAAAA  California/Nevada area     


O: 28AUG2024 14:09:47  37.7N  117.1W ML=2.0  EMSC   NEVADA

O: 28AUG2024 15:05:45  37.7N  117.2W ML=2.4  EMSC   NEVADA

O: 28AUG2024 12:38:10  37.7N  117.1W ML=2.3  EMSC   NEVADA                       

P: 22AUG2024 165651    36.7N  117.2W 2.5-4.4 CAAAA  California/Nevada area     


O: 28AUG2024 23:24:17  38.8N  118.7W ML=2.1  EMSC   NEVADA                        

P: 29AUG2024 165655    38.6N  118.6W 2.5-5.0 AAAAA  California/Nevada area     


O: 28AUG2024 14:42:23  38.8N  122.8W MD=2.1  EMSC   NORTHERN CALIFORNIA          

P: 29AUG2024 165659    39.0N  123.1W 2.5-4.5 AAAAA  Central California         


O: 28AUG2024 14:33:13  40.4N  124.6W MD=2.9  EMSC   OFFSHORE NORTHERN CALIFORNIA 

P: 30AUG2024 165737    40.2N  124.2W 2.5-4.6 AAAAA  Off Coast of No. Calif     


NEIC reported this earthquake of M 2.9 off the coast of Northern California  was felt with intensity up to IV in the area(s) of Northern California in Petrolia.




No events of M>=3 were located in Alaska today.




No events of M>=2 were located in the northwestern U.S. or western Canada today.




O: 28AUG2024 16:50:40  31.7N  104.4W ML=2.5  EMSC   WESTERN TEXAS

O: 28AUG2024 19:57:22  31.7N  104.4W ML=3.8  EMSC   WESTERN TEXAS

O: 28AUG2024 19:58:55  31.7N  104.3W ML=3.3  EMSC   WESTERN TEXAS

O: 28AUG2024 21:49:20  31.7N  104.4W ML=2.3  EMSC   WESTERN TEXAS

O: 29AUG2024 03:35:20  31.6N  104.0W ML=2.0  EMSC   WESTERN TEXAS                

P: 24AUG2024 165688    31.2N  104.1W 2.0-3.9 BAAAA  SW U.S.A                   




O: 28AUG2024 16:59:51  34.5N   97.3W ML=2.2  EMSC   OKLAHOMA                     

P: 29AUG2024 165703    35.0N   97.0W 2.0-4.3 AAAAA  Southern Plains            


O: 28AUG2024 12:36:32  35.7N   98.1W ML=2.3  EMSC   OKLAHOMA                     

P: 29AUG2024 165703    35.0N   97.0W 2.0-4.3 AAAAA  Southern Plains            


NEIC reported this earthquake of M 3.1 in Oklahoma was felt with intensity up to IV in the area(s) of Oklahoma in Fittstown, Wapanucka and Coleman.


O: 28AUG2024 15:09:42  36.5N   98.8W ML=2.0  EMSC   OKLAHOMA                      

P:  5SEP2024 165968    37.0N   98.0W 2.0-4.2 CAAAA  Southern Plains            


O: 28AUG2024 15:51:38  36.4N   81.1W MD=2.0  EMSC   VIRGINIA-N CAROLINA BORDER REG

P: 25AUG2024 165670    37.2N   81.9W 2.0-4.0 BAAAA  Kentucky/Tennessee/NC      


EMSC reported this earthquake of M 2.0 in North Carolina was felt with intensity up to II in the area(s) of North Carolina at Sparta with an earthquake noise.


O: 28AUG2024 02:21:04  45.6N   75.6W MB=1.1  ECAN OF BUCKINGHAM, QC              

P: 29AUG2024 165734    45.0N   75.0W 2.0-4.4 AAAAA  New York State             


O: 27AUG2024 23:03:30  50.7N   95.3W MB=2.7  ECAN OF TANCO MINE, MB              


O: 29AUG2024 00:44:57  34.4N   96.3W ML=3.0  EMSC   OKLAHOMA


O: 28AUG2024 13:00:35  35.7N   98.1W ML=2.2  EMSC   OKLAHOMA

O: 28AUG2024 14:50:51  35.7N   98.1W ML=2.2  EMSC   OKLAHOMA

O: 28AUG2024 15:02:35  35.7N   98.1W ML=2.1  EMSC   OKLAHOMA




O: 29AUG2024 06:22:50  20.1N  155.4W ML=3.0  EMSC   HAWAII REGION, HAWAII        

P: 30AUG2024 165616    19.9N  156.1W 3.0-4.6 AAAAA  Hawaii                     


EMSC reported this earthquake of M 3.0 in Hawaii was felt with intensity up to IV in the area(s) of Hawaii in Honokaa with a loud rumble.






It was a quiet day in global seismicity. The strongest earthquake in the world today was an unfelt earthquake of M 5.1 in the Kermadec Islands of New Zealand.

An unusual M 4.6 was widely felt in the area of Mayotte, an island east of central Africa. While Mayotte has seen several active periods in recent years, today's event is the strongest in the region since an M 4.5 on March 3, 2021 and prior to that an M 4.8 on November 10, 2020. The area became active in May, 2018 after an M 5.8 on May 15, 2018. At that time this summary noted:



"A moderately strong earthquake hit the region of Mayotte north of Madagascar today with M 5.8. NEIC reported it was felt with maximum intensity VI in Maoytte at Ouangani and V in Mtsamboro, Mamoudzou and Pamanzi. It was felt with

lesser intensity of II-III in Mayotte at Dzaoudzi, Pamanzi, Dembeni, Aftershocks of M 4.0-5.0 were reported felt lightly in Dzaoudzi, Pamanzi, Mayotte. Other areas feeling today's M 5.8 include the Comoroa at Nioumachoua and Madagascar to Marovoay. Felt reports came to NEIC from as far as 400 km from the epicenter. This follows a series of foreshocks which have occurred over the past four days.

The event of M 5.8 today in the Mayotte Region is the strongest within about 300 km of this epicenter in at least 28 years. No other earthquakes of M>=5.8 have ever been reported in this area. The last earthquake, and largest to date in the region had been an M 6.6 on July 15, 1960. Two events of M 5.2 hit the area on December 1, 1993 and May 21, 2000. Forecast 116878 had expected this event was likely within about 150 km of this epicenter around May 15." (May 16, 2018)


NEIC reported today’s earthquake of M 4.6 in Mayotte was felt with intensity up to V in the area(s) of Mayotte in Dzaoudzi and III in Tsingoni and II in Paje Comoros. EMSC reported moderate shaking in Mayotte at Pamadzi, Dzaoudzi, Mamoudzou, Dembeni, Boueni, Koungou.


O: 27AUG2024 15:51:07  13.1S   45.6E MB=4.6  EMSC   MAYOTTE REGION               


O: 27AUG2024 22:43:02  34.4S  179.9W MW=5.1  EMSC   SOUTH OF KERMADEC ISLANDS    

P: 30AUG2024 165821    33.0S  179.0W 4.0-5.4 BBAAA  So. Kermadec Islands       


The strongest earthquake in the U.S. or Canada today was an M 4.8 in the region of False Pass, Alaska. NEIC reported it was felt with intensity up to III in King Cove, Alaska. An M 5.1 hit the region yesterday and was reported in this summary as:


"The strongest earthquake in the U.S. or Canada today was an M 5.1 in the Unimak

Island area of Alaska. NEIC reported it was felt with intensity up to III in Sand Point, Alaska. This may have been triggered by antipodal focusing of earthquake energy. It follows a pair of events of M 5.5 each at the antipode of this which occurred on August 23 and were noted in this summary at the time as:



"The strongest earthquakes in the world today were a pair of events of M 5.5 each in the Indian Ocean south of Africa. They were not felt in this remote area. This epicenter is at the antipode of the Unimak and Alaska Peninsula and could enhance seismicity in that area in the next several days." (August 23, 28, 2034)


Today's earthquake of M 4.5 occurred within minutes of local solar noon and was probably promoted by strong tidal stresses which maximize near this hour.


Forecast 165770 had expected today's event within about 50 km was likely

around August 27.


O: 27AUG2024 22:12:01  54.4N  162.8W MW=4.5  EMSC   ALASKA PENINSULA             

P: 27AUG2024 165770    54.5N  163.5W 3.5-4.9 AAAAA  Unimak Islands, Aleutians  


O: 27AUG2024 15:01:00  54.5N  159.8W ML=3.9  EMSC   SOUTH OF ALASKA              

P: 22AUG2024 165770    54.5N  161.8W 3.5-4.9 BABAA  Unimak Islands, Aleutians  

P: 27AUG2024 165770    54.5N  163.5W 3.5-4.9 AABAA  Unimak Islands, Aleutians  



For most events there are two listings. The first line is the observed event starting with "O:" for Observed. There follows the date, month and year, the time in UT hours:minutes:seconds, the latitude and longitude, the given magnitude and the reporting agency followed by the geographic location. The second line starts with "P:" This is the forecast event as forecast in our summaries normally more than a month in advance. Magnitudes may vary in response to updated seismic watches and daily variations due to tidal and other influences. This line has the forecast date, month and year, the forecast number, latitude, longitude and forecast magnitude range.  This is followed by a comparison between the forecast and the event. The comparison includes letters A-D. The first is number of days difference from predicted (A:up to 2, B3-5; C:6-10; D:more than 10), Difference in latitude (A:up to 1 degree; B:1-2 degrees; C:2-4 degrees; D:more than 4 degrees); longitude (same comparison as with latitude); magnitude (A: within forecast range; B: higher than forecast range; C: lower than forecast range; D: no comparison possible). The last letter is a stand in for a future comparison which needs to be done statistically after a large number of forecasts have been made. In previous data, an excellent match is generally AAAAA; a good match as one or two B's; a fair match has several B's and C's and a poor match is one which contains a number of C's or D's. 




O: 27AUG2024 15:41:26  24.6N   95.2E ML=3.6  EMSC   MYANMAR                      

P: 24AUG2024 165639    23.0N   95.0E 4.0-5.6 BBAAA  Myanmar                    


O: 27AUG2024 07:29:09  37.7N   71.6E MB=4.9  EMSC   TAJIKISTAN                   

P: 29AUG2024 165667    37.0N   70.0E 3.8-5.4 AABAA  Hindu Kush/Pakistan        


No significant (M>=5) or unusual earthquakes were reported in Asia today.




O: 28AUG2024 06:41:41   3.3N  123.0E ML=4.3  EMSC   CELEBES SEA                  

P: 31AUG2024 165578     4.0N  123.0E 4.0-5.4 BAAAA  Mindanao, Philippines      


O: 28AUG2024 03:55:36   8.0N   94.1E MB=4.6  EMSC   NICOBAR ISLANDS, INDIA REGION

P:  1SEP2024 165845     8.0N   93.0E 4.0-5.4 BAAAA  Nicobar Islands            


O: 27AUG2024 22:18:33   9.1S  112.3E ML=4.0  EMSC   SOUTH OF JAVA, INDONESIA     

P: 26AUG2024 165600     9.0S  110.0E 4.0-5.4 AABAA  So. of Java                


O: 27AUG2024 19:28:06  10.6N  126.5E ML=4.0  EMSC   PHILIPPINE ISLANDS REGION    

P: 27AUG2024 165619    11.0N  126.0E 3.5-5.1 AAAAA  Luzon, Philippines         


O: 28AUG2024 03:25:10  10.6S  116.0E ML=4.4  EMSC   SOUTH OF LOMBOK, INDONESIA   

P: 30AUG2024 165793    10.0S  116.0E 4.0-5.4 AAAAA  Sumbawa Island area        


BMG  reported an earthquake of M 5.8 in Tanimbar, Indonesia was felt early on August 27 with intensity up to IV in the area(s) of Tanimbar, Indonesia in Kab Wonosari, Gunung Kidul, Pracimantoro, Wonogiri, Java Tengah and Gedangsari, Yogyakarta with lesser shaking throughout the area.


BMG reported an earthquake of M 6.2 in Taminbar, Indonesia was felt early on August 27 with intensity up to III in the area(s) of Taminbar, Indonesia at Kab Tanimbar, Selaru, Wer Tamrian and Maktian and in Maluku at Damer, Pulau Masela, Dawelor Dawera with regional intensity II felt widely.


No significant (M>=5) or unusual earthquakes were reported in Indonesia or the Philippines today.




O: 28AUG2024 03:04:00   6.7N   73.0W MB=4.7  EMSC   NORTHERN COLOMBIA            

P: 29AUG2024 165573     7.0N   73.0W 4.0-5.4 AAAAA  Colombia                   


EMSC reported this earthquake of M 4.6 in Northern Colombia was felt with intensity up to IV in the area(s) of Northern Colombia in San Gil, Bucaramanga, Rionegro, Medellin and San Jose de Pare.


O: 28AUG2024 01:01:36  15.3N   94.8W ML=4.0  EMSC   OFFSHORE OAXACA, MEXICO      

P: 27AUG2024 165612    15.0N   95.0W 3.5-5.1 AAAAA  Chiapas, Mexico            


O: 27AUG2024 09:50:57  15.6N   92.7W ML=4.1  EMSC   CHIAPAS, MEXICO              

P: 21AUG2024 165612    15.0N   93.0W 3.5-5.1 CAAAA  Chiapas, Mexico            


O: 27AUG2024 13:46:07  15.9N   99.9W MB=4.7  EMSC   OFFSHORE GUERRERO, MEXICO    

P: 25AUG2024 165627    17.0N  100.0W 3.5-5.4 ABAAA  Oaxaca, Mexico             


NEIC reported this earthquake of M 4.7 in Mexico was felt with intensity up to IV in the area(s) of Mexico in Mexico City.


O: 27AUG2024 17:53:06  16.4N   98.3W ML=4.3  EMSC   OAXACA, MEXICO               

P: 26AUG2024 165627    16.0N   97.0W 3.5-5.3 AAAAA  Oaxaca, Mexico             


O: 28AUG2024 04:50:30  18.0N   67.0W MD=3.5  EMSC   PUERTO RICO REGION           

P: 27AUG2024 165628    18.0N   67.0W 3.4-5.4 AAAAA  Puerto Rico                 


O: 27AUG2024 16:41:46  18.0N   67.9W MD=3.5  EMSC   PUERTO RICO REGION           

O: 27AUG2024 12:40:03  18.3N   68.2W MD=3.4  EMSC   MONA PASSAGE, DOMINICAN REPUBL

P: 22AUG2024 165628    19.0N   68.0W 3.4-5.3 BAAAA  Puerto Rico                 


O: 27AUG2024 11:57:17  19.4N   73.6W ML=3.5  EMSC   HAITI REGION                 

P: 29AUG2024 165632    20.0N   71.0W 3.0-4.9 AABAA  Bahamas/No. Caribbean      


O: 27AUG2024 15:51:00  20.9S   69.3W MB=4.4  EMSC   TARAPACA, CHILE              

P: 23AUG2024 165801    22.0S   69.0W 4.0-5.6 BBAAA  Coast No. Chile            


NEIC reported this earthquake of M 4.4 in Northern Chile was felt with intensity up to IV in the area(s) of Northern Chile in Iquique, Tarapaca.


O: 27AUG2024 09:33:25  24.1S   67.0W MB=4.5  EMSC   SALTA, ARGENTINA             

P: 27AUG2024 165799    24.0S   66.0W 4.0-5.8 AAAAA  Argentina                  


O: 28AUG2024 02:44:18  28.6S   69.7W MW=4.5  EMSC   ATACAMA, CHILE               

P: 26AUG2024 165800    29.0S   72.0W 4.0-5.7 AABAA  Coast Central Chile        



No significant (M>=5) or unusual earthquakes were reported in Central or South America today.




O: 27AUG2024 15:51:07  13.1S   45.6E MB=4.6  EMSC   MAYOTTE REGION               


O: 27AUG2024 16:11:35  71.7N    3.1W ML=3.8  EMSC   JAN MAYEN ISLAND REGION      

P: 31AUG2024 165784    71.0N    7.0W 3.5-4.9 AAAAA  Jan Mayen Isl. area        

P: 31AUG2024 165784    72.0N    0.0E 3.0-4.5 AAAAA  Norway                     


No significant (M>=5) or unusual earthquakes were reported in Europe today.




O: 28AUG2024 05:27:07  15.2S  166.9E MB=4.9  EMSC   VANUATU                      

P: 25AUG2024 165797    14.0S  167.0E 4.0-5.5 BBAAA  Vanuatu Islands            


O: 27AUG2024 14:36:02  25.3S  177.4W MB=4.8  EMSC   SOUTH OF FIJI ISLANDS        

P: 22AUG2024 165810    27.0S  176.0W 4.0-5.4 BBBAA  Tonga Islands              


No significant (M>=5) or unusual earthquakes were reported in the Southwest Pacific region today.




No significant (M>=5) or unusual earthquakes were reported on Ocean Ridges today.






O: 27AUG2024 22:43:02  34.4S  179.9W MW=5.1  EMSC   SOUTH OF KERMADEC ISLANDS    

P: 30AUG2024 165821    33.0S  179.0W 4.0-5.4 BBAAA  So. Kermadec Islands       




O: 28AUG2024 03:38:46  30.6N  142.3E MB=4.8  EMSC   IZU ISLANDS, JAPAN REGION    

P: 25AUG2024 165701    30.0N  143.0E 4.0-5.4 BAAAA  So. of Honshu              


O: 27AUG2024 10:47:31  34.6N  140.1E MB=4.2  EMSC   NEAR EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAP

O: 27AUG2024 17:05:11  35.5N  139.5E ML=4.1  EMSC   NEAR S. COAST OF HONSHU,     

P: 31AUG2024 165676    35.0N  139.0E 3.5-4.9 BAAAA  No. Honshu, Japan          


NEIC reported this earthquake of M 4.6 in Tokyo, Japan was felt with intensity up to IV in the area(s) of Tokyo, Japan in Higashimurayama (V); and II-III in Tokyo at Tokyo, Tachikawa, Mitaka, Komai, Inagi and in Kanagawa at Yamato, Yokohama, Ayase, Yokosuka and Kawasaki.

EMSC reported moderate shaking in Tokyo, Minami, Komae.


O: 27AUG2024 08:13:30  37.7N  137.7E ML=3.9  EMSC   NEAR WEST COAST OF HONSHU, JAP

P: 22AUG2024 165676    37.0N  137.0E 3.5-5.3 BAAAA  No. Honshu, Japan          


O: 27AUG2024 12:46:30  37.9N  141.6E ML=3.8  EMSC   NEAR EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAP

P: 28AUG2024 165684    38.0N  142.0E 4.0-5.5 AAAAA  Off East Coast Honshu      








O: 27AUG2024 21:02:43  31.1N  115.8W ML=3.2  EMSC   BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO      

O: 27AUG2024 21:57:11  31.5N  115.6W ML=3.1  EMSC   BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO      

O: 27AUG2024 20:16:51  31.5N  115.6W ML=3.4  EMSC   BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO      

P: 24AUG2024 165691    32.1N  115.4W 2.5-4.6 BAAAA  So. California             


O: 27AUG2024 23:13:01  33.2N  115.7W ML=2.0  EMSC   SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA          

P: 24AUG2024 165691    32.1N  115.4W 2.5-4.6 BBAAA  So. California             


O: 28AUG2024 06:36:07  35.6N  120.8W MD=2.0  EMSC   CENTRAL CALIFORNIA           

P: 29AUG2024 165656    36.2N  120.8W 2.5-4.6 AAAAA  Central California         


O: 27AUG2024 23:09:35  36.5N  114.5W ML=2.2  EMSC   NEVADA                       

P: 31AUG2024 165654    37.8N  115.8W 2.5-4.6 BBBAA  California/Nevada area     


O: 27AUG2024 16:45:23  37.5N  117.2W ML=2.0  EMSC   NEVADA                       

O: 27AUG2024 12:34:19  37.7N  117.1W ML=3.0  EMSC   NEVADA                       

P: 20AUG2024 165379    37.4N  117.2W 2.5-4.7 CAAAA  California/Nevada area     


NEIC reported this earthquake of M 3.2 in Nevada was felt with intensity up to IV in the area(s) of Nevada in Goldfield.


O: 28AUG2024 02:10:49  39.3N  119.6W ML=2.1  EMSC   NEVADA                       

P: 26AUG2024 165717    40.2N  119.6W 2.5-4.6 AAAAA  California/Nevada area     


O: 27AUG2024 08:48:45  41.9N  119.6W MD=2.0  EMSC   NEVADA                       

P: 31AUG2024 165741    42.1N  120.3W 2.0-4.3 BAAAA  Oregon state, U.S.         




O: 27AUG2024 22:12:01  54.4N  162.8W MW=4.5  EMSC   ALASKA PENINSULA             

P: 27AUG2024 165770    54.5N  163.5W 3.5-4.9 AAAAA  Unimak Islands, Aleutians  


O: 27AUG2024 15:01:00  54.5N  159.8W ML=3.9  EMSC   SOUTH OF ALASKA              

P: 22AUG2024 165770    54.5N  161.8W 3.5-4.9 BABAA  Unimak Islands, Aleutians  

P: 27AUG2024 165770    54.5N  163.5W 3.5-4.9 AABAA  Unimak Islands, Aleutians  


O: 27AUG2024 22:44:35  60.3N  152.2W ML=3.0  EMSC   SOUTHERN ALASKA              

P: 24AUG2024 165773    60.3N  153.0W 3.2-5.3 BAAAA  Central Alaska             




No events of M>=2 were located in the northwestern U.S. or western Canada today.




No earthquakes of M>=2 were located in the Rocky Mountain region today.




O: 27AUG2024 09:15:34  35.0N   97.8W ML=2.7  EMSC   OKLAHOMA                     

P: 29AUG2024 165703    35.0N   97.0W 2.0-4.3 AAAAA  Southern Plains            


O: 28AUG2024 02:08:14  36.3N   97.5W ML=2.8  EMSC   OKLAHOMA                     

P: 25AUG2024 165703    36.0N   97.0W 2.0-4.1 BAAAA  Southern Plains            


NEIC reported this earthquake of M 2.6 in Oklahoma was felt with intensity up to IV in the area(s) of Oklahoma in Lucien, Stillwater and Broken Arrow.

An earlier M 2.5 was reported felt with intensity up to IV in Oklahoma at Mead, Chickasha and Alex.


O: 28AUG2024 05:34:18  36.5N   81.1W MD=2.2  EMSC   VIRGINIA-N CAROLINA BORDER REG

P: 25AUG2024 165670    37.2N   81.9W 2.0-4.0 BAAAA  Kentucky/Tennessee/NC      




No earthquakes of M>=3 were located in Hawaii.







Moderate earthquakes shook two areas of Indonesia today. These were an M 5.5 south of Java and an M 5.8 in the Banda Sea north of Australia. The strongest earthquake in the world today was the M 5.8 in Banda, Indonesia. NEIC reported it was felt with intensity up to III in Northern Territory, Australia at Coonawarra and Darwin. EMSC also reported light shaking in  Darwin, Australia. Strong earthquakes in Banda Sea are often felt in northwestern Australia. Today's event is the strongest within about 200 km of this epicenter since an M 7.1 and aftershocks on November 8-10, 2023. At the time this summary noted:  


"The strongest earthquakes in the world today were a pair of strong to major earthquakes of M 6.7 and 7.1 in the Banda Sea, Indonesia. NEIC reported it was felt with maximum intensity III in the Banda Sea, Indonesia area. The mainshock of M 7.1 was preceded about a minute early by a foreshock of M 6.7 which was felt in the area with maximum intensity VI. These events were also felt in northern Australia at Darwin. BMG reported the mainshock of M 7.1 was felt with intensity up to V in the Tanimbar Islands. BMG reported this activity in the Tanimbar region was felt with intensity IV in Bandaneira, III in Maluku Tengah, Banda, Maluku Tenggara, at Kecil, Manyeuw, Hoat Sorbay, in Tanimbar at Tanimbar Selatan, Selaru, Wer Tamrian, Wer Maktian; in Seram Bagian in Maluku Barat Daya and in Kota Tual and many other communities experienced lesser shaking. No tsunamis were observed or expected with these events." (November 8, 2023)


Forecast 165583 had expected today's event was likely within about 50 km around

August 23.


O: 27AUG2024 02:15:18   7.2S  129.5E MW=5.8  EMSC   KEPULAUAN BABAR, INDONESIA   

P: 23AUG2024 165583     7.0S  129.0E 4.0-5.4 BAAAA  Banda Sea                  


An earthquake of M 5.5 was also felt in Indonesia today south of Java. NEIC reported it was felt with intensity up to VI in Java with IV in Depok Yogyakarta and II-III in Prambanan, Klaten, Muntilan, Kebumen, Wengon, Cikeruh, Karawang and Pamulang. EMSC reported strong to moderate shaking in Java, Indonesia at Wonosari, Pengasih, Kasihan, Depok, Ngaglik, Kalasan, Jogja, Mlati, Ngemplak, Purworejo, Bayat, Turi, Baki, Jambu, Semarang and Pondok Aren. This earthquake may have been triggered by Solar Flare Effects (SFE) as it occurred at the maximum of flare 7260 according to SWPC flare data below:


Flare #    START  MAX       END    CLASS     DATE    Flux (Jm-2)



7260       1252   1258      1307   C5.5      (August 26, 2024)   4.5E-03  

Java M 5.5 12:57 UT


Today's earthquake in Java of M 5.5 is the strongest within about 200 km

of this epicenter since an M 5.8 more than a year ago on June 20, 2023. At the time this summary noted:


"A strong earthquake of M 5.8-6.4 shook the region of Java, Indonesia today.

BMG reported this earthquake of M 6.4 in Java, Indonesia was felt with intensity II-III in the area(s) of Java, Indonesia with VI in Pracimantoro, Wonogiri, Java, Pacitan; V in Wonogiri, Gunungkidul, Kebumen, Purworejo, Mageland, Kulon Progo, Bantul, Gunungkidul, Sleman, Yogyakarta, Pacitan, Ponorogo, Pasuruan, Mojokerto, Bojonegoro, Lombok. NEIC reported an aftershock of M 4.9  in  Bali, Indonesia was felt with intensity II-III in the area(s) of  Bali, Indonesia in Kuta. News sources reported the quake injured at least 10 people while one person died of a heart attack during the quake. The associated shaking caused minor damage to hundreds of residences, offices and health and school facilities mainly in Yogyakarta and Central Java. No tsunami was expected or observed with This earthquake may have been triggered by SFE from flare #6340 which was ending simultaneously with this earthquake (see flare list below).


This is the strongest earthquake within about 200 km of this epicenter in  Java since an M 6.1 on January 25, 2014. The last event of M>=6.4 in this area occurred more than 35 years ago." (June 30, 2023)


Forecast 165600 had expected today's event south of Java was likely within

about 50 km around August 26.


O: 26AUG2024 12:57:40   8.7S  110.2E MW=5.5  EMSC   JAVA, INDONESIA              

P: 26AUG2024 165600     9.0S  110.0E 4.0-5.4 AAAAA  So. of Java                


The strongest earthquake in the U.S. or Canada today was an M 5.1 in the Unimak Island area of Alaska. NEIC reported it was felt with intensity up to III in Sand Point, Alaska. This may have been triggered by antipodal focusing of earthquake energy. It follows a pair of events of M 5.5 each at the antipode of this which occurred on August 23 and were noted in this summary at the time as:



"The strongest earthquakes in the world today were a pair of events of M 5.5 each in the Indian Ocean south of Africa. They were not felt in this remote area. This epicenter is at the antipode of the Unimak and Alaska Peninsula and could enhance seismicity in that area in the next several days." (August 23, 2034)


Today's earthquake of M 5.1 in this region south of Alaska is the strongest within about 150 km of this epicenter since an M 5.6 on August 1, 2024 and an M 5.4 on  September 21, 2023. At the time this summary noted:



"The strongest earthquake in the U.S. or Canada today was an M 5.4 in the Alaska Peninsula Alaska. NEIC reported it was felt with intensity V in Sand Point and King Cove and III in False Pass, Alaska. This is the strongest earthquake in the region of the Alaska Peninsula since an M 5.6 on August 3, 2023. At the time this summary noted:



"The strongest earthquake in the world, the U.S. or Canada today was an M 5.6 in the Unimak Island area of Alaska. NEIC reported it was felt with intensity IV in Sand Point, King Cove and II-III in False Pass, Chignik Lagoon, Alaska. This is the strongest aftershock to date of the M 7.2-7.4 of July 16, 2023 in the Alaska Peninsula about 50 km east of today's epicenter. It is the second largest earthquake in this area since an M 6.1 on July 28 and July 29, 2020. In the past 15 years many of the strongest earthquakes in this region have occurred in mid- to late-July and early August, perhaps indicating a seasonal triggering component. All events in the region with M>=6 since 2008 have occurred in late July including an M 6.1 on July 16, 2011; an M 6.0 on July 19, 2018; an M 6.1 on July 28, 2020 and an M 7.2 on July 16, 2023." (August 3, 2023)


This event occurred near local solar noon and may have been promoted by strong tidal stresses which maximize near this hour." (September 21, 2023)


Forecast 165770 had expected today's event in this region was likely around

August 22.



O: 26AUG2024 15:49:40  54.6N  159.7W MW=5.1  EMSC   SOUTH OF ALASKA              

P: 22AUG2024 165770    54.5N  161.8W 3.5-4.9 BABAA  Unimak Islands, Aleutians  



For most events there are two listings. The first line is the observed event starting with "O:" for Observed. There follows the date, month and year, the time in UT hours:minutes:seconds, the latitude and longitude, the given magnitude and the reporting agency followed by the geographic location. The second line starts with "P:" This is the forecast event as forecast in our summaries normally more than a month in advance. Magnitudes may vary in response to updated seismic watches and daily variations due to tidal and other influences. This line has the forecast date, month and year, the forecast number, latitude, longitude and forecast magnitude range.  This is followed by a comparison between the forecast and the event. The comparison includes letters A-D. The first is number of days difference from predicted (A:up to 2, B3-5; C:6-10; D:more than 10), Difference in latitude (A:up to 1 degree; B:1-2 degrees; C:2-4 degrees; D:more than 4 degrees); longitude (same comparison as with latitude); magnitude (A: within forecast range; B: higher than forecast range; C: lower than forecast range; D: no comparison possible). The last letter is a stand in for a future comparison which needs to be done statistically after a large number of forecasts have been made. In previous data, an excellent match is generally AAAAA; a good match as one or two B's; a fair match has several B's and C's and a poor match is one which contains a number of C's or D's. 




O: 26AUG2024 15:28:52  24.1N  122.3E MW=4.3  EMSC   TAIWAN REGION                

P: 23AUG2024 165648    24.0N  122.0E 4.0-5.4 BAAAA  Taiwan                     


NEIC reported this earthquake of M 4.3 in Taiwan was felt with intensity up to IV in the area(s) of Taiwan in Taipei.


O: 26AUG2024 19:09:37  24.7N   87.8E ML=3.9  EMSC   JHARKHAND REGION, INDIA      

P: 29AUG2024 165642    27.0N   88.0E 3.5-5.5 BCAAA  Nepal                      


O: 26AUG2024 16:48:33  25.1N   94.9E ML=3.8  EMSC   MYANMAR-INDIA BORDER REGION  

P: 24AUG2024 165639    23.0N   95.0E 4.0-5.6 ABAAA  Myanmar                    


O: 26AUG2024 16:51:38  52.6N  106.8E MB=3.8  EMSC   LAKE BAYKAL REGION, RUSSIA   

P: 26AUG2024 165768    56.0N  110.0E 3.0-4.4 ACBAA  So. Siberia                 


O: 26AUG2024 12:18:04  53.1N  142.8E MB=4.2  EMSC   SAKHALIN, RUSSIA             

P: 26AUG2024 165766    54.0N  143.0E 4.0-5.8 AAAAA  Sakhalin                   


EMSC reported this earthquake of M 4.2 in Sakhalin, Russia was felt with intensity up to IV in the area(s) of Sakhalin, Russian in Okha.




O: 26AUG2024 18:28:43   3.9S  121.4E ML=4.4  EMSC   SULAWESI, INDONESIA          

P: 28AUG2024 165603     1.0S  123.0E 4.0-5.4 ACBAA  Sulawesi area              


O: 27AUG2024 06:06:59   5.6S  147.9E MB=4.7  EMSC   EASTERN NEW GUINEA REG., P.N.G

P: 22AUG2024 165592     5.0S  147.0E 4.0-5.4 BAAAA  New Ireland                


O: 26AUG2024 17:22:27   6.2N  126.0E MB=4.6  EMSC   MINDANAO, PHILIPPINES        

O: 26AUG2024 22:27:47   5.7N  127.0E mb=4.5  EMSC   PHILIPPINE ISLANDS REGION

P: 25AUG2024 165579     6.0N  126.0E 4.0-5.5 AAAAA  Mindanao, Philippines      


O: 27AUG2024 02:15:18   7.2S  129.5E MW=5.8  EMSC   KEPULAUAN BABAR, INDONESIA   

P: 23AUG2024 165583     7.0S  129.0E 4.0-5.4 BAAAA  Banda Sea                  


O: 26AUG2024 18:41:40   8.1N  127.1E ML=4.3  EMSC   PHILIPPINE ISLANDS REGION    

O: 26AUG2024 18:22:58   8.1N  127.1E ML=4.1  EMSC   PHILIPPINE ISLANDS REGION

P: 29AUG2024 165577     9.0N  127.0E 4.0-5.4 BAAAA  Halmahera                  


O: 26AUG2024 12:57:40   8.7S  110.2E MW=5.5  EMSC   JAVA, INDONESIA              

P: 26AUG2024 165600     9.0S  110.0E 4.0-5.4 AAAAA  So. of Java                


O: 27AUG2024 02:40:39   9.6S  118.6E MB=4.6  EMSC   SUMBAWA REGION, INDONESIA    

P: 26AUG2024 165604     8.0S  118.0E 4.0-5.4 ABAAA  Sumbawa Island area        




O: 26AUG2024 07:22:30   7.0N   82.3W ML=4.2  EMSC   SOUTH OF PANAMA              

P: 29AUG2024 165574     7.0N   82.0W 3.5-5.3 BAAAA  Costa Rica                 


O: 27AUG2024 01:33:44   8.4S   76.3W MB=4.2  EMSC   CENTRAL PERU                 

P: 24AUG2024 165584     8.0S   74.0W 3.5-5.4 BABAA  Brazil                     


O: 27AUG2024 02:09:37  12.5N   87.8W ML=4.0  EMSC   NEAR COAST OF NICARAGUA

O: 26AUG2024 22:26:33  11.5N   86.9W ML=4.2  EMSC   NEAR COAST OF NICARAGUA      

P: 26AUG2024 165624    12.0N   87.0W 3.5-5.5 AAAAA  Nicaragua                  


O: 26AUG2024 06:43:22  13.4N   89.6W ML=4.0  EMSC   OFFSHORE EL SALVADOR

O: 26AUG2024 07:05:04  14.3N   90.4W MB=4.1  EMSC   GUATEMALA                    

P: 27AUG2024 165615    15.0N   91.0W 3.5-5.1 AAAAA  Guatemala                  


NEIC reported this earthquake of M 4.1 in Guatemala was felt with intensity up to IV in the area(s) of Guatemala in Guatemala City and Santa Catarina Pinula.


O: 27AUG2024 05:38:47  14.5N   92.0W MB=4.3  EMSC   GUATEMALA                    

P: 27AUG2024 165615    15.0N   91.0W 3.5-5.1 AAAAA  Guatemala                  


NEIC reported this earthquake of M 4.3 in Guatemala was felt with intensity up to IV in the area(s) of Guatemala in Caoatepeque, Quezaltenango.

EMSC reported moderate shaking in Tapachula de Cordova and Ordonez, Mexico.


O: 26AUG2024 21:13:06  15.3N   94.6W ML=4.0  EMSC   OFF COAST OF OAXACA, MEXICO  

P: 27AUG2024 165612    15.0N   95.0W 3.5-5.1 AAAAA  Chiapas, Mexico            


O: 26AUG2024 19:37:49  17.8N   68.1W MD=3.3  EMSC   DOMINICAN REPUBLIC REGION    

P: 27AUG2024 165628    18.0N   67.0W 3.4-5.4 AAAAA  Puerto Rico                


O: 26AUG2024 15:34:29  18.5N  100.0W ML=4.4  EMSC   GUERRERO, MEXICO             

P: 29AUG2024 165622    18.0N  101.0W 3.5-5.4 BAAAA  Michoacan, Mexico          


O: 26AUG2024 08:54:59  19.2N   73.4W ML=3.6  EMSC   HAITI REGION

O: 26AUG2024 09:40:10  19.2N   73.1W ML=3.3  EMSC   HAITI REGION

O: 26AUG2024 08:58:43  18.7N   74.0W ML=3.3  EMSC   HAITI REGION                 

P: 29AUG2024 165632    20.0N   71.0W 3.0-4.9 BBCAA  Bahamas/No. Caribbean      


O: 27AUG2024 05:22:14  20.8S   66.3W MB=4.2  EMSC   POTOSI, BOLIVIA              

P: 24AUG2024 165798    21.0S   67.0W 4.0-5.6 BAAAA  Argentina                  


O: 27AUG2024 06:02:29  22.5S   69.1W MB=4.6  EMSC   ANTOFAGASTA, CHILE           

P: 29AUG2024 165801    23.0S   69.0W 4.0-5.4 AAAAA  Coast No. Chile            


EMSC reported this earthquake of M 4.6 in Antofagasata, Chile was felt with intensity up to IV in the area(s) of Antofagasata, Chile in Alto Hospicio.


O: 26AUG2024 16:21:50  44.8S   73.7W MW=5.0  EMSC   NEAR COAST OF AISEN, CHILE   



NEIC reported an earthquake of M 3.9 in Metropolitana, Chile was felt with intensity up to II in the area(s) of Metropolitana, Chile in Santiago.




NEIC reported an earthquake of M 4.5 in Attiki, Greece was felt with intensity up to IV in the area(s) of Attiki, Greece in Kifisia, Glika Nera and II-III in Eleusis, Amarousion, Kipseli, Ayia Paraskevi, Kholargos, Kallithea, Leontarion and Kalamakion.

EMSC reported moderate shaking in Greece at Fragkaki, Ellinika, Agia Anna, Pefki, Arglasti, Banguntapan, Kraton, Gedong Tengen, Pugeran Maguwoharjo,  among others with loud earthquake noise.


O: 26AUG2024 14:50:43  44.3N   43.8E MB=4.0  EMSC   CAUCASUS REGION, RUSSIA      

P: 21AUG2024 165718    43.0N   44.0E 3.5-5.1 BBAAA  Caucasus/Caspian Sea       


O: 26AUG2024 15:15:55  76.3N    7.4E MB=4.5  EMSC   SVALBARD REGION              

P: 13AUG2024 165520    74.0N   14.0E 3.0-4.4 DCAAA  Norway                     




No significant (M>=5) or unusual earthquakes were reported in the Southwest Pacific region today.




No significant (M>=5) or unusual earthquakes were reported on Ocean Ridges today.





O: 26AUG2024 11:15:00  32.3S  150.9E ML=3.0  EMSC   NEW SOUTH WALES, AUSTRALIA

O: 27AUG2024 04:55:08  32.3S  150.8E ML=2.8  EMSC   NEW SOUTH WALES, AUSTRALIA

O: 26AUG2024 16:26:55  32.4S  150.9E ML=2.8  EMSC   NEW SOUTH WALES, AUSTRALIA


NEIC reported this earthquake of M 2.7 in New South Wales, Australia was felt with intensity up to IV in the area(s) of New South Wales, Australia in Muswellbrook and Sydney.




O: 26AUG2024 10:44:38  46.8N  153.0E MB=4.4  EMSC   KURIL ISLANDS                

P: 31AUG2024 165745    47.0N  151.0E 3.5-5.8 BABAA  So. Kurils                 








O: 27AUG2024 06:53:47  30.7N  114.3W ML=3.4  EMSC   GULF OF CALIFORNIA           

P: 26AUG2024 165687    30.2N  114.1W 2.0-3.9 AAAAA  SW U.S.A                    


O: 27AUG2024 04:28:54  34.2N  119.0W ML=2.5  EMSC   GREATER LOS ANGELES AREA, CALI

P: 24AUG2024 165697    34.7N  119.0W 2.5-4.4 BAAAA  So. California             

P: 30AUG2024 165693    34.4N  118.6W 2.5-4.6 BAAAA  So. California             


NEIC reported this earthquake of M 2.5 in Greater Los Angeles, California was felt with intensity up to IV in the area(s) of Greater Los Angeles, California in Camarillo, Newbury Park, Thousand Oaks, Simi Valley and Los Angeles.

EMSC reported a short quick jolt in Newbury Park, California.


O: 27AUG2024 04:05:09  35.1N  119.1W ML=2.4  EMSC   CENTRAL CALIFORNIA

O: 26AUG2024 21:06:47  35.1N  119.1W ML=2.5  EMSC   CENTRAL CALIFORNIA           

P: 24AUG2024 165697    34.7N  119.0W 2.5-4.4 AAAAA  So. California              

P: 29AUG2024 165697    35.0N  119.2W 2.5-4.4 BAAAA  So. California             


O: 26AUG2024 17:42:01  35.9N  117.7W ML=2.3  EMSC   CENTRAL CALIFORNIA           

P: 27AUG2024 165698    35.9N  117.7W 2.5-4.7 AAAAA  So. California             


O: 26AUG2024 18:18:37  37.0N  121.7W MD=2.3  EMSC   NORTHERN CALIFORNIA          

P: 28AUG2024 165657    36.9N  121.7W 2.5-4.7 AAAAA  Central California         


O: 26AUG2024 13:34:57  40.2N  121.1W MD=2.8  EMSC   NORTHERN CALIFORNIA          

P: 27AUG2024 165736    40.3N  121.2W 2.5-4.6 AAAAA  Northern California        


NEIC reported this earthquake of M 2.8 in Northern California was felt with intensity up to IV in the area(s) of Northern California at Redding.




O: 26AUG2024 15:49:40  54.6N  159.7W MW=5.1  EMSC   SOUTH OF ALASKA              

P: 22AUG2024 165770    54.5N  161.8W 3.5-4.9 BABAA  Unimak Islands, Aleutians  




O: 26AUG2024 15:15:35  48.8N  126.0W ML=2.8  EMSC   VANCOUVER ISLAND, CANADA REGIO

P: 26AUG2024 165747    49.5N  127.2W 2.8-5.4 AAAAA  Vancouver Island area      


O: 26AUG2024 14:17:54  68.3N  136.5W MB=3.4  ECAN OF AKLAVIK, NT   

O: 26AUG2024 14:17:54  68.3N  136.5W ML=3.4  EMSC   NORTHERN YUKON TERRITORY, CANA

P: 22AUG2024 165785    71.0N  134.0W 2.5-4.3 BCAAA  Yukon Territory, Canada    




O: 26AUG2024 19:14:36  31.7N  104.2W ML=2.0  EMSC   WESTERN TEXAS

O: 26AUG2024 13:51:48  31.7N  104.5W ML=2.8  EMSC   WESTERN TEXAS                

P: 24AUG2024 165688    31.2N  104.1W 2.0-3.9 AAAAA  SW U.S.A                   


O: 27AUG2024 06:54:29  32.4N  102.1W ML=2.3  EMSC   WESTERN TEXAS                

P: 27AUG2024 165688    31.7N  101.0W 2.0-4.1 AAAAA  SW U.S.A                   


O: 26AUG2024 19:59:27  37.0N  104.9W ML=2.8  EMSC   NEW MEXICO                   

P: 26AUG2024 165663    36.9N  105.1W 2.0-4.3 AAAAA  Colorado area              




O: 26AUG2024 07:03:01  34.7N   98.5W ML=2.3  EMSC   OKLAHOMA                     

P: 29AUG2024 165703    35.0N   97.0W 2.0-4.3 BABAA  Southern Plains            


NEIC reported this earthquake of M 2.6 in Oklahoma was felt with intensity up to IV in the area(s) of Oklahoma in Alex and Amber.


O: 26AUG2024 09:07:28  47.3N   70.5W MB=0.8  ECAN OF PETITE-RIVI├¿RE-SAINT-FRAN├ºO

P: 24AUG2024 165726    47.0N   70.0W 2.0-4.3 AAAAA  Maine                      




O: 27AUG2024 06:56:40  19.4N  155.2W ML=3.0  EMSC   ISLAND OF HAWAII, HAWAII     

P: 30AUG2024 165616    19.9N  156.1W 3.0-4.6 BAAAA  Hawaii                     








A moderately strong earthquake of M 5.4 was widely felt in Portugal today. It occurred near the antipode of an earlier M 6.9 in Tonga and may have been related to antipodal focusing of seismic energy at the antipode of that epicenter. NEIC reported the earthquake in Portugal was felt with maximum intensity VII in Lisbon, Portugal at Benedita Lisboa e Vale do Tejo and VI in Portugal at Ponte Norte, Sines Alenteho with V in Trafaria Lisboa e Vale do Tejo, Santa Barbara de Nexe, Monte Redondo, Moita, Loures, Castro, Carregado, Bucelas, Bombarral, Arrentela, Alferrarede, Lisbon, and with lesser shaking throughout Portugal and portions of Spain. EMSC reported a possible minor tsunami with maximum shaking in Portugal near the towns of Sines, Zambujal de Cima, with a great deal of noise. Euro Weekly News reported no major damage or injuries with this earthquake. The last earthquake located near Portugal with M>=5.4 occurred more than 35 years ago. The only comparable event in the past 35 years occurred with M 5.4-5.5 on December 17, 2009 and January 10, 2006. At the time this summary noted:



"A moderately strong earthquake of M 5.7-6.3 hit west of Gibraltar today and was felt widely in Portugal, Spain and Morocco. Spain's Seismological Institute gave the M 6.3 while NEIC gave M 5.7. The most likely magnitude given the widely felt region is M 6.3. Reports from NEIC often underestimate the magnitude of larger events initially and give larger values at a later time.  NEIC reported maximum intensity VI in Odemira, Alentjo, Portugal and V in Portugal at Boliqueime, A dos Cunhadoa, Aljezur, Azambuja, Baixa de Banheira, Castanheira do Ribatejo, Grandola, Lagoa, Luz, Malveira, Mealhada, Monchique, Montenegro, Pampilhosa, Portimao, Porto de Mos, Soure, Queijas, Rio Maior, Serpa, Serta, in Spain at Caceres, and in Morocco at Khouribga and Settat. Intensity IV was generally felt within about 300 km of the epicenter; III within about 500 km and II within 500-700 km from the epicenter. Spanish media reported the quake was also felt in Seville, Cordoba and Huelva, Spain. The epicenter is located near the presumed epicenter of the great Lisbon earthquake of November 1, 1755 which destroyed along with a tsunami much of the built coast of Portugal." (December 17, 2009)


Forecast 165401 had expected a moderate earthquake in this region within about 200 km of this epicenter was likely in mid-August. This earthquake is located at 103 degrees from the M 7.4 in Taiwan of April 2, 2024 and at 102 degrees from the M 7.1 in Kyushu, Japan of August 8, 2024 may have been  promoted by energy from those sources.


O: 26AUG2024 04:11:39  38.1N    9.4W MB=5.4  EMSC   PORTUGAL                      

P: 13AUG2024 165401    37.0N   11.0W 3.5-4.9 DBBAA  Morocco/Spain              


The strongest earthquake in the world today was an M 6.9 followed by an M 6.2 aftershock in Tonga. These events occurred within minutes of local solar noon and were likely triggered by tidal and/or geomagnetic stresses which maximize  near this hour. NEIC reported this earthquake was felt with maximum intensity V in Tonga at Pangai with IV in Tamakautoga, Niue, Nuku'alofa, Haveloloto, and III in Avatele, Alofi and Neiafu Vava'u Tong with slight shaking II in American Samoa. No tsunami was expected by EMSC which reported the quake was felt in Tonga at Nuku'aofa. A regional foreshock of M 4.4 was felt with intensity III in Neiafu Vava'u, Tonga half a day earlier. The last earthquake within about 250 km of today's epicenter in Tonga with M>=6.9 occurred as an M 6.9 on July 2, 2023 and prior to that on November 11 and 12, 2022 with M 7.0 and M 7.3. the time this summary noted:



NEIC reported today's event followed a series of lesser earthquakes in the region. This series of earthquakes in the Tonga and Fiji Region occurred over the past two days and was addresses in this summary in the previous issue as:


"The strongest earthquake in the world today was an M 5.0 in Tonga/Fiji. This event was accompanied by a series of similar-sized earthquakes in the area, many of which occurred at the beginning of C- or M-class solar flares. This summary watches for concentrations of this type in the "FLARE" section of this summary because it may be that instability in a zone such as this may suggest a stronger regional earthquake is likely in the near future. At this writing it has been nearly a year since a significant earthquake in this area." (August 25, 2024)


This suggests that patterns of this type may be useful in forecasting upcoming strong or major regional earthquakes. Tonga and Fiji have been active in the past several months including an M 7.2 on June 15, 2023 and an M 7.6 on May 10, 2023. Today's earthquake follows a regional enhancement in Fiji and Tonga which was addressed at the time as:


"A series of earthquakes also continued in the area of the Tonga Islands. The strongest of these was an M 5.6 in the northern Tonga Islands. This earthquake occurred at the peak output of flare 6630 - an M1.1 class solar flare and the strongest flare of the day. The earthquake occurred within minutes of local solar noon when immediate flare effects (SFE) are most likely to trigger earthquakes. It is likely it was triggered by SFE. This could indicate that a stronger earthquake in this area is likely at this time especially since the area is at the maximum longitude for tidal effects from the full moon of July 3 (2023)" (July 3, 2023)


Forecast 165809 had expected today's event was likely within about 100 km around August 25, 2024. These epicenters are located at the seventh node (72 degrees) from the M 7.1 in Kyushu, Japan of August 8 and may have been promoted by energy from that source. Like the event in Panama today, this epicenter is at 104-106 degrees from the M 6.7 south of Africa of July 10, 2024 and may have been promoted by energy from that source as well.


O: 25AUG2024 23:30:52  19.8S  175.0W mb=6.1  EMSC   TONGA

O: 25AUG2024 23:38:00  19.9S  175.2W mb=5.3  EMSC   TONGA

O: 25AUG2024 23:29:08  19.8S  175.1W MW=6.9  EMSC   TONGA                        

P: 25AUG2024 165809    21.0S  175.0W 4.0-5.7 ABAAA  Tonga Islands              


A moderately strong earthquake of M 5.8 also occurred south of Panama today. NEIC reported it was felt with damage and intensity VIII in Panama at Cerro Sombrero Ngobe Bugle, and lesser shaking in Chiriqui (IV) at Boquete and Volcan and in San Miguelito, Panama. EMSC reported moderate shaking in Panama at Puerto Armuelles, David, Cahuita. This event occurred within minutes of local solar midnight and may have been promoted by strong tidal stresses which maximize near this hour.


This is the strongest earthquake near Panama within about 250 km since an

M 6.3 on April 4, 2023. At the time this summary noted:


"The strongest earthquake in the world today was an M 6.7 south of Panama. NEIC reported maximum intensity VIII in Cerro Sombrero, Panama with IV in Remedios; V in Guarumal; IV in Pedregal, David, Berba, Chiriqui and less shaking in Horconcitos, Quitno, Los Algarrobas, Panama among others. This is the strongest earthquake in the area south of Panama within about 250 km of this epicenter since an M 6.9 about 250 km northwest of today's epicenter on August 20, 1999 more than 23 years ago. An M 6.6-6.7 hit near this epicenter on July 21, 2021. An earthquake of M 6.7 also occurred about 300 km southwest of today's epicenter on October 16." (April 4, 2023)


Forecast 165574 had expected today's event within about 50 km was likely around

August 28, 2024. This earthquake is located at 101 degrees from the M 7.1 in Kamchatka of August 17, 2024 and may have been promoted by energy from that source. Like the event in Tonga today, this epicenter is at 104-106 degrees from the M 6.7 south of Africa of July 10, 2024 and may have been promoted by energy from that source as well.


O: 26AUG2024 05:08:44   7.4N   82.3W MW=5.8  EMSC   SOUTH OF PANAMA              

P: 29AUG2024 165574     7.0N   82.0W 3.5-5.3 BAAAA  Costa Rica                 


An unusually large M 4.8 was also felt in Puerto Rico today. This event occurred near local solar midnight and may have been promoted by strong tidal stresses which maximize near this hour. NEIC reported this event was felt with maximum intensity VI in the Dominican Republic at Boca de Yuma with lesser shaking in Santo Domingo, La Roma, Otra Banda and in Puerto Rico with IV in Cabo Rojo, San Sebastian, Barranquitas, with lesser shaking in Mayaguez, Moca, Bayamon, Caguas among others. EMSC reported strong shaking in Bayamon and Mayaguez, Puerto Rico. The last earthquake in Puerto Rico within about 200 km of today's epicenter with M>=4.8 occurred as an M 5.6 on May 15, 2024. At the time this summary noted:


"Today's earthquake in Puerto Rico is the largest in that region since an M 6.4 on January 7, 2020 about 200 km southeast of today's epicenter. The last of larger magnitude in northern Puerto within about 200 km of today's epicenter was an M 6.0 on September 24, 2019. An earthquake of M 5.0, the only such event of M>=5 in the past 3 years in Puerto Rico occurred on November 17, 2022." (May 15, 2024)


It is not unusual for seismic enhancement to occur in the northern Caribbean during hurricane season, but no tropical cyclones are in the area at this time.


Forecast 165628 had expected today's event within about 100 km was likely

around August 27, 2024.


O: 26AUG2024 05:16:09  17.9N   68.1W MB=4.6  EMSC   DOMINICAN REPUBLIC REGION    

P: 27AUG2024 165628    18.0N   67.0W 3.4-5.4 AAAAA  Puerto Rico                





For most events there are two listings. The first line is the observed event starting with "O:" for Observed. There follows the date, month and year, the time in UT hours:minutes:seconds, the latitude and longitude, the given magnitude and the reporting agency followed by the geographic location. The second line starts with "P:" This is the forecast event as forecast in our summaries normally more than a month in advance. Magnitudes may vary in response to updated seismic watches and daily variations due to tidal and other influences. This line has the forecast date, month and year, the forecast number, latitude, longitude and forecast magnitude range.  This is followed by a comparison between the forecast and the event. The comparison includes letters A-D. The first is number of days difference from predicted (A:up to 2, B3-5; C:6-10; D:more than 10), Difference in latitude (A:up to 1 degree; B:1-2 degrees; C:2-4 degrees; D:more than 4 degrees); longitude (same comparison as with latitude); magnitude (A: within forecast range; B: higher than forecast range; C: lower than forecast range; D: no comparison possible). The last letter is a stand in for a future comparison which needs to be done statistically after a large number of forecasts have been made. In previous data, an excellent match is generally AAAAA; a good match as one or two B's; a fair match has several B's and C's and a poor match is one which contains a number of C's or D's. 




O: 26AUG2024 01:32:02  52.9N  159.6E MB=4.9  EMSC   OFF EAST COAST OF KAMCHATKA  

P: 28AUG2024 165757    52.0N  161.0E 4.0-5.4 AAAAA  E. of Kamchatka            


EMSC reported this earthquake of M 4.9 in Kamchatka, Russia was felt with intensity up to IV in the area(s) of Kamchatka, Russia in Petropavlovsk, Yelizovo, Paratunka.


O: 26AUG2024 06:24:30  55.7N  164.4E MB=4.3  EMSC   KOMANDORSKIYE OSTROVA REGION 

P: 22AUG2024 165760    55.0N  165.0E 4.0-6.0 BAAAA  Komandorsky Isl            


O: 25AUG2024 17:35:39  26.0N   90.8E ML=3.9  EMSC   MEGHALAYA, INDIA REGION      

P: 22AUG2024 165640    27.0N   92.0E 4.0-5.4 BAAAA  Myanmar                    


EMSC reported this earthquake of M 3.9 in India was felt with intensity up to IV in the area(s) of India in Adabari, Dugrasorabar, Athgaon, Kharghuli Hills.




O: 25AUG2024 11:45:53   1.7N  127.3E mb=4.3  EMSC   HALMAHERA, INDONESIA

O: 26AUG2024 00:17:04   1.1N  126.4E MB=5.2  EMSC   MOLUCCA SEA                  

P: 25AUG2024 165578     1.0N  125.0E 4.0-5.4 AABAA  Mindanao, Philippines      


O: 25AUG2024 20:58:30   2.7N  127.1E ML=4.0  EMSC   MOLUCCA SEA                  

P: 23AUG2024 165576     2.0N  128.0E 4.0-5.4 AAAAA  Halmahera                  


O: 25AUG2024 21:34:32   4.5S   99.1E ML=4.1  EMSC   SOUTHWEST OF SUMATRA, INDONESI

P: 27AUG2024 165601     2.0S  100.0E 4.0-5.4 ACAAA  So. of Sumatera            


O: 25AUG2024 15:35:08   5.8S  147.1E MB=5.1  EMSC   EASTERN NEW GUINEA REG., P.N.G

P: 25AUG2024 165593     5.0S  151.0E 4.0-5.5 AAAAA  New Ireland                


NEIC reported this earthquake of M 5.1 in Papua New Guinea was felt with intensity up to IV in the area(s) of Papua New Guinea in Goroka Eastern Highlands.


O: 25AUG2024 09:21:24  10.1N   93.8E MB=4.7  EMSC   ANDAMAN ISLANDS, INDIA REGION

P: 21AUG2024 165608    10.0N   92.0E 4.0-5.4 BABAA  Andaman Islands            

P: 23AUG2024 165608    12.0N   92.0E 4.0-5.6 ABBAA  Andaman Islands            


O: 25AUG2024 22:12:29  14.8N  147.1E MB=4.8  EMSC   MARIANA ISLANDS REGION       

P: 24AUG2024 165629    14.0N  146.0E 4.0-5.4 AAAAA  So. Marianas/Guam          





O: 26AUG2024 05:08:44   7.4N   82.3W MW=5.8  EMSC   SOUTH OF PANAMA              

P: 29AUG2024 165574     7.0N   82.0W 3.5-5.3 BAAAA  Costa Rica                  


O: 25AUG2024 16:07:18  10.6N   86.5W MB=4.8  EMSC   OFF COAST OF COSTA RICA      

P: 26AUG2024 165624    12.0N   87.0W 3.5-5.5 ABAAA  Nicaragua                  

P: 29AUG2024 165574     9.0N   86.0W 3.5-5.4 BBAAA  Costa Rica                  


O: 25AUG2024 16:37:49  13.0N   89.0W ML=4.1  EMSC   OFFSHORE EL SALVADOR         

P: 25AUG2024 165614    14.0N   90.0W 3.5-5.3 AAAAA  Guatemala                  


O: 26AUG2024 06:43:22  13.3N   89.6W ML=4.0  EMSC   OFFSHORE EL SALVADOR

O: 25AUG2024 23:30:11  13.2N   87.9W MB=4.4  EMSC   EL SALVADOR                  

P: 30AUG2024 165624    13.0N   87.0W 3.5-5.5 BAAAA  Nicaragua                  


O: 25AUG2024 23:16:54  15.6N   95.1W ML=4.0  EMSC   OFFSHORE OAXACA, MEXICO      

P: 27AUG2024 165612    15.0N   95.0W 3.5-5.1 AAAAA  Chiapas, Mexico            


O: 26AUG2024 03:26:46  15.8N   97.0W ML=4.0  EMSC   OFFSHORE OAXACA, MEXICO      

P: 26AUG2024 165627    16.0N   97.0W 3.5-5.3 AAAAA  Oaxaca, Mexico             


O: 25AUG2024 14:27:25  17.2N   96.4W MB=4.5  EMSC   OAXACA, MEXICO               

P: 23AUG2024 165612    17.0N   95.0W 3.5-5.1 AABAA  Chiapas, Mexico            

P: 26AUG2024 165627    16.0N   97.0W 3.5-5.3 ABAAA  Oaxaca, Mexico             


NEIC reported this earthquake of M 4.5 in Oaxaca, Mexico was felt with intensity up to V in the area(s) of Oaxaca, Mexico at Matatlan, IV in Santa Lucia del Camino, and II-III in Oaxaca, Huayapam, Puerto Escondido and in the state of Mexico at Tlalnepantla. 


O: 25AUG2024 21:35:08  18.5N   68.8W ML=3.2  EMSC   DOMINICAN REPUBLIC

O: 26AUG2024 05:16:09  17.9N   68.1W MB=4.6  EMSC   DOMINICAN REPUBLIC REGION    

P: 27AUG2024 165628    18.0N   67.0W 3.4-5.4 AAAAA  Puerto Rico                


O: 26AUG2024 00:18:48  18.1N   65.8W MD=3.0  EMSC   PUERTO RICO REGION           

P: 29AUG2024 165618    19.0N   65.0W 3.0-5.1 BAAAA  Leeward Islands            


O: 25AUG2024 11:56:42  18.4N   70.2W ML=3.6  EMSC   DOMINICAN REPUBLIC           

P: 29AUG2024 165632    20.0N   71.0W 3.0-4.9 BBAAA  Bahamas/No. Caribbean      


O: 25AUG2024 20:15:09  18.4N   73.6W ML=3.4  EMSC   HAITI REGION                 

P: 15AUG2024 165358    19.0N   72.0W 3.0-4.7 CABAA  Bahamas/No. Caribbean      


O: 25AUG2024 22:56:05  19.0N  105.2W ML=4.1  EMSC   OFFSHORE JALISCO, MEXICO

O: 25AUG2024 09:33:56  19.0N  105.2W ML=4.0  EMSC   OFFSHORE JALISCO, MEXICO     

P: 22AUG2024 165622    19.0N  104.0W 3.5-5.1 BAAAA  Michoacan, Mexico          


O: 25AUG2024 08:54:09  19.2N  102.5W ML=4.0  EMSC   MICHOACAN, MEXICO            

P: 22AUG2024 165622    19.0N  104.0W 3.5-5.1 BABAA  Michoacan, Mexico          

P: 26AUG2024 165622    18.0N  102.0W 3.5-5.2 ABAAA  Michoacan, Mexico          


O: 26AUG2024 00:24:10  19.2N   71.4W ML=3.0  EMSC   DOMINICAN REPUBLIC

O: 25AUG2024 20:59:30  19.4N   71.1W ML=3.2  EMSC   DOMINICAN REPUBLIC

O: 25AUG2024 16:41:11  19.6N   71.6W ML=3.1  EMSC   DOMINICAN REPUBLIC           

P: 29AUG2024 165632    20.0N   71.0W 3.0-4.9 BAAAA  Bahamas/No. Caribbean      


O: 25AUG2024 12:21:35  23.5S   67.1W ML=4.0  EMSC   JUJUY, ARGENTINA

O: 25AUG2024 17:47:42  23.6S   67.1W MB=4.4  EMSC   JUJUY, ARGENTINA             

P: 27AUG2024 165799    24.0S   66.0W 4.0-5.8 AAAAA  Argentina                  


O: 25AUG2024 09:38:57  25.2N  109.7W ML=3.9  EMSC   GULF OF CALIFORNIA           

P: 28AUG2024 165634    24.0N  109.0W 3.5-5.4 BBAAA  Gulf of California         


O: 25AUG2024 20:49:39  27.9N  112.1W ML=4.3  EMSC   GULF OF CALIFORNIA           

P: 18AUG2024 165362    28.0N  112.0W 3.5-4.9 CAAAA  Gulf of California          


O: 26AUG2024 06:21:09  32.2S   71.4W MW=4.6  EMSC   VALPARAISO, CHILE            

P: 27AUG2024 165814    34.0S   72.0W 4.0-5.7 ABAAA  Central Chile              


NEIC reported this earthquake of M 4.6 in Central Chile was felt with intensity up to IV in the area(s) of Central Chile in Valparaiso at Valparaiso, Vina del Mar, Villa Alemana and in Metropolitana in Santiago and San Bernardo.

EMSC reported strong shaking in Valparaiso, Chile at Puchuncavi, Quillota, Putaendo, Concon, Llaillay, Vina del Mar, Villa Alemana, Valparaiso, Colina, Lo Barnechea, Conchali, Pudahuel, Quinto Normal, Vitacura, Providencia, Las Condes, Santiago, Nunoa, Maipu, Macul, San Antonio, Santo Domingo, La Florida, San Bernardo, Puente Alto, Talagante, Ovalle.

GUC reportedd intensity IV in  Coquimbo at Illael, Los Vilos, Salamanca, Canela, Combarbala; III in Ovalle, Monte Patria, Punitaqui; in Valparaiso with V in Puchuncavi, Quintero and IV in San Antonio, Valparaiso; in Santiago with IV in Colina, Lampa, Tiltil; III in Macul, Buin, Paine, Penaflor; in O'Higgins with III in Rancagua, Codegua, Donihue, Machali, Las Cabras and Mostazal.




O: 26AUG2024 04:11:39  38.1N    9.4W MB=5.4  EMSC   PORTUGAL                     

P: 13AUG2024 165401    37.0N   11.0W 3.5-4.9 DBBAA  Morocco/Spain              


O: 25AUG2024 23:56:35  63.9N   21.9W ML=3.4  EMSC   ICELAND REGION               

P: 23AUG2024 165778    63.0N   23.0W 3.0-4.6 AAAAA  Iceland area               


O: 25AUG2024 23:45:42  44.2N   11.5E ML=3.9  EMSC   NORTHERN ITALY               

P: 26AUG2024 165723    43.0N   13.0E 3.0-4.9 ABAAA  Italy                      


O: 26AUG2024 01:33:47  19.6S   33.8E ML=3.3  EMSC   MOZAMBIQUE                   

P: 27AUG2024 165806    22.0S   33.0E 4.0-5.8 ACAAA  So. Indian Ocean           


O: 25AUG2024 07:09:17  26.9S   26.6E ML=3.3  EMSC   SOUTH AFRICA                 

P: 28AUG2024 165804    26.0S   28.0E 3.0-4.9 AABAA  Rep. South Africa          


O: 26AUG2024 06:35:44  30.1S   28.8E ML=3.1  EMSC   SOUTH AFRICA                  

P: 28AUG2024 165804    26.0S   28.0E 3.0-4.9 ACAAA  Rep. South Africa          




O: 25AUG2024 23:30:52  19.8S  175.0W mb=6.1  EMSC   TONGA

O: 25AUG2024 23:38:00  19.9S  175.2W mb=5.3  EMSC   TONGA

O: 25AUG2024 23:29:08  19.8S  175.1W MW=6.9  EMSC   TONGA                        

P: 25AUG2024 165809    21.0S  175.0W 4.0-5.7 ABAAA  Tonga Islands              


O: 25AUG2024 15:54:49  19.7S  177.3W MB=4.4  EMSC   FIJI REGION                  

P: 24AUG2024 165795    19.0S  177.0W 4.0-5.6 AAAAA  Tonga Islands              




No significant (M>=5) or unusual earthquakes were reported on Ocean Ridges today.





O: 25AUG2024 06:59:19  32.4S  150.9E ML=2.5  EMSC   NEW SOUTH WALES, AUSTRALIA

O: 25AUG2024 09:38:49  32.4S  150.8E ML=2.4  EMSC   NEW SOUTH WALES, AUSTRALIA




No earthquakes of M>=4 were located in Japan or the Kuril Islands today.








O: 25AUG2024 21:16:59  30.7N  115.8W ML=3.1  EMSC   BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO

O: 25AUG2024 21:59:22  30.7N  115.8W ML=3.2  EMSC   BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO

O: 25AUG2024 22:15:03  30.8N  116.3W ML=3.1  EMSC   OFFSHORE BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXI

P: 30AUG2024 165691    32.1N  116.4W 2.5-4.6 BAAAA  So. California             


O: 25AUG2024 08:18:15  33.3N  116.4W ML=2.5  EMSC   SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA          

P: 30AUG2024 165691    32.1N  116.4W 2.5-4.6 BBAAA  So. California             


NEIC reported this earthquake of M 2.5 in Southern California was felt with intensity up to IV in the area(s) of Southern California in Borrego Springs, San Diego, Idyllwild.


O: 25AUG2024 11:00:28  38.7N  118.6W ML=2.1  EMSC   NEVADA                       

O: 25AUG2024 16:28:00  38.7N  118.6W ML=2.2  EMSC   NEVADA                       

P: 29AUG2024 165655    38.6N  118.6W 2.5-5.0 BAAAA  California/Nevada area     


O: 25AUG2024 16:56:47  38.8N  122.8W MD=2.2  EMSC   NORTHERN CALIFORNIA          

P: 23AUG2024 165659    38.9N  122.8W 2.5-4.7 AAAAA  Central California         


O: 26AUG2024 05:07:13  40.4N  124.5W MD=2.0  EMSC   OFFSHORE NORTHERN CALIFORNIA 

P: 22AUG2024 165737    40.3N  124.7W 2.5-4.4 BAAAA  Off Coast of No. Calif     





O: 25AUG2024 20:48:57  54.4N  160.2W ML=3.6  EMSC   ALASKA PENINSULA             

P: 22AUG2024 165770    54.5N  161.8W 3.5-4.9 BAAAA  Unimak Islands, Aleutians  


O: 26AUG2024 04:20:01  59.0N  151.1W ML=3.2  EMSC   KENAI PENINSULA, ALASKA      

P: 31AUG2024 165773    60.1N  150.6W 3.2-5.1 BAAAA  Central Alaska             




No events of M>=2 were located in the northwestern U.S. or western Canada today.




O: 25AUG2024 15:27:01  31.6N  104.0W ML=2.0  EMSC   WESTERN TEXAS

O: 26AUG2024 01:55:40  31.6N  104.0W ML=3.0  EMSC   WESTERN TEXAS                

P: 24AUG2024 165688    31.2N  104.1W 2.0-3.9 AAAAA  SW U.S.A                   




O: 26AUG2024 02:46:47  35.0N   97.8W ML=2.0  EMSC   OKLAHOMA

O: 26AUG2024 00:12:26  35.0N   97.8W ML=2.5  EMSC   OKLAHOMA                     

P: 25AUG2024 165703    36.0N   97.0W 2.0-4.1 AAAAA  Southern Plains            




No earthquakes of M>=3 were located in Hawaii.







The strongest earthquake in the world today was an M 5.0 in Tonga/Fiji. This event was accompanied by a series of similar-sized earthquakes in the area, many of which occurred at the beginning of C- or M-class solar flares. This summary watches for concentrations of this type in the "FLARE" section of this summary because it may be that instability in a zone such as this may suggest a stronger regional earthquake is likely in the near future. At this writing it has been nearly a year since a significant earthquake in this area. These are sometimes promoted by regional passing meteorological storms but no strong storms are currently in the area. Following are some of the  events and associated solar flares today (Data from SWPC):



Flare #    START  MAX       END    CLASS     DATE    Flux (Jm-2)



6450       0002   0014      0020   M1.6      (August 24, 2024)   8.7E-03  

Fiji M 4.6 00:49 UT


6470       0251   0257      0303   C6.9      (August 24, 2024)   2.4E-03  

Fiji M 4.5 02:50 UT


6600       1332   1337      1344   C3.8      (August 24, 2024)   9.1E-04  

Fiji M 4.9 13:32 UT


6720       1917   1930      1935   M1.4      (August 24, 2024)   1.3E-02  

Fiji M 5.0 19:51 UT


Many of today's events in Tonga and Fiji occurred within a minute of the beginning of solar flares whereas two followed M-class solar flares about 20-30 minutes later and may have been triggered by SFE with these flares.


Forecasts 165809 and 165546 had expected this activity in Tonga/Fiji was likely around August 19-21.


O: 24AUG2024 19:51:00  20.8S  179.0W mb=5.0  EMSC   FIJI REGION                  

P: 21AUG2024 165809    20.0S  178.0W 4.0-5.6 BAAAA  Tonga Islands              


O: 24AUG2024 13:31:39  23.4S  179.8W mb=4.9  EMSC   SOUTH OF FIJI ISLANDS        

P: 19AUG2024 165546    22.0S  179.0W 4.0-5.6 BBAAA  Tonga Islands              


O: 24AUG2024 00:49:04  20.5S  178.4W MB=4.6  EMSC   FIJI REGION                  

P: 21AUG2024 165809    20.0S  178.0W 4.0-5.6 BAAAA  Tonga Islands              


O: 24AUG2024 02:50:26  24.3S  179.9E MB=4.5  EMSC   SOUTH OF FIJI ISLANDS        

P: 29AUG2024 165811    25.0S  179.0E 4.0-5.6 BAAAA  Tonga/Fiji                 


The strongest earthquake in the U.S. or Canada today was an M 4.8 in Alberta, Canada near Fox Creek. This event may have been lightly felt in the epicentral area. It is the strongest earthquake located within about 200 km of today's epicenter since an M 5.0 on March 16, 2023 and prior to that events of M 4.9 and M 5.3 on November 29 and 30, 2022. At the time of the March, 16, 2023 events this summary noted in this regard:



"The strongest earthquakes in the U.S. or Canada today occurred as an M 4.5, 4.8 and 5.1 in Alberta, Canada. These were reported by NEIC with intensity V in Alberta in Grimshaw and IV in Peace River with II-III shaking in Falher, High Prairie, Fairview, Valleyview, Spirit River, Slave Lake, Fox Creek, Grand Prairie, Barrhead and Athabasca. These events are apparently aftershocks of an M 5.3 which hit the same epicenter on November 30, 2022. At the time this summary noted in this regard:


"The largest earthquake in the U.S. or Canada today was an M 5.3 in Alberta, Canada. The mainshock was felt widely in Alberta with maximum intensity IV in Peace River, Falher, High Prairie, Manning, Fairview, and III in Grimshaw, Valleyview, Slave Lake, Spirit River and Sexsmith. It was followed by an aftershock of M 4.5 which was reported felt with intensity IV in Alberta at Slave Lake, Whitecourt and II-III in Peace River, High Prairie, Fairview, Grande Prairie, Athabasca, High Leven and Wood Buffalo and in Dawson Creek, British Columbia. Foreshocks of M 4.6 and 4.9 to the M 5.3 was felt in the same area as the mainshock with maximum intensity IV in Alberta at Peace River, High Prairie, Spirit River, Sexsmith, Slave Lake and in Dawson, BC.  This activity is a continuation of events which hit the area on November 22-24, 2022. That included an M 4.5 which previous to the M 5.3 today was the largest earthquake in the area in more than 35 years ..." (March 16, 2023)


Forecast 165751 had expected enhanced seismicity within about 250 km of this epicenter in Alberta was likely around August 21.


O: 24AUG2024 12:50:09  54.5N  117.5W MB=4.8  ECAN W OF FOX CREEK, AB 

O: 24AUG2024 12:50:11  54.6N  117.3W mb=4.2  EMSC   ALBERTA, CANADA              

P: 21AUG2024 165751    56.0N  120.0W 2.0-4.0 BBBAA  Alberta                     



For most events there are two listings. The first line is the observed event starting with "O:" for Observed. There follows the date, month and year, the time in UT hours:minutes:seconds, the latitude and longitude, the given magnitude and the reporting agency followed by the geographic location. The second line starts with "P:" This is the forecast event as forecast in our summaries normally more than a month in advance. Magnitudes may vary in response to updated seismic watches and daily variations due to tidal and other influences. This line has the forecast date, month and year, the forecast number, latitude, longitude and forecast magnitude range.  This is followed by a comparison between the forecast and the event. The comparison includes letters A-D. The first is number of days difference from predicted (A:up to 2, B3-5; C:6-10; D:more than 10), Difference in latitude (A:up to 1 degree; B:1-2 degrees; C:2-4 degrees; D:more than 4 degrees); longitude (same comparison as with latitude); magnitude (A: within forecast range; B: higher than forecast range; C: lower than forecast range; D: no comparison possible). The last letter is a stand in for a future comparison which needs to be done statistically after a large number of forecasts have been made. In previous data, an excellent match is generally AAAAA; a good match as one or two B's; a fair match has several B's and C's and a poor match is one which contains a number of C's or D's. 




O: 24AUG2024 07:42:14  34.9N   61.8E mb=4.2  EMSC   WESTERN AFGHANISTAN          

P:  2AUG2024 165089    33.0N   60.0E 3.8-5.4 DBBAA  Afghanistan                

P: 17AUG2024 165406    37.0N   59.0E 3.8-5.4 CCBAA  No. Iran                    


EMSC reported an earthquake of M 3.9 in India was felt with intensity up to IV in the area(s) of India in Adabari, Dugrasorabar, Athgaon, Kharghuli Hills.


O: 24AUG2024 18:49:07  36.7N   71.1E mb=4.2  EMSC   HINDU KUSH REGION, AFGHANISTAN

P: 23AUG2024 165667    36.0N   71.0E 3.8-5.6 AAAAA  Hindu Kush/Pakistan        


O: 24AUG2024 14:53:14  52.9N  160.8E mb=4.7  EMSC   OFF EAST COAST OF KAMCHATKA  

P: 28AUG2024 165757    52.0N  161.0E 4.0-5.4 BAAAA  E. of Kamchatka            




O: 24AUG2024 16:54:32   4.5S  102.1E Mw=5.0  EMSC   SOUTHERN SUMATRA, INDONESIA  

P: 30AUG2024 165601     4.0S  102.0E 4.0-5.5 BAAAA  So. of Sumatera            


O: 24AUG2024 10:37:32   6.9S  125.9E mb=4.3  EMSC   BANDA SEA                     

P: 24AUG2024 165586     5.0S  126.0E 4.0-5.4 ABAAA  Ceram area                 


O: 25AUG2024 00:07:59   7.1S  129.7E mb=4.6  EMSC   KEPULAUAN BABAR, INDONESIA   

P: 23AUG2024 165583     7.0S  129.0E 4.0-5.4 AAAAA  Banda Sea                  




O: 25AUG2024 01:07:40  17.3N   94.7W ML=4.3  EMSC   VERACRUZ, MEXICO             

P: 23AUG2024 165612    17.0N   95.0W 3.5-5.1 AAAAA  Chiapas, Mexico            


O: 25AUG2024 02:21:08  17.7N  101.3W ML=4.1  EMSC   GUERRERO, MEXICO              

P: 26AUG2024 165622    18.0N  102.0W 3.5-5.2 AAAAA  Michoacan, Mexico          


O: 24AUG2024 22:20:12  18.1N  103.3W ML=4.0  EMSC   OFFSHORE MICHOACAN, MEXICO   

P: 22AUG2024 165622    19.0N  104.0W 3.5-5.1 AAAAA  Michoacan, Mexico           


O: 24AUG2024 09:56:50  18.4N   69.0W ML=3.3  EMSC   DOMINICAN REPUBLIC           

P: 22AUG2024 165628    19.0N   68.0W 3.4-5.3 AAAAA  Puerto Rico                


O: 24AUG2024 18:59:17  18.4N   71.3W ML=3.6  EMSC   DOMINICAN REPUBLIC           

P: 29AUG2024 165632    20.0N   71.0W 3.0-4.9 BBAAA  Bahamas/No. Caribbean      


O: 25AUG2024 00:22:29  23.0S   69.8W mb=4.4  EMSC   ANTOFAGASTA, CHILE           

P: 23AUG2024 165801    22.0S   69.0W 4.0-5.6 AAAAA  Coast No. Chile            


No significant (M>=5) or unusual earthquakes were reported in Central or South America today.




O: 24AUG2024 19:54:26  40.3N   24.1E mb=4.3  EMSC   AEGEAN SEA                   

P: 26AUG2024 165743    40.0N   23.0E 3.0-5.4 AAAAA  Romania/NW Turkey           


NEIC reported this earthquake of M 4.3 in Northern Greece was felt with intensity up to IV in the area(s) of Northern Greece in Havala in Limenaria and Theologos and II-III in Halkidiki at Ouranopolis, Nea Roda, Sikea, Neos Marmaras, Nikiti as well as in Albania at Korce and in Turkey.

EMSC reported heavy but short shaking in Greece at Ouranopoli, Ammouliani, Lerissos, Sarti, Sykia, Neos Marmaras, Elia, Toroni, Koufos, Nikiti, Olympiada, Psakoydia, Potos, Stavros, Paralia Ofryniou, Polychrono, Asprovalta among others.


No significant (M>=5) or unusual earthquakes were reported in Europe today.




O: 24AUG2024 19:51:00  20.8S  179.0W mb=5.0  EMSC   FIJI REGION                  

P: 21AUG2024 165809    20.0S  178.0W 4.0-5.6 BAAAA  Tonga Islands              


O: 24AUG2024 13:31:39  23.4S  179.8W mb=4.9  EMSC   SOUTH OF FIJI ISLANDS        

P: 19AUG2024 165546    22.0S  179.0W 4.0-5.6 BBAAA  Tonga Islands              


O: 24AUG2024 00:49:04  20.5S  178.4W MB=4.6  EMSC   FIJI REGION                  

P: 21AUG2024 165809    20.0S  178.0W 4.0-5.6 BAAAA  Tonga Islands              


O: 24AUG2024 02:50:26  24.3S  179.9E MB=4.5  EMSC   SOUTH OF FIJI ISLANDS        

P: 29AUG2024 165811    25.0S  179.0E 4.0-5.6 BAAAA  Tonga/Fiji                  


No significant (M>=5) or unusual earthquakes were reported in the Southwest Pacific region today.




No significant (M>=5) or unusual earthquakes were reported on Ocean Ridges today.





O: 24AUG2024 14:11:11  32.3S  150.9E ML=3.2  EMSC   NEW SOUTH WALES, AUSTRALIA

O: 24AUG2024 17:12:39  32.3S  150.9E ML=2.3  EMSC   NEW SOUTH WALES, AUSTRALIA

O: 24AUG2024 07:33:24  32.4S  150.9E ML=2.6  EMSC   NEW SOUTH WALES, AUSTRALIA

O: 25AUG2024 06:59:19  32.4S  150.9E ML=2.5  EMSC   NEW SOUTH WALES, AUSTRALIA

O: 24AUG2024 12:57:18  32.3S  150.8E ML=2.6  EMSC   NEW SOUTH WALES, AUSTRALIA   


O: 25AUG2024 04:03:48  31.9S  179.9E mb=4.4  EMSC   KERMADEC ISLANDS REGION      

P: 16AUG2024 165559    34.0S  180.0E 4.0-5.5 CCAAA  So. Kermadec Islands       




O: 24AUG2024 21:05:28  32.0N  142.6E mb=4.5  EMSC   IZU ISLANDS, JAPAN REGION    

P: 26AUG2024 165682    32.0N  142.0E 4.0-5.4 AAAAA  Off East Coast Honshu      








O: 24AUG2024 08:15:49  31.4N  115.5W ML=3.1  EMSC   BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO

O: 24AUG2024 07:30:40  31.5N  115.6W ML=2.9  EMSC   BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO

O: 24AUG2024 08:06:09  31.5N  115.6W ML=3.2  EMSC   BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO

O: 24AUG2024 08:18:58  31.3N  115.4W ML=3.1  EMSC   BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO      

P: 24AUG2024 165691    32.1N  115.4W 2.5-4.6 AAAAA  So. California             


O: 24AUG2024 08:54:59  30.8N  114.3W ML=3.2  EMSC   GULF OF CALIFORNIA           

P: 26AUG2024 165687    30.2N  114.1W 2.0-3.9 AAAAA  SW U.S.A                   


O: 24AUG2024 14:08:03  33.0N  116.3W ML=2.7  EMSC   SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA          

P: 21AUG2024 165692    33.4N  116.7W 2.5-4.4 BAAAA  So. California             


O: 24AUG2024 23:20:22  35.1N  119.1W ML=2.1  EMSC   CENTRAL CALIFORNIA           

O: 25AUG2024 04:02:57  35.2N  119.0W ML=2.1  EMSC   CENTRAL CALIFORNIA

P: 24AUG2024 165697    34.7N  119.0W 2.5-4.4 AAAAA  So. California             

P: 29AUG2024 165697    35.0N  119.2W 2.5-4.4 BAAAA  So. California             


O: 25AUG2024 02:52:39  35.4N  120.7W MD=2.1  EMSC   CENTRAL CALIFORNIA           

P: 29AUG2024 165656    36.2N  120.8W 2.5-4.6 BAAAA  Central California         


O: 24AUG2024 10:46:55  35.9N  121.2W MD=2.0  EMSC   CENTRAL CALIFORNIA           

P: 26AUG2024 165685    35.7N  121.2W 2.5-4.5 AAAAA  Off So. California         


O: 24AUG2024 07:35:20  38.7N  118.6W ML=2.5  EMSC   NEVADA                       

P: 29AUG2024 165655    38.6N  118.6W 2.5-5.0 BAAAA  California/Nevada area     


O: 24AUG2024 12:53:49  38.8N  122.8W MD=2.2  EMSC   NORTHERN CALIFORNIA          

O: 24AUG2024 17:59:09  38.8N  122.8W MD=2.0  EMSC   NORTHERN CALIFORNIA

P: 23AUG2024 165659    38.9N  122.8W 2.5-4.7 AAAAA  Central California         


O: 24AUG2024 09:51:53  40.2N  122.8W MD=2.0  EMSC   NORTHERN CALIFORNIA          

O: 25AUG2024 03:23:01  40.6N  121.5W MD=2.1  EMSC   NORTHERN CALIFORNIA          

P: 27AUG2024 165736    40.3N  121.2W 2.5-4.6 AAAAA  Northern California        

P: 24AUG2024 165661    39.8N  120.6W 2.5-4.8 AABAA  Central California         


O: 24AUG2024 07:48:14  38.7N  118.6W ML=2.2  EMSC   NEVADA

O: 24AUG2024 11:54:02  38.7N  118.7W ML=2.0  EMSC   NEVADA

O: 24AUG2024 13:57:04  38.7N  118.6W ML=3.2  EMSC   NEVADA

O: 24AUG2024 14:01:18  38.7N  118.6W ML=2.4  EMSC   NEVADA

O: 24AUG2024 14:05:18  38.7N  118.6W ML=3.3  EMSC   NEVADA

O: 24AUG2024 14:51:42  38.7N  118.8W ML=2.1  EMSC   NEVADA

O: 24AUG2024 21:18:16  38.7N  118.6W ML=2.3  EMSC   NEVADA

O: 25AUG2024 05:13:45  38.7N  118.6W ML=3.8  EMSC   NEVADA

O: 25AUG2024 05:23:29  38.7N  118.6W ML=2.8  EMSC   NEVADA

O: 24AUG2024 07:35:20  38.7N  118.6W ML=2.5  EMSC   NEVADA                       

P: 29AUG2024 165655    38.6N  118.6W 2.5-5.0 BAAAA  California/Nevada area     


NEIC reported this earthquake of M 3.9 in California-Nevada border was felt with intensity up to II-III in the area(s) of California-Nevada border in Nevada  at Hawthorne, Schurz, Fallow, Sparks and in California at Mi Wuk Village and Twain Harte.




O: 25AUG2024 06:42:58  51.6N  178.6E ML=3.8  EMSC   RAT ISLANDS, ALEUTIAN ISLANDS

P: 28AUG2024 165765    52.0N  177.0E 4.0-5.6 BAAAA  Rat Islands                




O: 24AUG2024 12:50:09  54.5N  117.5W MB=4.8  ECAN W OF FOX CREEK, AB 

O: 24AUG2024 12:50:11  54.6N  117.3W mb=4.2  EMSC   ALBERTA, CANADA              

P: 21AUG2024 165751    56.0N  120.0W 2.0-4.0 BBBAA  Alberta                    




O: 25AUG2024 03:22:50  31.6N  104.3W ML=3.0  EMSC   WESTERN TEXAS                

P: 24AUG2024 165688    31.2N  104.1W 2.0-3.9 AAAAA  SW U.S.A                   




O: 25AUG2024 06:45:42  35.3N   92.4W MD=2.1  EMSC   ARKANSAS                     

P: 28AUG2024 165674    35.0N   92.0W 2.0-4.3 BAAAA  New Madrid area            


O: 24AUG2024 20:23:16  35.9N   83.6W MD=2.1  EMSC   EASTERN TENNESSEE            

P: 29AUG2024 165670    35.0N   83.0W 2.0-3.9 BAAAA  Kentucky/Tennessee/NC      


O: 25AUG2024 04:30:56  36.4N   92.7W MD=2.2  EMSC   ARKANSAS                     

P: 28AUG2024 165674    35.0N   92.0W 2.0-4.3 BBAAA  New Madrid area            




O: 25AUG2024 00:46:45  19.3N  155.2W ML=3.0  EMSC   ISLAND OF HAWAII, HAWAII     

P: 21AUG2024 165616    19.3N  155.3W 3.0-4.6 BAAAA  Hawaii (Eruption)          


NEIC reported this earthquake of M 3.0 in Hawaii was felt with intensity up to III in the area(s) of Hawaii in Hilo.








A second earthquake of M 4.8 occurred in the Denman area of New South Wales today. This follows a similar event reported in this summary in the previous issue as:


"An unusually large earthquake of M 4.8-5.0 occurred today in New South Wales, Australia. NEIC reported it was felt in New South Wales with maximum intensity V in Muswellbrook and II-III in Singleton, Cessnock, Kurri Kurri, Raymond Terrace, Wang-Rathmines, Newcastle, Lemon Tree Passage, Mudgee, Richmond-Windsor, Tamworth, Lawson-Hazelbrook, Katoomba-Wentworth, Forster-Tuncurry, Taree, Gunnedah, Sydney, Orange and Port Macquarie. EMSC reported houses shook violently in Muswellbrook, NSW, Australia with moderate to strong shaking in Newcastle, Maitland, Windeyer, Sydney, Internet reports indicated slight damage with broken glass and plaster breakage in the epicentral area." (August 23, 2024)


Today's earthquake was followed by a number of light aftershocks which were felt in the epicentral area. NEIC reported today's event was felt with maximum intensity V in New South Wales at Forster-Tuncurry and IVin Kurri Kurri and Muswellbrook and II-III in Cessnock, Mudgee, Newcastle, Richmond-Windsor, Nelson Bay, Katoomba-Wentworth Falls, Camden, Haven. EMSC reported a loud rumble at Muswellbrook.


Today's mainshock  (see previous summary) in  New South Wales may have been triggered by a Solar Flare (#6020). This flare was first observed within a minute of the earthquake in Australia where it was within several minutes of local solar noon at the time of the flare and earthquake. These are ideal conditions for Solar Flare Effects to trigger seismicity. Today's aftershock of M 4.8 also occurred with a strong solar flare (#6510  and 6490) where were a strong radio flare and a C4.2 which respectively began and maximized at the time of the M 4.8 in Australia and were likely promoted by SFE. Following is data from SWPC for this flare:



Flare #    START  MAX       END    CLASS     DATE    Flux (Jm-2)



6020       0203   0210      0219   C5.9      (August 23, 2024)   5.3E-03  

New South Wales, Australia M 4.8 02:02 UT


6510       0610   0624      0634   C4.2      (August 24, 2024)   5.8E-03  

6490       0631   ////      1724   CTM1      (August 24, 2024)   5.8E-03  

New South Wales, Australia M 4.8 06:31 UT


O: 23AUG2024 16:26:28  32.4S  150.9E ML=2.5  EMSC   NEW SOUTH WALES, AUSTRALIA

O: 23AUG2024 18:57:42  32.4S  150.9E ML=2.5  EMSC   NEW SOUTH WALES, AUSTRALIA

O: 23AUG2024 23:13:55  32.4S  150.9E ML=2.6  EMSC   NEW SOUTH WALES, AUSTRALIA

O: 24AUG2024 05:56:01  32.4S  150.9E ML=2.5  EMSC   NEW SOUTH WALES, AUSTRALIA

O: 24AUG2024 06:31:39  32.4S  150.8E ML=4.8  EMSC   NEW SOUTH WALES, AUSTRALIA

O: 24AUG2024 06:43:05  32.4S  150.9E ML=2.7  EMSC   NEW SOUTH WALES, AUSTRALIA

O: 24AUG2024 03:06:01  32.5S  150.9E ML=2.7  EMSC   NEW SOUTH WALES, AUSTRALIA

O: 23AUG2024 15:10:20  32.4S  150.9E ML=3.2  EMSC   NEW SOUTH WALES, AUSTRALIA   

O: 23AUG2024 02:01:59  32.4S  150.9E Mw=4.8  EMSC   NEW SOUTH WALES, AUSTRALIA

O: 23AUG2024 02:15:44  32.3S  150.9E ML=2.9  EMSC   NEW SOUTH WALES, AUSTRALIA   



A moderate earthquake of M 4.3 occurred today in the area of Nevada near the Central California border. It was followed by a series of light, felt aftershocks. NEIC reported this activity was felt with intensity up to IV in Nevada at Reno and Hawthorne. NEIC reported the mainshock with intensity VI-V in Nevada at Hawthorne, and II-III in Schurz, Wellington, Fallon, Carson City, an Tonopah and in California at Sonora, Twain Harte, El Portal, Arnold, Yosemite National Park, Coleville among others. The mainshock was accompanied by a series of felt but light foreshocks. Today's M 4.3 is the strongest earthquake within about 100 km of today's epicenter since an M 4.5 two years ago on August 8, 2022 and a year before that on August 27, 2021. in the August, 2022 issue of this summary, it was noted in this regard:


"The M 4.4-4.6 on the border between Central California and Nevada today occurred within minutes of local solar noon and was probably promoted by high tidal/geomagnetic effects which maximize near this hour as well. NEIC reported it was felt with intensity II-III in California at Topaz, Coleville, Gardnerville, Markleeville, Bridgeport and in Nevada at Wellington, Smith, Gardnerville, Minden among others. NEIC reported aftershocks of M 2.5-3.5 in Central California were felt with intensity II-III in the area(s) of  in Carson City, Nevada. The M 4.4-4.6 is the strongest aftershock of the M 6.0 which shook the area on July 8, 2021 since that date." (August 8, 2022)


These events are still more than 50 km from today's epicenter. The last within this range was an M 5.7 and 5.5 on December 28, 2016.


Forecasts 165383 and had expected a moderate earthquake in this area was likely around August 18-29 within about 10 km of this event.


O: 23AUG2024 14:06:19  38.7N  118.7W ML=2.1  EMSC   NEVADA

O: 23AUG2024 14:51:22  38.7N  118.6W ML=3.2  EMSC   NEVADA

O: 23AUG2024 15:03:40  38.7N  118.6W ML=2.1  EMSC   NEVADA

O: 23AUG2024 15:31:58  38.7N  118.6W Mw=4.3  EMSC   NEVADA

O: 23AUG2024 15:35:30  38.7N  118.6W ML=2.1  EMSC   NEVADA

O: 23AUG2024 15:39:36  38.7N  118.6W ML=2.3  EMSC   NEVADA

O: 23AUG2024 15:59:44  38.7N  118.6W ML=2.8  EMSC   NEVADA

O: 23AUG2024 16:32:46  38.7N  118.6W ML=2.0  EMSC   NEVADA

O: 23AUG2024 23:20:16  38.7N  118.6W ML=2.5  EMSC   NEVADA

O: 23AUG2024 23:33:11  38.7N  118.6W ML=2.1  EMSC   NEVADA

O: 24AUG2024 02:02:28  38.7N  118.6W ML=2.0  EMSC   NEVADA

O: 24AUG2024 02:29:27  38.7N  118.6W ML=2.5  EMSC   NEVADA

O: 24AUG2024 04:14:00  38.7N  118.6W ML=3.2  EMSC   NEVADA

O: 24AUG2024 04:19:18  38.7N  118.6W ML=2.7  EMSC   NEVADA

O: 24AUG2024 04:25:09  38.7N  118.6W ML=2.2  EMSC   NEVADA

O: 23AUG2024 13:43:06  38.7N  118.6W ML=3.0  EMSC   NEVADA                       

O: 24AUG2024 05:56:33  38.7N  118.8W ML=2.1  EMSC   NEVADA                       

O: 23AUG2024 21:12:09  38.8N  118.6W ML=2.1  EMSC   NEVADA                        

P: 18AUG2024 165383    38.6N  118.6W 2.5-4.8 CAAAA  California/Nevada area     

P: 29AUG2024 165655    38.6N  118.6W 2.5-5.0 CAAAA  California/Nevada area     




For most events there are two listings. The first line is the observed event starting with "O:" for Observed. There follows the date, month and year, the time in UT hours:minutes:seconds, the latitude and longitude, the given magnitude and the reporting agency followed by the geographic location. The second line starts with "P:" This is the forecast event as forecast in our summaries normally more than a month in advance. Magnitudes may vary in response to updated seismic watches and daily variations due to tidal and other influences. This line has the forecast date, month and year, the forecast number, latitude, longitude and forecast magnitude range.  This is followed by a comparison between the forecast and the event. The comparison includes letters A-D. The first is number of days difference from predicted (A:up to 2, B3-5; C:6-10; D:more than 10), Difference in latitude (A:up to 1 degree; B:1-2 degrees; C:2-4 degrees; D:more than 4 degrees); longitude (same comparison as with latitude); magnitude (A: within forecast range; B: higher than forecast range; C: lower than forecast range; D: no comparison possible). The last letter is a stand in for a future comparison which needs to be done statistically after a large number of forecasts have been made. In previous data, an excellent match is generally AAAAA; a good match as one or two B's; a fair match has several B's and C's and a poor match is one which contains a number of C's or D's. 




O: 23AUG2024 07:09:37  52.8N  160.9E mb=4.9  EMSC   OFF EAST COAST OF KAMCHATKA

O: 23AUG2024 23:57:54  52.8N  160.7E mb=4.8  EMSC   OFF EAST COAST OF KAMCHATKA

O: 23AUG2024 19:19:08  52.9N  160.5E Mw=4.9  EMSC   OFF EAST COAST OF KAMCHATKA

O: 23AUG2024 21:37:48  53.0N  160.6E mb=4.9  EMSC   OFF EAST COAST OF KAMCHATKA

O: 23AUG2024 19:28:48  52.5N  161.2E MB=4.4  EMSC   OFF EAST COAST OF KAMCHATKA  

P: 28AUG2024 165757    52.0N  161.0E 4.0-5.4 BAAAA  E. of Kamchatka            


NEIC reported this earthquake of M 4.9 in Kamchatka, Russia was felt with intensity up to IV in the area(s) of Kamchatka, Russia at Petropavlovsk.


O: 23AUG2024 16:44:43  27.0N   89.2E ML=3.8  EMSC   INDIA-BANGLADESH BORDER REGION

P: 20AUG2024 165368    27.0N   88.0E 3.5-5.6 BAAAA  Nepal                      


EMSC reported an earthquake of M 4.8 in Kyrgyzstan  was felt with intensity up to IV in the area(s) of Kyrgyzstan in Osh and Dushanbe, and in Uzbekistan at Tashkent. 




O: 23AUG2024 16:17:09   2.8N  128.2E ML=4.2  EMSC   HALMAHERA, INDONESIA

O: 23AUG2024 23:13:47   2.2N  127.1E ML=4.3  EMSC   MOLUCCA SEA                  

P: 23AUG2024 165576     2.0N  128.0E 4.0-5.4 AAAAA  Halmahera                  


O: 23AUG2024 10:30:28   2.5S  121.2E MB=4.7  EMSC   SULAWESI, INDONESIA          

P: 19AUG2024 165326     1.0S  122.0E 4.0-5.6 BAAAA  Sulawesi area              


O: 24AUG2024 02:47:24   3.5S  101.6E ML=4.3  EMSC   SOUTHERN SUMATRA, INDONESIA  

P: 30AUG2024 165601     4.0S  102.0E 4.0-5.5 CAAAA  So. of Sumatera            


O: 24AUG2024 01:31:24   4.4S  122.6E ML=4.4  EMSC   SULAWESI, INDONESIA          

P: 21AUG2024 165603     1.0S  124.0E 4.0-5.6 BCBAA  Sulawesi area              


O: 23AUG2024 14:45:42   6.6S  127.3E ML=4.4  EMSC   BANDA SEA                    

P: 28AUG2024 165583     6.0S  128.0E 4.0-5.4 BAAAA  Banda Sea                  


O: 24AUG2024 03:32:00   6.7S  105.1E MB=4.8  EMSC   SUNDA STRAIT, INDONESIA      

P: 24AUG2024 165601     6.0S  104.0E 4.0-5.4 AAAAA  So. of Sumatera            


EMSC reported this earthquake of M 4.8 the Sunda Strait in Indonesia was felt with intensity up to IV in the area(s) of Indonesia in Sumur.


O: 23AUG2024 08:32:25   8.0N  127.2E ML=4.0  EMSC   PHILIPPINE ISLANDS REGION    

P: 29AUG2024 165577     9.0N  127.0E 4.0-5.4 CAAAA  Halmahera                  





O: 23AUG2024 18:21:33  14.4N   93.1W ML=4.2  EMSC   OFFSHORE CHIAPAS, MEXICO     

P: 21AUG2024 165612    15.0N   93.0W 3.5-5.1 AAAAA  Chiapas, Mexico            


O: 23AUG2024 15:12:40  15.0N   94.1W ML=4.0  EMSC   OFF COAST OF CHIAPAS, MEXICO

O: 24AUG2024 04:49:09  15.8N   94.2W ML=4.1  EMSC   OFFSHORE CHIAPAS, MEXICO

O: 23AUG2024 06:38:18  14.8N   94.3W ML=4.2  EMSC   OFF COAST OF CHIAPAS, MEXICO 

P: 27AUG2024 165612    15.0N   95.0W 3.5-5.1 BAAAA  Chiapas, Mexico             


O: 24AUG2024 01:09:26  18.6N   67.3W MD=3.1  EMSC   PUERTO RICO REGION           

P: 22AUG2024 165628    19.0N   68.0W 3.4-5.3 AAAAA  Puerto Rico                


O: 23AUG2024 07:22:10  19.0N   65.0W MD=3.3  EMSC   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION        

P: 21AUG2024 165631    20.0N   64.0W 3.0-4.6 AAAAA  Bahamas/No. Caribbean      


O: 23AUG2024 20:35:41  26.1N   99.9W ML=3.4  EMSC   NUEVO LEON, MEXICO           

P: 24AUG2024 165644    28.0N   98.0W 3.0-4.6 ABBAA  Northern Mexico            




O: 23AUG2024 07:17:06  63.9N   22.2W ML=3.0  EMSC   ICELAND REGION               

P: 23AUG2024 165778    63.0N   23.0W 3.0-4.6 AAAAA  Iceland area               


O: 24AUG2024 02:41:29  78.7N    6.4E MB=4.0  EMSC   SVALBARD REGION              

P:  6AUG2024 165234    79.0N    7.0E 4.0-5.5 DAAAA  Arctic Ocean Region        




O: 24AUG2024 00:49:04  20.5S  178.4W MB=4.6  EMSC   FIJI REGION                  

P: 21AUG2024 165809    20.0S  178.0W 4.0-5.6 BAAAA  Tonga Islands               


O: 24AUG2024 02:50:26  24.3S  179.9E MB=4.5  EMSC   SOUTH OF FIJI ISLANDS        

P: 29AUG2024 165811    25.0S  179.0E 4.0-5.6 BAAAA  Tonga/Fiji                 


No significant (M>=5) or unusual earthquakes were reported in the Southwest Pacific region today.




No significant (M>=5) or unusual earthquakes were reported on Ocean Ridges today.





O: 23AUG2024 16:26:28  32.4S  150.9E ML=2.5  EMSC   NEW SOUTH WALES, AUSTRALIA

O: 23AUG2024 18:57:42  32.4S  150.9E ML=2.5  EMSC   NEW SOUTH WALES, AUSTRALIA

O: 23AUG2024 23:13:55  32.4S  150.9E ML=2.6  EMSC   NEW SOUTH WALES, AUSTRALIA

O: 24AUG2024 05:56:01  32.4S  150.9E ML=2.5  EMSC   NEW SOUTH WALES, AUSTRALIA

O: 24AUG2024 06:31:39  32.4S  150.8E ML=4.8  EMSC   NEW SOUTH WALES, AUSTRALIA

O: 24AUG2024 06:43:05  32.4S  150.9E ML=2.7  EMSC   NEW SOUTH WALES, AUSTRALIA

O: 24AUG2024 03:06:01  32.5S  150.9E ML=2.7  EMSC   NEW SOUTH WALES, AUSTRALIA

O: 23AUG2024 15:10:20  32.4S  150.9E ML=3.2  EMSC   NEW SOUTH WALES, AUSTRALIA   

O: 23AUG2024 02:01:59  32.4S  150.9E Mw=4.8  EMSC   NEW SOUTH WALES, AUSTRALIA

O: 23AUG2024 02:15:44  32.3S  150.9E ML=2.9  EMSC   NEW SOUTH WALES, AUSTRALIA   




O: 23AUG2024 09:17:42  30.9N  139.7E MB=4.8  EMSC   IZU ISLANDS, JAPAN REGION    

P: 23AUG2024 165682    30.0N  141.0E 4.0-5.4 AAAAA  Off East Coast Honshu      

P: 25AUG2024 165671    32.0N  139.0E 3.5-4.9 ABAAA  Kyushu, Japan area         


O: 24AUG2024 00:32:39  32.9N  134.3E MB=4.6  EMSC   SHIKOKU, JAPAN               

P: 21AUG2024 165662    34.0N  135.0E 3.5-4.9 BBAAA  Central/So. Honshu Japan   


O: 23AUG2024 10:06:32  43.1N  147.1E MB=4.5  EMSC   KURIL ISLANDS                

P: 26AUG2024 165722    44.0N  147.0E 3.5-5.6 BAAAA  Hokkaido, Japan             


O: 23AUG2024 12:00:56  35.9N  140.5E MB=4.8  EMSC   NEAR EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAP

P: 22AUG2024 165684    35.0N  140.0E 4.0-5.4 AAAAA  Off East Coast Honshu      


EMSC reported this earthquake of M 4.5 in Honshu, Japan was felt with intensity up to IV in the area(s) of Honshu, Japan as a soft shimmy.








O: 23AUG2024 10:00:02  31.0N  115.7W ML=3.4  EMSC   BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO

O: 23AUG2024 08:46:10  31.1N  115.1W ML=3.0  EMSC   BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO

O: 23AUG2024 09:27:53  31.0N  115.5W ML=3.1  EMSC   BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO      

P: 24AUG2024 165691    32.1N  115.4W 2.5-4.6 ABAAA  So. California             


O: 24AUG2024 00:22:37  33.0N  116.4W ML=2.2  EMSC   SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA          

P: 21AUG2024 165692    33.4N  116.7W 2.5-4.4 BAAAA  So. California             


O: 23AUG2024 07:22:59  36.0N  117.7W ML=2.0  EMSC   CENTRAL CALIFORNIA           

P: 27AUG2024 165698    35.9N  117.7W 2.5-4.7 BAAAA  So. California             


O: 24AUG2024 05:24:55  36.1N  120.2W MD=2.1  EMSC   CENTRAL CALIFORNIA           

P: 19AUG2024 165384    36.1N  120.1W 2.5-4.6 BAAAA  Central California         


O: 24AUG2024 06:58:52  37.4N  120.0W MD=2.2  EMSC   CENTRAL CALIFORNIA           

P: 23AUG2024 165656    36.6N  120.7W 2.5-4.6 AAAAA  Central California         


O: 23AUG2024 11:05:26  38.8N  122.8W MD=2.2  EMSC   NORTHERN CALIFORNIA          

P: 23AUG2024 165659    38.9N  122.8W 2.5-4.7 AAAAA  Central California         


O: 24AUG2024 00:25:54  40.5N  125.5W MD=2.8  EMSC   OFFSHORE NORTHERN CALIFORNIA 

P: 22AUG2024 165737    40.3N  124.7W 2.5-4.4 AAAAA  Off Coast of No. Calif     



O: 23AUG2024 14:06:19  38.7N  118.7W ML=2.1  EMSC   NEVADA

O: 23AUG2024 14:51:22  38.7N  118.6W ML=3.2  EMSC   NEVADA

O: 23AUG2024 15:03:40  38.7N  118.6W ML=2.1  EMSC   NEVADA

O: 23AUG2024 15:31:58  38.7N  118.6W Mw=4.3  EMSC   NEVADA

O: 23AUG2024 15:35:30  38.7N  118.6W ML=2.1  EMSC   NEVADA

O: 23AUG2024 15:39:36  38.7N  118.6W ML=2.3  EMSC   NEVADA

O: 23AUG2024 15:59:44  38.7N  118.6W ML=2.8  EMSC   NEVADA

O: 23AUG2024 16:32:46  38.7N  118.6W ML=2.0  EMSC   NEVADA

O: 23AUG2024 23:20:16  38.7N  118.6W ML=2.5  EMSC   NEVADA

O: 23AUG2024 23:33:11  38.7N  118.6W ML=2.1  EMSC   NEVADA

O: 24AUG2024 02:02:28  38.7N  118.6W ML=2.0  EMSC   NEVADA

O: 24AUG2024 02:29:27  38.7N  118.6W ML=2.5  EMSC   NEVADA

O: 24AUG2024 04:14:00  38.7N  118.6W ML=3.2  EMSC   NEVADA

O: 24AUG2024 04:19:18  38.7N  118.6W ML=2.7  EMSC   NEVADA

O: 24AUG2024 04:25:09  38.7N  118.6W ML=2.2  EMSC   NEVADA

O: 23AUG2024 13:43:06  38.7N  118.6W ML=3.0  EMSC   NEVADA                       

O: 24AUG2024 05:56:33  38.7N  118.8W ML=2.1  EMSC   NEVADA                       

O: 23AUG2024 21:12:09  38.8N  118.6W ML=2.1  EMSC   NEVADA                       

P: 18AUG2024 165383    38.6N  118.6W 2.5-4.8 CAAAA  California/Nevada area     

P: 29AUG2024 165655    38.6N  118.6W 2.5-5.0 CAAAA  California/Nevada area     


O: 23AUG2024 14:12:00  38.8N  122.8W MD=2.1  EMSC   NORTHERN CALIFORNIA

O: 23AUG2024 19:46:05  38.8N  122.7W MD=2.0  EMSC   NORTHERN CALIFORNIA




O: 23AUG2024 21:08:38  52.4N  173.7W ML=3.8  EMSC   ANDREANOF ISLANDS, ALEUTIAN IS

P: 24AUG2024 165754    52.1N  172.8W 3.5-5.0 AAAAA  Andreanoff Isls, Aleutians 




No events of M>=2 were located in the northwestern U.S. or western Canada today.




O: 23AUG2024 12:24:50  31.7N  104.4W ML=2.0  EMSC   WESTERN TEXAS                

P: 24AUG2024 165688    31.2N  104.1W 2.0-3.9 AAAAA  SW U.S.A                    




O: 23AUG2024 23:52:56  34.8N   85.2W MD=2.1  EMSC   GEORGIA, USA

O: 24AUG2024 05:35:19  34.6N   86.0W MD=2.3  EMSC   ALABAMA                      

P: 21AUG2024 165702    34.0N   85.0W 2.0-3.9 BAAAA  Southeast U.S.              


O: 23AUG2024 16:37:40  35.0N   97.8W ML=2.2  EMSC   OKLAHOMA                     

P: 18AUG2024 165432    35.0N   97.0W 2.0-4.3 BAAAA  Southern Plains            


O: 23AUG2024 19:37:56  36.3N   89.5W MD=2.4  EMSC   TENNESSEE                     

P: 25AUG2024 165674    36.3N   89.5W 2.0-4.4 AAAAA  New Madrid area            


O: 23AUG2024 17:01:20  47.5N   70.0W MB=1.7  ECAN OF LA POCATI├¿RE, QC           

P: 24AUG2024 165726    47.0N   70.0W 2.0-4.3 AAAAA  Maine                      




NEIC reported  earthquakes of M 3.0 and M 3.1 in Hawaii were felt with intensity up to IV in the area(s) of Hawaii in Volcano.









An unusually large earthquake of M 4.8-5.0 occurred today in New South Wales, Australia. NEIC reported it was felt in New South Wales with maximum intensity V in Muswellbrook and II-III in Singleton, Cessnock, Kurri Kurri, Raymond Terrace, Wang-Rathmines, Newcastle, Lemon Tree Passage, Mudgee, Richmond-Windsor, Tamworth, Lawson-Hazelbrook, Katoomba-Wentworth, Forster-Tuncurry, Taree, Gunnedah, Sydney, Orange and Port Macquarie. EMSC reported houses shook violently in Muswellbrook, NSW, Australia with moderate to strong shaking in Newcastle, Maitland, Windeyer, Sydney, Internet reports indicated slight damage with broken glass and plaster breakage in the epicentral area. This earthquake is near the antipode of Hurricane Ernesto currently near the Azores in the North Atlantic and may have been promoted by antipodal energy focusing from that storm which was described in this summary on August 19 as:


"Hurricane Ernesto continued in the North Atlantic today east of Maine and Nova Scotia with winds up to 80 kts. It is expected to track into the North Atlantic and not to have significant effect on regional seismicity until it reaches the Northern Mid-Atlantic and Reykjanes ridges where stresses from this storm may promote a moderate to large regional ridge earthquake. Some enhanced seismicity in northern Europe could occur after it enters that region." (August 19, 2024)


Today's M 4.8 in New South Wales is the strongest in the New South Wales area within about 300 km of today's epicenter since an M 5.4 on August 6, 1994.


O: 23AUG2024 02:01:59  32.4S  150.9E Mw=4.8  EMSC   NEW SOUTH WALES, AUSTRALIA

O: 23AUG2024 02:15:44  32.3S  150.9E ML=2.9  EMSC   NEW SOUTH WALES, AUSTRALIA   


The strongest earthquake located in the U.S. or Canada today was an M 4.7 in Hawaii. NEIC reported maximum shaking of IV was felt in Hawaii at Pahoa with intensity II-III at Volcano, Mountain View, Hawaii National Park, Kurtistown, Keaau, Hilo, Pahala, Papaikou, Pepeekeo, Hakalau, Honomu, Papaaloa, Naalehu, Paauilo, Laupahoehoe, Captain Cook, Holualoa, Kealakekua, Honokaa, Kamuela, Kailua Kona, Kapaau, Kualapuu, Honolulu and Waimea. EMSC reported it at M 4.7 was felt with moderate jolt in Volcano, Eden Roc, Mountain View, Pahoa, Keaau, Hilo, Pepeekeo. Several hurricanes are currently located near Hawaii and the impact of low pressures with these storms may have helped trigger today's M 4.7 in Hawaii as noted in this and previous summaries:


"TS Hone  formed southeast of Hawaii today in the north Pacific with winds up to 50 kts  It is expected to track towards Hawaii in the next several days passing to the south of the big Island of Hawaii. Seismicity has increased in Hawaii perhaps indicating a new upcoming eruption which could be triggered by low pressures with TS Hone." (August 22-23, 2024)


This is the strongest earthquake in Hawaii since an M 5.7 on February 9, 2024.  At the time this summary noted:


"The strongest earthquake in the U.S. or the world today was an M 5.7 in the Mauna Loa region of Hawaii (initially given as M 6.3). NEIC reported it was felt as far as Honolulu and throughout the island of Hawaii with intensity up to VII. Foreshocks of M 2.9 and 3.0 were also reported felt in Pahala, Hawaii with intensity up to IV.  EMSC reported strong to violent shaking in Hawaii at Naalehu, Mountain View (with oud earthquake nose) Kealakekua, Fern Acres, Keaau, Pahoa, Hilo, Kailua Kona, Pepeekeo, Honokaa, Wailea, Wailuku, Maui, Lahaina, Honolulu, Kailua, Kaneohe. Minor damage which included items being thrown from shelves and minor damage to structures was reported which included cracked walls. This is the strongest earthquake in Hawaii since an M 6.2 on October 10, 2021 and an M 6.9 on May 4, 2018 - the largest in Hawaii in the past 35 years. the only other event in Hawaii with M>=6.2 in this time period was an M 6.7 on October 15, 2006." (February 9, 2024)



Forecast 165616 had expected today's event within about 25 km was likely

around August 21, 2024.


O: 22AUG2024 10:52:44  19.3N  155.1W ML=4.7  EMSC   ISLAND OF HAWAII, HAWAII     

P: 21AUG2024 165616    19.3N  155.3W 3.0-4.6 AAAAA  Hawaii (Eruption)          


The strongest earthquakes in the world today were a pair of events of M 5.5 each in the Indian Ocean south of Africa. They were not felt in this remote area. This epicenter is at the antipode of the Unimak and Alaska Peninsula and could enhance seismicity in that area in the next several days.  A strong M 6.7 hit about 250 km east of this epicenter on July 10, 2024 but the last within this distance from today's event of equal or larger magnitude was an M 5.5 on December 12, 2021. At the time of the M 6.7 in July, 2024 this summary noted:


"The strongest earthquake in the world today was an M 6.7 south of Africa. This event was not reported felt in this remote area and is the second strongest in the world since an M 7.2 in Taiwan on April 2, 2024; an M 6.7 in the northern Marianas on April 5, 2024 and a similar M 7.2 in Southern Peru on June 28, 2024. This is the strongest earthquake in this region south of Africa in more than 35 years. Smaller events in the region east of this epicenter occurred with M 6.1 on December 22, 2023; September 28, 2004 (M 6.4) and March 11, 1991 (M 6.4.). " (July 10, 2024)


Forecast 165827 had expected enhanced seismicity within about 250 km of today's epicenter was likely at the end of August.


O: 23AUG2024 04:45:18  53.0S   21.1E mb=5.5  EMSC   SOUTH OF AFRICA

O: 23AUG2024 04:48:57  52.9S   21.1E mb=5.5  EMSC   SOUTH OF AFRICA              

P: 29AUG2024 165827    53.0S   19.0E 4.0-5.9 CABAA  Atlantic-Indian Ridge      


The current volcanic eruption south of Reykjavik, Iceland continued today. Among a number of lightly felt earthquakes today an M 3.4 was felt with strong shaking in Iceland at Reykjanesbaer, Kopavogur and Reykjavik. This continues a strong series of volcanic events in the world associated with the full moon of August 19 as noted in the previous issue of this summary:


"A series of volcanic eruptions occurred over the past several days. These were closely associated with tidal stresses associated with the full moon of August 20, 2024. The effects of these stresses had been noted in previous issues of this summary as likely:


"The full moon arrives at 18:26 UT on August 19, 2024.   Longitudes which are at local solar midnight at this time are near 85 East while those at local solar noon are near 95 West. These include areas of central North America and the East Pacific in the west and central Asia including China, India, Nepal in the East. These areas are most likely to see moderate tidal triggering at this time. Tidal enhancement of regional seismicity is possible in many areas, however, a major earthquake associated with this new moon is considered possible in the next week by this report." (August 19-21, 2024)


Forecast 165778 had expected this eruption at this time was likely within about 100 km around August 23.


O: 22AUG2024 21:47:26  64.3N   23.6W ML=3.2  EMSC   ICELAND REGION

O: 22AUG2024 22:37:38  63.9N   22.3W ML=3.5  EMSC   ICELAND REGION               

P: 23AUG2024 165778    63.0N   23.0W 3.0-4.6 AAAAA  Iceland area               


A strong eruption occurred in Volcan de Fuego at the time of the full moon. This

volcano is in Antigua, Guatemala. at 14.4N 90.9W. In addition a volcano south of Reykjavik, Iceland; several in the area of Indonesia, several in Kamchatka, Russia also were in continuing eruptions. Other areas where seismicity may indicate fresh upcoming eruptions included the Canary Islands and Hawaii." (August 22, 2024)




For most events there are two listings. The first line is the observed event starting with "O:" for Observed. There follows the date, month and year, the time in UT hours:minutes:seconds, the latitude and longitude, the given magnitude and the reporting agency followed by the geographic location. The second line starts with "P:" This is the forecast event as forecast in our summaries normally more than a month in advance. Magnitudes may vary in response to updated seismic watches and daily variations due to tidal and other influences. This line has the forecast date, month and year, the forecast number, latitude, longitude and forecast magnitude range.  This is followed by a comparison between the forecast and the event. The comparison includes letters A-D. The first is number of days difference from predicted (A:up to 2, B3-5; C:6-10; D:more than 10), Difference in latitude (A:up to 1 degree; B:1-2 degrees; C:2-4 degrees; D:more than 4 degrees); longitude (same comparison as with latitude); magnitude (A: within forecast range; B: higher than forecast range; C: lower than forecast range; D: no comparison possible). The last letter is a stand in for a future comparison which needs to be done statistically after a large number of forecasts have been made. In previous data, an excellent match is generally AAAAA; a good match as one or two B's; a fair match has several B's and C's and a poor match is one which contains a number of C's or D's. 




O: 22AUG2024 07:37:38  24.0N  122.4E Mw=4.0  EMSC   TAIWAN REGION

O: 22AUG2024 13:56:42  24.4N  122.0E ML=4.1  EMSC   TAIWAN                       

P: 23AUG2024 165648    24.0N  122.0E 4.0-5.4 AAAAA  Taiwan                     


O: 22AUG2024 15:45:49  26.7N   96.0E ML=4.1  EMSC   MYANMAR-INDIA BORDER REGION  

P: 21AUG2024 165640    27.0N   97.0E 4.0-5.4 AAAAA  Myanmar                    


O: 22AUG2024 22:47:35  36.6N   70.5E mb=4.2  EMSC   HINDU KUSH REGION, AFGHANISTAN

P: 23AUG2024 165667    36.0N   71.0E 3.8-5.6 AAAAA  Hindu Kush/Pakistan        


O: 23AUG2024 05:06:48  52.8N  161.0E Mw=5.3  EMSC   OFF EAST COAST OF KAMCHATKA  

O: 23AUG2024 05:39:14  52.8N  161.0E mb=4.3  EMSC   OFF EAST COAST OF KAMCHATKA

P: 28AUG2024 165757    52.0N  161.0E 4.0-5.4 BAAAA  E. of Kamchatka            


NEIC reported this earthquake of M 5.3 in Kamchatka, Russia was felt with intensity up to VI in the area(s) of Kamchatka, Russia in Petropavlosk.




O: 22AUG2024 21:14:07   3.0N  127.8E ML=4.2  EMSC   KEPULAUAN TALAUD, INDONESIA

O: 22AUG2024 17:44:22   2.0N  127.2E mb=4.8  EMSC   HALMAHERA, INDONESIA         

P: 23AUG2024 165576     2.0N  128.0E 4.0-5.4 AAAAA  Halmahera                   


BMG reported this earthquake of M 5.2 in Talaud Islands was felt with intensity up to III in the area(s) of Talaud Islands  in Miangas, Essang, Nanusa, Gemeh and in Sangihe at Marore.


O: 22AUG2024 18:32:09   3.7S  152.0E Mw=5.1  EMSC   NEW IRELAND REGION, P.N.G.   

P: 25AUG2024 165593     5.0S  151.0E 4.0-5.5 BBAAA  New Ireland                


O: 23AUG2024 00:26:50   3.8S  135.0E ML=4.0  EMSC   PAPUA, INDONESIA             

P: 23AUG2024 165605     4.0S  136.0E 4.0-5.6 AAAAA  West Irian, PNG             


O: 22AUG2024 17:21:14   5.9N  126.8E Mw=4.9  EMSC   MINDANAO, PHILIPPINES        

P: 25AUG2024 165579     6.0N  126.0E 4.0-5.5 BAAAA  Mindanao, Philippines      


O: 22AUG2024 22:37:30   5.9S  128.4E mb=4.3  EMSC   BANDA SEA                    

P: 23AUG2024 165583     7.0S  129.0E 4.0-5.4 ABAAA  Banda Sea                  


BMG reported this earthquake of M 5.6 in Tanimbar, Indonesia was felt with intensity up to III in the area(s) of Tanimbar, Indonesia in Kab. Kepulauan Tanimbar at Selaru and in Maluku at Pulau Masela, Dawelor Dawera, Pulau Wetang.


O: 22AUG2024 18:10:40   6.8S  152.4E mb=5.0  EMSC   NEW BRITAIN REGION, P.N.G.   

P: 21AUG2024 165591     6.0S  152.0E 4.0-5.4 AAAAA  New Britain                


O: 22AUG2024 11:17:13   7.1S  129.7E Mw=5.1  EMSC   KEPULAUAN BABAR, INDONESIA   

P: 23AUG2024 165583     7.0S  129.0E 4.0-5.4 AAAAA  Banda Sea                  



NEIC reported this earthquake of M 5.1 in Eastern Timor, Indonesia was felt with intensity up to II in the area(s) of Eastern Timor, Indonesia in Metinaro.

BMG reported this earthquake of M 5.6 in Tanimbar, Indonesia was felt with intensity up to III in the area(s) of Tanimbar, Indonesia in Kab. Kepulauan Tanimbar at Selaru and in Maluku at Pulau Masela, Dawelor Dawera, Pulau Wetang.


O: 22AUG2024 18:42:28   7.7S  125.8E Mw=5.1  EMSC   KEPULAUAN BARAT DAYA, INDONESI

P: 24AUG2024 165586     5.0S  126.0E 4.0-5.4 ACAAA  Ceram area                 


BMG reported this earthquake of M 5.1 in Timor, Indonesia was felt with intensity up to II in the area(s) of Timor, Indonesia in Kab. Alor at Alor, Mataru, Puerman, Lembur and in Maluku at Wetar.


O: 23AUG2024 03:55:57   9.1S  119.3E mb=4.9  EMSC   SUMBA REGION, INDONESIA      

P: 26AUG2024 165604     8.0S  118.0E 4.0-5.4 BBBAA  Sumbawa Island area        


NEIC reported this earthquake of M 4.9 in Sumba, Indonesia was felt with intensity up to III in the area(s) of Sumba, Indonesia in Tambolaka.


O: 23AUG2024 04:24:57  10.2N  126.8E ML=4.0  EMSC   PHILIPPINE ISLANDS REGION    

P: 27AUG2024 165619    11.0N  126.0E 3.5-5.1 BAAAA  Luzon, Philippines         


O: 22AUG2024 12:04:52  12.5N  124.6E mb=4.5  EMSC   SAMAR, PHILIPPINES           

P: 21AUG2024 165619    12.0N  126.0E 3.5-4.9 AABAA  Luzon, Philippines         

P: 22AUG2024 165619    13.0N  126.0E 3.5-5.3 AABAA  Luzon, Philippines         


O: 22AUG2024 21:50:42  20.0N  121.3E ML=4.1  EMSC   BATAN ISL REGION, PHILIPPINES

P: 24AUG2024 165647    20.0N  122.0E 4.0-5.7 AAAAA  Taiwan                     





O: 22AUG2024 14:35:51  11.8N   86.6W ML=4.4  EMSC   NEAR COAST OF NICARAGUA      

P: 26AUG2024 165624    12.0N   87.0W 3.5-5.5 BAAAA  Nicaragua                  


NEIC reported this earthquake of M 4.2 in Nicaragua was felt with intensity up to IV in the area(s) of Nicaragua in Masachapa, Ciudad Sandino, Managua.


O: 23AUG2024 06:14:17  14.0N   93.2W ML=4.3  EMSC   OFF COAST OF CHIAPAS, MEXICO 

O: 22AUG2024 14:49:29  14.5N   92.0W ML=4.0  EMSC   GUATEMALA                    

P: 20AUG2024 165336    14.0N   93.0W 3.5-5.1 AAAAA  Chiapas, Mexico            


O: 22AUG2024 22:15:50  15.4N   94.7W ML=4.0  EMSC   OFFSHORE OAXACA, MEXICO

O: 23AUG2024 06:38:18  14.8N   94.3W ML=4.2  EMSC   OFF COAST OF CHIAPAS, MEXICO 

P: 27AUG2024 165612    15.0N   95.0W 3.5-5.1 BAAAA  Chiapas, Mexico            


O: 22AUG2024 19:49:40  17.2N  101.2W ML=4.0  EMSC   OFFSHORE GUERRERO, MEXICO    

P: 16AUG2024 165347    17.0N  101.0W 3.5-5.3 CAAAA  Michoacan, Mexico          

P: 26AUG2024 165622    18.0N  102.0W 3.5-5.2 BAAAA  Michoacan, Mexico          


O: 23AUG2024 00:11:25  19.0N   67.5W MD=3.6  EMSC   PUERTO RICO REGION           

P: 22AUG2024 165628    19.0N   68.0W 3.4-5.3 AAAAA  Puerto Rico                


O: 22AUG2024 07:50:14  19.9N   71.0W ML=3.3  EMSC   DOMINICAN REPUBLIC           

P: 29AUG2024 165632    20.0N   71.0W 3.0-4.9 CAAAA  Bahamas/No. Caribbean      


O: 22AUG2024 10:21:59  20.2S   66.1W ML=4.1  EMSC   POTOSI, BOLIVIA              

P: 24AUG2024 165798    21.0S   67.0W 4.0-5.6 AAAAA  Argentina                   


O: 23AUG2024 00:35:12  20.3S   69.1W mb=4.4  EMSC   TARAPACA, CHILE              

P: 22AUG2024 165808    20.0S   70.0W 4.0-5.6 AAAAA  So. Peru/Bolivia           


NEIC reported this earthquake of M 4.4 in Northern Chile was felt with intensity up to IV in the area(s) of Northern Chile in Iquique, Tarapaca.


O: 23AUG2024 06:16:04  21.9S   67.2W mb=4.4  EMSC   POTOSI, BOLIVIA

P: 27AUG2024 165799    24.0S   66.0W 4.0-5.8 BCAAA  Argentina                  


O: 23AUG2024 01:54:51  31.5S   70.9W ML=4.0  EMSC   COQUIMBO, CHILE              

P: 21AUG2024 165813    31.0S   72.0W 4.0-5.7 AAAAA  Central Chile              





O: 22AUG2024 21:47:26  64.3N   23.6W ML=3.2  EMSC   ICELAND REGION

O: 22AUG2024 22:37:38  63.9N   22.3W ML=3.5  EMSC   ICELAND REGION               

P: 23AUG2024 165778    63.0N   23.0W 3.0-4.6 AAAAA  Iceland area               




O: 22AUG2024 12:34:56  18.9S  177.2W mb=4.9  EMSC   FIJI REGION                  

P: 24AUG2024 165795    19.0S  177.0W 4.0-5.6 AAAAA  Tonga Islands              


O: 22AUG2024 20:33:52  19.1S  169.3E mb=4.7  EMSC   VANUATU                      

P: 23AUG2024 165797    19.0S  168.0E 4.0-5.6 AAAAA  Vanuatu Islands            


No significant (M>=5) or unusual earthquakes were reported in the Southwest Pacific region today.




O: 23AUG2024 04:45:18  53.0S   21.1E mb=5.5  EMSC   SOUTH OF AFRICA

O: 23AUG2024 04:48:57  52.9S   21.1E mb=5.5  EMSC   SOUTH OF AFRICA              

P: 29AUG2024 165827    53.0S   19.0E 4.0-5.9 CABAA  Atlantic-Indian Ridge      





O: 23AUG2024 02:01:59  32.4S  150.9E Mw=4.8  EMSC   NEW SOUTH WALES, AUSTRALIA

O: 23AUG2024 02:15:44  32.3S  150.9E ML=2.9  EMSC   NEW SOUTH WALES, AUSTRALIA   




No earthquakes of M>=4 were located in Japan or the Kuril Islands today.








O: 22AUG2024 07:51:54  31.4N  115.5W ML=3.0  EMSC   BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO

O: 22AUG2024 09:34:32  31.4N  115.5W ML=3.1  EMSC   BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO

O: 22AUG2024 10:52:52  31.4N  115.5W ML=3.2  EMSC   BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO

O: 22AUG2024 21:00:18  31.4N  115.4W ML=3.2  EMSC   BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO

O: 22AUG2024 21:42:37  31.4N  115.6W ML=3.3  EMSC   BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO

O: 22AUG2024 09:58:09  31.3N  115.3W ML=3.1  EMSC   BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO      

P: 24AUG2024 165691    32.1N  115.4W 2.5-4.6 AAAAA  So. California             


O: 22AUG2024 08:08:29  30.6N  115.6W ML=3.2  EMSC   BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO       

P: 26AUG2024 165687    30.2N  114.1W 2.0-3.9 BABAA  SW U.S.A                   


O: 22AUG2024 07:52:57  31.0N  116.8W ML=3.2  EMSC   OFFSHORE BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXI

P: 18AUG2024 165419    31.5N  116.3W 2.5-4.5 BAAAA  So. California             


O: 23AUG2024 05:12:59  36.0N  117.7W ML=2.4  EMSC   CENTRAL CALIFORNIA           

P: 19AUG2024 165427    35.8N  117.6W 2.5-4.6 BAAAA  So. California             


O: 22AUG2024 21:51:46  37.0N  119.8W MD=2.1  EMSC   CENTRAL CALIFORNIA           

P: 19AUG2024 165385    36.6N  120.7W 2.5-4.7 BAAAA  Central California         


O: 22AUG2024 09:10:41  40.2N  124.7W MD=3.0  EMSC   OFFSHORE NORTHERN CALIFORNIA 

P: 22AUG2024 165737    40.3N  124.7W 2.5-4.4 AAAAA  Off Coast of No. Calif     





O: 23AUG2024 06:03:02  56.2N  161.2W ML=3.2  EMSC   ALASKA PENINSULA             

P: 22AUG2024 165770    54.5N  161.8W 3.5-4.9 ABAAA  Unimak Islands, Aleutians  


O: 23AUG2024 05:36:55  61.1N  150.8W ML=3.1  EMSC   SOUTHERN ALASKA              

P: 20AUG2024 165506    60.1N  150.6W 3.2-4.9 AAAAA  Central Alaska             


NEIC reported this earthquake of M 3.1 in Southern Alaska was felt with intensity up to II in the area(s) of Southern Alaska in Girdwood.

EMSC reported it at M 4.7 was felt with moderate jolt in Volcano, Eden Roc, Mountain View, Pahoa, Keaau, Hilo, Pepeekeo.


O: 22AUG2024 09:52:53  50.5N  173.4W ML=4.1  EMSC   ANDREANOF ISLANDS, ALEUTIAN IS.

O: 22AUG2024 08:55:16  50.4N  173.6W ML=3.4  EMSC   ANDREANOF ISLANDS, ALEUTIAN IS

P: 24AUG2024 165754    52.1N  172.8W 3.5-5.0 ABAAA  Andreanoff Isls, Aleutians 

P: 25AUG2024 165753    51.2N  174.4W 3.5-4.9 BAAAA  Andreanoff Isls, Aleutians 




O: 23AUG2024 10:23:35  48.7N  128.8W MB=3.7  ECAN OF PORT HARDY, BC               

P: 19AUG2024 165479    48.3N  128.5W 2.8-5.2 BAAAA  Vancouver Island area      

P: 23AUG2024 165747    47.9N  129.1W 2.8-5.4 AAAAA  Vancouver Island area      




O: 23AUG2024 05:38:03  31.7N  104.5W ML=2.0  EMSC   WESTERN TEXAS

O: 23AUG2024 03:21:38  31.6N  104.4W ML=4.0  EMSC   WESTERN TEXAS                

P: 24AUG2024 165688    31.2N  104.1W 2.0-3.9 AAAAA  SW U.S.A                   


NEIC reported this earthquake of M 3.9-4.0 in New Mexico was felt with intensity up to V in the area(s) of New Mexico in Whites City.


O: 23AUG2024 04:38:52  31.7N  101.7W ML=3.2  EMSC   WESTERN TEXAS                

P: 27AUG2024 165688    31.7N  101.0W 2.0-4.1 BAAAA  SW U.S.A                   





O: 23AUG2024 17:01:20  47.5N   70.0W MB=1.7  ECAN OF LA POCATI├¿RE, QC           

P: 24AUG2024 165726    47.0N   70.0W 2.0-4.3 AAAAA  Maine                      


O: 22AUG2024 15:51:58  49.1N   91.5W MB=1.6  ECAN OF ATIKOKAN, ON                




O: 22AUG2024 10:52:44  19.3N  155.1W ML=4.7  EMSC   ISLAND OF HAWAII, HAWAII     

P: 21AUG2024 165616    19.3N  155.3W 3.0-4.6 AAAAA  Hawaii (Eruption)          


EMSC reported it at M 4.7 was felt with moderate jolt in Volcano, Eden Roc, Mountain View, Pahoa, Keaau, Hilo, Pepeekeo.






A series of volcanic eruptions occurred over the past several days. These were

closely associated with tidal stresses associated with the full moon of August 20, 2024. The effects of these stresses had been noted in previous issues of this summary as likely:


"The full moon arrives at 18:26 UT on August 19, 2024.   Longitudes which are at local solar midnight at this time are near 85 East while those at local solar noon are near 95 West. These include areas of central North America and the East Pacific in the west and central Asia including China, India, Nepal in the East. These areas are most likely to see moderate tidal triggering at this time. Tidal enhancement of regional seismicity is possible in many areas, however, a major earthquake associated with this new moon is considered possible in the next week by this report." (August 19-21, 2024)


A strong eruption occurred in Volcan de Fuego at the time of the full moon. This

volcano is in Antigua, Guatemala. at 14.4N 90.9W. In addition a volcano south of Reykjavik, Iceland; several in the area of Indonesia, several in Kamchatka, Russia also were in continuing eruptions. Other areas where seismicity may indicate fresh upcoming eruptions included the Canary Islands and Hawaii.


The strongest earthquake in the world today was an M 5.4 aftershock of the M 7.0 in Kamchatka which occurred on August 17. EMSC reported today's event was felt with moderate shaking in Kamchatka, Russia at Petropavlovsk, Vilyuchinsk, Yelizovo. At the time of the mainshock this summary noted:



"A major earthquake occurred today in the area of Kamchatka. A tsunami warning  was issued but major waves were not observed. This earthquake was followed shortly afterwards by a major volcanic eruption of Sheveluch Volcano which endangered the lives of a number of unauthorized hikers. This eruption caused air traffic and placed the region off limits to residents and visitors. NEIC reported the earthquake was felt with strong intensity (and minor damage)

in Kamchatka with intensity VIII in Oetropavlovsk, and VI in Mohovaja and Jelizovo, Russia. EMSC added the quake was felt strongly in Kamchatka at Pionerskoye, Yelizovo, Razdol'nenskoye, Ust'-Kamchatskoye. Immediate moderate aftershocks of M 4.5, 4.6 and 5.0 were also moderately felt in Kamchatka. Russian news outlets reported residents noted it was "the strong shaking in a long time". No major damage has been reported but some minor damage was reported in the area.


The only report of a tsunami with this earthquake was from a gauge in the north Pacific which measured a maximum tsunami height of 00.25 meters." (August 18, 2024)


Forecast 165757 had expected this earthquake was likely in later August within  about 100 km of these epicenters.


O: 21AUG2024 09:30:34  52.4N  162.2E MB=4.0  EMSC   OFF EAST COAST OF KAMCHATKA  

O: 21AUG2024 08:43:32  52.6N  161.1E mb=4.3  EMSC   OFF EAST COAST OF KAMCHATKA

O: 21AUG2024 08:25:16  52.7N  160.9E mb=4.7  EMSC   OFF EAST COAST OF KAMCHATKA

O: 21AUG2024 23:30:35  52.9N  160.1E mb=5.4  EMSC   OFF EAST COAST OF KAMCHATKA

P: 28AUG2024 165757    52.0N  161.0E 4.0-5.4 CAAAA  E. of Kamchatka            


O: 21AUG2024 14:17:22  54.4N  161.5E MB=4.3  EMSC   NEAR EAST COAST OF KAMCHATKA 

P: 23AUG2024 165757    55.0N  160.0E 4.0-6.0 AAAAA  E. of Kamchatka            


O: 21AUG2024 17:45:36  51.2N  157.8E MB=4.5  EMSC   NEAR EAST COAST OF KAMCHATKA 

P: 21AUG2024 165759    53.0N  158.0E 4.0-5.7 ABAAA  Kamchatka                  


The strongest earthquake in the U.S. or Canada today was an M 3.8 in Southern Alaska. NEIC reported this earthquake of M 3.8 in Southern Alaska was felt with intensity up to II-III in the area(s) of Southern Alaska in Valdez, Eagle River, Chugiak and Anchorage.   The last earthquake within about 100 km of this epicenter with M>=3.8 occurred as an M 3.8 about 100 km west of this on July 31, 2024.


Forecast 165774 had expected today's event within about 50 km was likely around

August 22.


O: 22AUG2024 02:40:21  61.3N  147.0W ML=3.8  EMSC   SOUTHERN ALASKA              

P: 22AUG2024 165774    60.6N  147.6W 3.2-5.0 AAAAA  Central Alaska             


An earthquake of M 3.6 also occurred today in the area of southeastern Alaska near Juneau and was followed by an M 3.0 aftershock near local solar noon. This may have been promoted by tidal stresses with the full moon which maximize near this hour. Forecast 165756 had expected activity within about 50 km  of this epicenter would be enhanced around August 20-22.


O: 20AUG2024 21:28:58  58.3N  132.4W MB=3.0  ECAN OF JUNEAU, AK                  

O: 20AUG2024 17:50:09  59.0N  134.6W MB=3.6  ECAN OF JUNEAU, AK                  

P: 22AUG2024 165756    58.3N  133.5W 3.0-5.4 AAAAA  British Colombia           



For most events there are two listings. The first line is the observed event starting with "O:" for Observed. There follows the date, month and year, the time in UT hours:minutes:seconds, the latitude and longitude, the given magnitude and the reporting agency followed by the geographic location. The second line starts with "P:" This is the forecast event as forecast in our summaries normally more than a month in advance. Magnitudes may vary in response to updated seismic watches and daily variations due to tidal and other influences. This line has the forecast date, month and year, the forecast number, latitude, longitude and forecast magnitude range.  This is followed by a comparison between the forecast and the event. The comparison includes letters A-D. The first is number of days difference from predicted (A:up to 2, B3-5; C:6-10; D:more than 10), Difference in latitude (A:up to 1 degree; B:1-2 degrees; C:2-4 degrees; D:more than 4 degrees); longitude (same comparison as with latitude); magnitude (A: within forecast range; B: higher than forecast range; C: lower than forecast range; D: no comparison possible). The last letter is a stand in for a future comparison which needs to be done statistically after a large number of forecasts have been made. In previous data, an excellent match is generally AAAAA; a good match as one or two B's; a fair match has several B's and C's and a poor match is one which contains a number of C's or D's. 




O: 21AUG2024 08:43:32  52.6N  161.1E mb=4.3  EMSC   OFF EAST COAST OF KAMCHATKA

O: 21AUG2024 08:25:16  52.7N  160.9E mb=4.7  EMSC   OFF EAST COAST OF KAMCHATKA

O: 21AUG2024 23:30:35  52.9N  160.1E mb=5.4  EMSC   OFF EAST COAST OF KAMCHATKA


O: 22AUG2024 01:23:27  24.0N  121.5E ML=4.2  EMSC   TAIWAN                       

P: 19AUG2024 165374    24.0N  121.0E 4.0-5.4 BAAAA  Taiwan                     

P: 22AUG2024 165648    24.0N  123.0E 4.0-5.5 AAAAA  Taiwan                     


O: 21AUG2024 19:01:44  26.3N   59.8E MB=4.4  EMSC   SOUTHEASTERN IRAN            

P: 25AUG2024 165646    27.0N   55.0E 3.5-5.1 BACAA  So. Iran/Persian Gulf      


O: 21AUG2024 16:52:24  34.2N   74.2E MB=3.6  EMSC   SOUTHWESTERN KASHMIR         

P: 22AUG2024 165666    35.0N   74.0E 3.8-5.3 AAAAA  Hindu Kush/Pakistan        


O: 21AUG2024 23:38:01  40.9N   84.0E MB=5.2  EMSC   SOUTHERN XINJIANG, CHINA     

P: 15AUG2024 165453    42.0N   83.0E 4.0-5.4 CBAAA  Kirgizstan/Xinjiang        


O: 21AUG2024 21:14:37  41.3N   78.8E MB=4.6  EMSC   SOUTHERN XINJIANG, CHINA     

P: 17AUG2024 165453    41.0N   78.0E 4.0-5.4 BAAAA  Kirgizstan/Xinjiang        


O: 22AUG2024 02:24:10  37.0N   72.9E MB=4.5  EMSC   HINDU KUSH REGION, AFGHANISTAN

P: 19AUG2024 165396    37.0N   71.0E 3.8-5.5 BABAA  Hindu Kush/Pakistan        

P: 23AUG2024 165667    36.0N   71.0E 3.8-5.6 AABAA  Hindu Kush/Pakistan        


O: 21AUG2024 09:30:34  52.4N  162.2E MB=4.0  EMSC   OFF EAST COAST OF KAMCHATKA  

O: 21AUG2024 08:43:32  52.6N  161.1E mb=4.3  EMSC   OFF EAST COAST OF KAMCHATKA

O: 21AUG2024 08:25:16  52.7N  160.9E mb=4.7  EMSC   OFF EAST COAST OF KAMCHATKA

O: 21AUG2024 23:30:35  52.9N  160.1E mb=5.4  EMSC   OFF EAST COAST OF KAMCHATKA

P: 28AUG2024 165757    52.0N  161.0E 4.0-5.4 CAAAA  E. of Kamchatka            


O: 21AUG2024 14:17:22  54.4N  161.5E MB=4.3  EMSC   NEAR EAST COAST OF KAMCHATKA 

P: 23AUG2024 165757    55.0N  160.0E 4.0-6.0 AAAAA  E. of Kamchatka            


O: 21AUG2024 17:45:36  51.2N  157.8E MB=4.5  EMSC   NEAR EAST COAST OF KAMCHATKA 

P: 21AUG2024 165759    53.0N  158.0E 4.0-5.7 ABAAA  Kamchatka                  





O: 22AUG2024 04:43:12   0.0N  123.8E MB=4.6  EMSC   MINAHASA, SULAWESI, INDONESIA

P: 21AUG2024 165603     1.0S  124.0E 4.0-5.6 AAAAA  Sulawesi area              


O: 22AUG2024 04:03:22   1.4N  121.3E ML=4.1  EMSC   MINAHASA, SULAWESI, INDONESIA

P: 15AUG2024 165291     1.0N  122.0E 4.0-5.5 CAAAA  Celebes Sea                


O: 21AUG2024 08:06:27   2.4N  128.5E ML=4.1  EMSC   HALMAHERA, INDONESIA         

P: 23AUG2024 165576     2.0N  128.0E 4.0-5.4 AAAAA  Halmahera                  


O: 21AUG2024 13:27:39   3.3N  122.6E MB=4.7  EMSC   CELEBES SEA                  

P: 22AUG2024 165579     4.0N  126.0E 4.0-5.4 AACAA  Mindanao, Philippines      

P: 31AUG2024 165578     4.0N  123.0E 4.0-5.4 CAAAA  Mindanao, Philippines      


O: 21AUG2024 07:07:41   6.5S  104.4E ML=4.3  EMSC   SUNDA STRAIT, INDONESIA      

P: 24AUG2024 165601     6.0S  104.0E 4.0-5.4 BAAAA  So. of Sumatera            


O: 21AUG2024 13:38:19   6.7S  128.0E MB=4.6  EMSC   BANDA SEA                    

P: 23AUG2024 165583     7.0S  129.0E 4.0-5.4 AAAAA  Banda Sea                  


O: 21AUG2024 08:29:23   8.8S  117.7E ML=4.3  EMSC   SUMBAWA REGION, INDONESIA    

P: 26AUG2024 165604     8.0S  118.0E 4.0-5.4 BAAAA  Sumbawa Island area        


O: 21AUG2024 11:58:27  10.1S  116.4E MB=4.8  EMSC   SOUTH OF LOMBOK, INDONESIA   

P: 11AUG2024 165530    10.0S  116.0E 4.0-5.4 CAAAA  Sumbawa Island area        

P: 30AUG2024 165793    10.0S  116.0E 4.0-5.4 CAAAA  Sumbawa Island area        


O: 21AUG2024 18:37:26  10.2N  126.6E ML=4.3  EMSC   PHILIPPINE ISLANDS REGION    

P: 27AUG2024 165619    11.0N  126.0E 3.5-5.1 CAAAA  Luzon, Philippines         





O: 21AUG2024 14:13:14  11.8N   87.5W MB=4.8  EMSC   NEAR COAST OF NICARAGUA      

P: 26AUG2024 165624    12.0N   87.0W 3.5-5.5 BAAAA  Nicaragua                  


O: 21AUG2024 17:55:44  13.1N   90.7W MW=4.8  EMSC   OFFSHORE GUATEMALA           

O: 21AUG2024 10:38:11  13.3N   89.5W ML=4.3  EMSC   OFFSHORE EL SALVADOR         

P: 18AUG2024 165341    13.0N   90.0W 3.5-5.5 BAAAA  Guatemala                  


O: 22AUG2024 03:57:06  14.1N   91.5W MB=4.3  EMSC   GUATEMALA                    

P: 18AUG2024 165341    13.0N   90.0W 3.5-5.5 BAAAA  Guatemala                  


O: 21AUG2024 19:05:23  14.5S   73.4W MB=4.4  EMSC   CENTRAL PERU                 

P: 19AUG2024 165523    15.0S   73.0W 4.0-5.8 AAAAA  Central Peru               


O: 21AUG2024 17:48:53  16.7N   99.1W ML=4.0  EMSC   GUERRERO, MEXICO             

P: 20AUG2024 165353    16.0N  100.0W 3.5-5.1 AAAAA  Oaxaca, Mexico             


O: 21AUG2024 20:44:12  16.9N   61.0W ML=3.5  EMSC   ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA REGION   

P: 23AUG2024 165617    17.0N   61.0W 3.0-5.2 AAAAA  Leeward Islands            


O: 21AUG2024 22:47:14  18.2N   68.7W ML=3.1  EMSC   DOMINICAN REPUBLIC           

P: 22AUG2024 165628    19.0N   68.0W 3.4-5.3 AAAAA  Puerto Rico                


O: 21AUG2024 17:00:32  21.4S   66.8W ML=4.4  EMSC   POTOSI, BOLIVIA               

P: 24AUG2024 165798    21.0S   67.0W 4.0-5.6 BAAAA  Argentina                  


O: 21AUG2024 20:17:02  21.5N   99.4W ML=4.0  EMSC   SAN LUIS POTOSI, MEXICO      

P: 26AUG2024 165643    20.0N   99.0W 3.0-4.7 BBAAA  Northern Mexico             




O: 22AUG2024 00:19:25  35.7N   27.6E ML=4.2  EMSC   DODECANESE ISLANDS, GREECE   

P: 26AUG2024 165706    36.0N   29.0E 3.5-5.3 AAAAA  Turkey                     


EMSC reported this earthquake of M 3.8 in the Aegean Sea, Greece was felt with intensity up to IV in the area(s) of the Aegean Sea, Greece at Eresos, Lesvos, Sigri, and in Turkey at Sefa Camlik, Sakarya, Ali Cetinkaya, Narli.

EMSC reported this earthquake of M 4.0 in Dodecanese Islands, Greece was felt with intensity up to IV in the area(s) of Dodecanese Islands, Greece at Kattavia.


O: 22AUG2024 03:25:18  71.2N    1.8E ML=3.9  EMSC   NORWEGIAN SEA                

O: 22AUG2024 03:54:34  76.3N    4.5E MB=3.9  EMSC   GREENLAND SEA                

P: 15AUG2024 165520    72.0N    0.0E 3.0-4.6 CAAAA  Norway                     


O: 22AUG2024 05:47:35  78.6N   19.7E MB=4.1  EMSC   SVALBARD REGION              

P: 13AUG2024 165520    74.0N   14.0E 3.0-4.4 CCAAA  Norway                     




O: 21AUG2024 08:06:54  22.2S  179.5W MB=5.1  EMSC   SOUTH OF FIJI ISLANDS        

P: 19AUG2024 165546    22.0S  179.0W 4.0-5.6 AAAAA  Tonga Islands              




O: 22AUG2024 01:17:26  56.1S   30.6W MB=4.7  EMSC   SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION

P: 20AUG2024 165567    56.0S   29.0W 4.0-5.8 AAAAA  So. Sandwich Islands       


No significant (M>=5) or unusual earthquakes were reported on Ocean Ridges today.





O: 21AUG2024 19:50:59  41.3S  172.5E ML=3.7  EMSC   SOUTH ISLAND OF NEW ZEALAND  

P: 24AUG2024 165824    42.0S  172.0E 3.0-4.9 BAAAA  So. Island, N.Z.           


No earthquakes of M>=4 were recorded in the regions of Zealandia or Australia





O: 21AUG2024 13:18:30  41.5N  142.0E ML=3.9  EMSC   HOKKAIDO, JAPAN REGION       

O: 21AUG2024 21:05:23  42.6N  146.4E MB=4.6  EMSC   OFF COAST OF HOKKAIDO, JAPAN 

P: 19AUG2024 165449    42.0N  143.0E 3.5-5.4 AABAA  Hokkaido, Japan            


O: 21AUG2024 14:33:30  28.1N  129.1E ML=4.0  EMSC   RYUKYU ISLANDS, JAPAN        

P: 24AUG2024 165637    29.0N  130.0E 4.0-5.4 BAAAA  Kyushu Japan               


O: 22AUG2024 01:51:30  31.1N  131.6E ML=4.1  EMSC   KYUSHU, JAPAN                

P: 20AUG2024 165399    32.0N  132.0E 3.5-5.9 AAAAA  Kyushu, Japan area         








O: 21AUG2024 07:27:48  30.5N  115.1W ML=3.1  EMSC   BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO

O: 21AUG2024 19:04:05  30.6N  115.8W ML=3.1  EMSC   BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO

O: 21AUG2024 08:37:40  30.9N  116.2W ML=3.4  EMSC   OFFSHORE BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO

O: 21AUG2024 19:50:03  30.9N  116.4W ML=3.3  EMSC   OFFSHORE BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO

O: 21AUG2024 08:23:54  30.9N  116.2W ML=3.4  EMSC   OFFSHORE BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXI

P: 18AUG2024 165419    31.5N  116.3W 2.5-4.5 BAAAA  So. California             


O: 22AUG2024 02:13:10  33.6N  117.3W ML=2.2  EMSC   SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA          

P: 23AUG2024 165690    32.9N  117.6W 2.5-4.6 AAAAA  So. California             


O: 22AUG2024 06:35:24  35.1N  119.1W ML=2.1  EMSC   CENTRAL CALIFORNIA           

P: 24AUG2024 165697    34.7N  119.0W 2.5-4.4 AAAAA  So. California             


O: 21AUG2024 10:57:37  35.6N  117.5W ML=2.3  EMSC   SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA          

P: 19AUG2024 165427    35.8N  117.6W 2.5-4.6 AAAAA  So. California             


O: 21AUG2024 09:20:34  36.9N  119.5W MD=2.1  EMSC   CENTRAL CALIFORNIA           

P: 19AUG2024 165384    36.1N  120.1W 2.5-4.6 AAAAA  Central California         


O: 22AUG2024 02:06:49  38.5N  122.7W MD=2.3  EMSC   NORTHERN CALIFORNIA          

P: 23AUG2024 165659    38.9N  122.8W 2.5-4.7 AAAAA  Central California         


O: 21AUG2024 12:10:47  38.7N  118.6W ML=2.1  EMSC   NEVADA                       

P: 18AUG2024 165383    38.6N  118.6W 2.5-4.8 BAAAA  California/Nevada area     

P: 20AUG2024 165382    38.0N  118.8W 2.5-4.7 AAAAA  California/Nevada area     





O: 22AUG2024 02:40:21  61.3N  147.0W ML=3.8  EMSC   SOUTHERN ALASKA              

P: 22AUG2024 165774    60.6N  147.6W 3.2-5.0 AAAAA  Central Alaska              


O: 20AUG2024 21:28:58  58.3N  132.4W MB=3.0  ECAN OF JUNEAU, AK                  

O: 20AUG2024 17:50:09  59.0N  134.6W MB=3.6  ECAN OF JUNEAU, AK                  

P: 22AUG2024 165756    58.3N  133.5W 3.0-5.4 AAAAA  British Colombia           




No events of M>=2 were located in the northwestern U.S. or western Canada today.




O: 21AUG2024 14:08:13  31.6N  104.5W ML=2.3  EMSC   WESTERN TEXAS

O: 21AUG2024 14:09:21  31.6N  104.5W ML=2.7  EMSC   WESTERN TEXAS

O: 21AUG2024 15:03:08  31.6N  104.2W ML=2.1  EMSC   WESTERN TEXAS

O: 21AUG2024 14:06:19  31.6N  104.6W ML=2.3  EMSC   WESTERN TEXAS                

P: 24AUG2024 165688    31.2N  104.1W 2.0-3.9 BAAAA  SW U.S.A                   


O: 21AUG2024 07:25:14  37.6N  104.1W ML=2.2  EMSC   COLORADO                     

P: 21AUG2024 165663    37.1N  104.7W 2.0-4.3 AAAAA  Colorado area              




O: 21AUG2024 20:54:04  35.1N   96.2W ML=2.0  EMSC   OKLAHOMA                      

P: 23AUG2024 165703    35.0N   97.0W 2.0-4.1 AAAAA  Southeast U.S.             


O: 21AUG2024 08:56:38  45.8N   74.5W MB=2.5  ECAN OF WENTWORTH-NORD, QC          

O: 21AUG2024 08:55:41  45.1N   74.1W MB=2.0  ECAN OF HUNTINGDON, QC               

P: 23AUG2024 165733    45.0N   73.0W 2.0-4.5 AAAAA  New England                

P: 23AUG2024 165734    44.5N   73.7W 2.0-4.6 AAAAA  New York State             


O: 21AUG2024 03:19:40  47.9N   69.9W MB=1.7  ECAN OF SAINT-SIM├⌐ON, QC           

P: 24AUG2024 165726    47.0N   70.0W 2.0-4.3 BAAAA  Maine                      




O: 21AUG2024 13:51:01  19.4N  155.2W ML=3.0  EMSC   ISLAND OF HAWAII, HAWAII

O: 22AUG2024 05:17:55  19.4N  155.2W ML=3.2  EMSC   ISLAND OF HAWAII, HAWAII

O: 21AUG2024 07:28:42  19.4N  155.2W ML=3.4  EMSC   ISLAND OF HAWAII, HAWAII     

P: 21AUG2024 165616    19.3N  155.3W 3.0-4.6 AAAAA  Hawaii (Eruption)          


NEIC reported this earthquake of M 3.4 in Hawaii was felt with intensity up to II in the area(s) of Hawaii in Volcano.